HELP. Can’t tell what’s happening..

  • Thread starter Skidoo850
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What they look like now.
They are looking better, seems like you got the light in a better range, you still have some time to fatten those buds up. Keep her happy see what she can do. It's going to be hard to know if the plant is happy in the light, as the leaves have so much damage, because of the damage low side on the recommended levels will probably be benfishal. She will have a hard time processing the light but if you can get it in her sweet spot, she should fatten up.


They are looking better, seems like you got the light in a better range, you still have some time to fatten those buds up. Keep her happy see what she can do. It's going to be hard to know if the plant is happy in the light, as the leaves have so much damage, because of the damage low side on the recommended levels will probably be benfishal. She will have a hard time processing the light but if you can get it in her sweet spot, she should fatten up.
I know drives me crazy about the light not knowing for sure. Just seems dim to me🤷‍♂️. I hope the issue was not watering all the way thru and lights!!! If not I guess I’m back at square one for the next one. 🤷‍♂️.
I’m starting funeral cake made in prudenville, Michigan. uncle Pete seeds. I still think coco best soil because of the drainage. I feel like that’s easier to tell when dry. I don’t understand why people say that’s not the soil for beginners??


They are looking better, seems like you got the light in a better range, you still have some time to fatten those buds up. Keep her happy see what she can do. It's going to be hard to know if the plant is happy in the light, as the leaves have so much damage, because of the damage low side on the recommended levels will probably be benfishal. She will have a hard time processing the light but if you can get it in her sweet spot, she should fatten up.
They are looking better, seems like you got the light in a better range, you still have some time to fatten those buds up. Keep her happy see what she can do. It's going to be hard to know if the plant is happy in the light, as the leaves have so much damage, because of the damage low side on the recommended levels will probably be benfishal. She will have a hard time processing the light but if you can get it in her sweet spot, she should fatten up.
How many more weeks you think they have by the looks? May be an impossible question…


It'll take a good hit in growth due to the minor run ins you had, those things unfortunately add up, but you'll definitely learn and I guarantee you'll nail your next grow! Someone had told me when I first started that "watering is a science".

Get yourself a soil moisture meter off amazon, it will save your ass especially for being new and eventually you'll be able to tell when it's time to water without even using it! 👽


Pull back the feed to light nute schedule. This looks like you may have went too big on the nutes during an adjustment week. I guess in the soil world it could be other things like sodium or nute buildup in the soil? It’s simply too high PPM, back it down or she will keep yellowing and toasting the tips. When plants get too many nutes they will push all to the top and burn them by pushing it to the farthest reaches. Drop the nutes down or flush and start over Light Feed.


Tell us what PPM you are using to feed them. That will help a lot. I will guess and say you have them 700-1100ppm on 500 scale or 1.4 to 2.2EC.


pH issues will resemble light burn. Where you will notice burn spotting and browning (given your light is fine). If your Ph is between 5.5 and 6.5, there is no more looking at that as a culprit. Even if you think your nutes are on point, reduce them and give her time to recover before you mess with them or assume anything else is wrong. If it’s soil, I cannot tel you anything about buildup in the soil. But I do know that I’ve hermed 10 clones and cuttings to hone my environment and learning nutrients. In all that time and many adjustments, when I saw exactly what you see it was always too high PPM and I went to ham on the nutes. I never had them fully brown that much at the tips and always got them right as it happened. Also, I did all that nute burning in veg and was able to correct quickly.


Also. During this time of stress, do not start cutting things off. They won’t ever recover from the damage done but if you start cutting things off without new healthy growth, she may get pissed off.


I leave the leafs that even look like they could be cut off. The reason being is that the plant wants to get rid of something. It will just select another leaf to burn down and push what it doesn’t need to flush itself.

I’ll warn everyone about pushing high nutes and defoliating with stress in place. You may think your genes are good and pheno is great but all plants want to survive and will herm on you if you mess with them consistently. Fix one thing at a time and give it time to recover. At least a week before you reassess. If that’s light burn, well shame on me. Let us know what you do, take it easy man. They are not delicate wine glasses, but they are if you introduce stress on stress.


Looks like week 4 or 5 flower to me. Right around when ppm/nutes should be at its highest and before you reduce them a hair before ripen.


For three weeks they should be fed the same PpM, then for another 2-3 weeks after slight reduction of PpM, then last 2 weeks ripen and flush. So if you are at all constantly vamping up nutes this will happen. If you started in early veg with 200ppm (hard water) and you worked them correctly up to 700-850 right now, maybe it isn’t nute burn. But if you didn’t train them to accept nutrients from the get go, she is going to burn from a major increase in PPM.


I’ll add, you don’t need defoliation unless you need airflow for the plant. I have ran slight breeze where no leaves are moving but just a hair, and I mean lick your finger and if you feel a breeze you’re good. I don’t see heavy leaf count crowding, you are good on air flow if your finger feels the breeze. Fans are just to even out the temp in the room/area. It isn’t a cooling device. If you’re following the lights distance schedule, don’t strip. You can be at 100% intensity at this stage and the distance the light suggests and be solid. I run 19-24 inches though with Spider Farmer SF4000. What is critical is you fix the nutes. All other junk is Miniscule looking at your plants. PH, check. Room temps, check. air flow, check. Soil moisture, check. Now, how much PPM in your runoff? Is it higher or lower than the feed water. Bet it comes out high.


I’ll add, you don’t need defoliation unless you need airflow for the plant. I have ran slight breeze where no leaves are moving but just a hair, and I mean lick your finger and if you feel a breeze you’re good. I don’t see heavy leaf count crowding, you are good on air flow if your finger feels the breeze. Fans are just to even out the temp in the room/area. It isn’t a cooling device. If you’re following the lights distance schedule, don’t strip. You can be at 100% intensity at this stage and the distance the light suggests and be solid. I run 19-24 inches though with Spider Farmer SF4000. What is critical is you fix the nutes. All other junk is Miniscule looking at your plants. PH, check. Room temps, check. air flow, check. Soil moisture, check. Now, how much PPM in your runoff? Is it higher or lower than the feed water. Bet it comes out high.
I did check the water coming out and it was at 6.4. Just growing so freakin slow I feel like


Looks like week 4 or 5 flower to me. Right around when ppm/nutes should be at its highest and before you reduce them a hair before ripen.
What they look like today. Buds are just so small..
IMG 9933
IMG 9935
IMG 9930


Tell us what PPM you are using to feed them. That will help a lot. I will guess and say you have them 700-1100ppm on 500 scale or 1.4 to 2.2EC.
Last 2 weeks I’ve only been feeding every 3rd water. Tiger bloom 3 ML per gallon. Water 1 gallon per 5 gallon pot.


That's a lot, I'd definitely take a break and enjoy what you've got then think out the next grow. Enjoy ✌
I would also keep a journal so you can look back and see what might have gone wrong so you don’t do it again


I’ve used the micro 1 time in the last 5 weeks. Somewhere around the start of flowering. Rest I follow the directions mixing with 1 gallon every 3 days.

Lights I had up 22” on power 6.5. I just lowered them today to get that 800 range, turned up to 9.5.

Fan Leaves I did not remove All of them but I did remove a lot of them. 🤷‍♂️
I’m not a fan of that line of GH nutes. I’m no expert but they did not work well for me in DWC.

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