Grow #2 - First ever tent attempt (say that after a few)!

  • Thread starter lenhug
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See, I actually think I should be chopping now looking at them but I said I would wait till Sunday as a good friend is bringing his plants over to chop as I kindly offered to dry and cure them in the Cannatrol for him. Yes, yes, I bloody bought one! It's amazing but that's another discussion to be had.

Does anyone think another 4/5 days will be that detrimental to mine or just gonna be more sleepy amber?

The extra couple days will not matter. Looking good


Ok, so I'll give you all one guess what I got today? 😄

Absolutely amazing and I bought one after reading a brilliant tip on reddit to get it held steady. I can finally, finally eliminate the bane of my life - shakey hand (tm). Which causes me all sort of problems when trying to use my loupe or take any photos of the plants and particularly peer at the trichonomes up close. Especially useful for deciding harvest time!

Trichonomes, trichonomes? What am I talking about?!


Losing my mind. 🤪


That's a game changer! Your photography has gone up 7 levels mate!
Taking decent photos is something I'm struggling with still. I've got the x40 loop but not sure if it is, I can't see as close up as your shots so just brought another loop x60 to see if that helps.
But getting a shot through it is very difficult, not from movement (I could have been a sniper, if I'd signed up) but from trying to get the camera to focus. I am using my phone with the loop held to the camera lense
Ok, so I'll give you all one guess what I got today? 😄

Absolutely amazing and I bought one after reading a brilliant tip on reddit to get it held steady. I can finally, finally eliminate the bane of my life - shakey hand (tm). Which causes me all sort of problems when trying to use my loupe or take any photos of the plants and particularly peer at the trichonomes up close. Especially useeful for deciding harvest time!

I think we're extremely close if not ready to go chopping.

p.s. The tip a mic stand and you can attach the microscope to that and hey presto, no more shaking! Genius.
p.p.s. It was a cheap as chips micropscope from Amz ($30) and a mic stand ($16). Happy to link if anyone interested.

Day 121

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Thanks. Yeh, the loupe I have is great but this is just so much easier for me. Highly recommend if you've got a spare £30 or so.


Thanks. Yeh, the loupe I have is great but this is just so much easier for me. Highly recommend if you've got a spare £30 or so.
If you got the Amazon link of what you're using that would be greatly appreciated mate


Hello mate, missed this somehow.

These are the two I ordered:

This thing was slightly fiddly to setup, stupid ppl in comments saying doesn't work and not reading the instructions. It might need a full charge before you can get the weak onboard wifi working and then just make sure it's connected to your phone before you run the accompanying (crappy but essential) app. Gimme a shout if any issues.

Any will do as long as they come with the mic holder which is where you'll stick the microscope instead.

Hope that makes sense. I'm sure Amz UK will have same or similar.
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Aaaaand, we are done. 🫡

20240310 162043

That was rather epic, lots of trails and tribulations shall we say (and most importantly, knowledge gained) but they got there in the end. Smell absolutely delicious and the amount of kief coming off the SMC was just silly. This plant is just amazing, as we all know.

Not huge weights compared to most of you other growers I know but it's all personal (plus family and friends) so fine by me for this time round. Learnt so, so much with it being my first tent grow so feeling good about the next (see thread in sig if interested).

And a BIG thank you to all of you who took the time to suggest, cajole and assist. You know who you are. 😊

Day 126


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p.s. In to the crazy machine they go for their drying and curing. A friends harvest also in there. Will update once they're done.

The Froot Fuel which has already been through and curing an additional 3/4 weeks is absolutely delicious now. Really fruity with a gassy back end and smoooooooth as you like.

Happy days! 🙃

20240310 153037

20240310 153041



I bloody love me some tech. 🤓

And of course we've discussed the 'mare of my drying/curing environment. So went with this after much investigation. Works incredibly well I have to say.


Hello mate, missed this somehow.

These are the two I ordered:

This thing was slightly fiddly to setup, stupid ppl in comments saying doesn't work and not reading the instructions. It might need a full charge before you can get the weak onboard wifi working and then just make sure it's connected to your phone before you run the accompanying (crappy but essential) app. Gimme a shout if any issues.

Any will do as long as they come with the mic holder which is where you'll stick the microscope instead.

Hope that makes sense. I'm sure Amz UK will have same or similar.


Not sure if you saw this?
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I bloody love me some tech. 🤓

And of course we've discussed the 'mare of my drying/curing environment. So went with this after much investigation. Works incredibly well I have to say.

Very cool piece of tech. Their website really trying to sell its virtues.


Haha, aren't they just but they seem pretty above board and industry uses them on a larger scale so to speak. And the proof is in the pudding as they say and I really can't complain from my initial baseline run with it.

I wish I was able to create a stable drying/curing room but it's just not possible for me at the moment with my setup/options so invested in this.


Haha, aren't they just but they seem pretty above board and industry uses them on a larger scale so to speak. And the proof is in the pudding as they say and I really can't complain from my initial baseline run with it.

I wish I was able to create a stable drying/curing room but it's just not possible for me at the moment with my setup/options so invested in this.
Quite expensive, I could setup a few more complete tents for the cost.

How much can it hold?

You would still have to store it properly after the cure, unless you leave it in the unit but then there's no room for the next harvest.

Need to find some more information then what's available on the website, I'm pretty handy so maybe I can try to DIY something similar.

Definitely interesting but wouldn't make since for me, just because of the price.

I'm really looking forward to your long term review of it!


Yeh, I totally get it. It is eye wateringly expensive, can't get away from that but they are the only ones doing it for small, home growers. I just don't have the room or able to control the environment for a proper setup though.

It holds 2.2lb max and you can store it in a cool, dark place after it's cured (and continue the curing), like normal really. Now that I do have, of sorts. But I get your point.

There's actually a Cannatroll (🤭) thread somewhere on here that I follow where other people have successfully, they claim, made their own which is pretty cool. If i tried that I'd spend hundreds of dollars and completely f@ck it up! 😄


Quite an interesting endorsement from Jimbo at Mephisto who uses it.

I mean it's basically an ad for them (but that's fair enough imo - who wouldn't?) and I don't personally think he'd put his or the companies name to that if he wasn't convinced it worked (ymmv).


Nice one thanks mate.
I've ordered the usb camera, which totally makes sense being able to see what you're doing and the pictures it's capturing.

I've saved the mix holder and will see how I get on with the stand it comes with for now.
But really appreciate that mate


No worries, hope your grow is going well. My first seed popped in my next grow (in the other thread) and just about to order a 5x5! Exciting times! 🙃


No worries, hope your grow is going well. My first seed popped in my next grow (in the other thread) and just about to order a 5x5! Exciting times! 🙃
Hello mate. Hope you're good and well?

Harvested the creme brulé. Ok yield, 1.25oz dry but the quality it's great (been smoking a bit while curing). It can do a job but it isn't strong and I'm sure I harvested early, but I think there's maybe some things that caused issues. Only used miracle gro and the roots were thing stringy things. Also dropped the online fan and broke a branch so she had a tough time, but lessons learned.

Just harvested the big bud an hour ago and trimmed all the fan leaves off and now she's hanging to dry.
She's got a much bigger yield and was considerably further progressed. Some amber and loads of cloudy trichomes, so see what this is like in a few weeks 😁
Any advice on the drying? I struggled to know when the CB was dry and maybe over dried 🤷🏻‍♂️

The two f1's are taking off! Just turned 5 weeks old and not only a better strain but getting far better treatment from me as well. I'll get a photo shortly.

And thanks for the advice regarding the usb camera! What a game changer, even when I hold it in my hand!

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