Hats Off To All The Fearless Canna Warriors

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Hello all I was sitting there this morning puffing along and drinking coffee thinking about how corrupt so much of life is and how unfair it can be when I suddenly remembered that I have live marijuana growing and it is legal, wow. I literally just got off parole for a 6 year prison sentence for cultivation I even had a licence. it did not matter I had no money so no representation bye bye see ya in a while.
So this is amazing.
After another puff and a good cough /more coffee,,, I came to the realization that I am a hero I am one of the people who brought canna into the light of day despite the govt seeking to interfere. they hurt me bad as well as many others like me people who were growing medicine for people to help people to make the world a better place. they imprisoned us took away our citizenship and forever ruined our credibility with a felony conviction.and generally fucked us in the ass with no vaseline. but despite that we battled on risking our freedom and status in society in order to continue and perpetuate canna as a wonder not a drug.
To all my fellow warriors my hat is off to you.
much love


but change is coming my friend as more states see the financial gain they will jump on board and a predominance of states overrides federal law. the feds are not worried about small time medical grows they are worried about warehouse multi state grows with lots of plants and cash. it costs a lot of money to prosecute someone, they will try to get the most for their dollar .


Until late the Feds declassify mj, all of us are at risk. I don't give 2 shits what Obama's dumb ass says. If the Feds want to make an example out of you, they will.


I get a lump in my throat thinking about a meeting this weekend with a politician who is supportive. Ive been off the radar for a while and will be basically unmasking to tell my story and advance prop 205 on the ballot nov which will legalize recreationally.

It sucks that exercising your freedom of speech can triger an inveatigation or even being framed. Ive been suffering with pain from the many surgerys and hardware over the years, Over a year ive been obstaining from medicating or cultivating in anticipation of being targeted.

I did my small parts with prop 203 poked a lot of eyes under anonymity, this time years have passed and now politicians are looking at the economic windfall. Ive had offers to run disp grows early on and turned them down flat, followed the few raids through the courts with favorable outcomes in the end but damaging thru the process.

Now not seeing the legal cultivators raided anylonger is somewhat reassuring, I just hope enough time has passed.. My advocacy of Prop 205 will actually center on MMJ, eliminating the 25 mile rule allowing 6 plants and negating CPS threat on MMJ patients.

The fight still continues. I said years ago before CO legalized that it would be great to all get together after legalization have a party where you had to log in showing your underground name. That would be cool and I think this next administration congress will change things.

So to fello warriors including those locked up who may not see this for years, thanks.
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In Oregon we can now grow semi-legally but if you had prior arrests/convictions having to do with cannabis you are aced out of being licensed or growing medicine. It is so unfair that the pioneers of the industry are punished but the avergae Joe like me can now grow. Not right at all.......

Thank you for paving the way and I hope someday the rules will not exclude folks who built the industry.



Dabbling in Oil
Some of us are just neighbors to your wonderful mountainous state, where they wait at the border and profile people with out of state license plates and pull up behind them to see if they cringe...
Even if they do legalize I don't think it is right for big brother to have his hand in everyones pocket.
It's a plant, God created it, we should be able to grow ANY plant for medicinal purposes without oversight or regulation from the government, it's part of my religion, it mentions it in the first book of the bible.

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