Is this concerning? First time grower!

  • Thread starter JohnBlazr
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Can you out GRAV The Gravmaster???
I also feel like there is an overwatering issue


The plants look fine…..better than most who are seeking advice.
I read back through the post and caught up. I observe a few things that I’ll address.
For the record, I’m no indoor expert or expert at all….but did grow for many yrs outside (yrs ago) and jumped back into growing, indoors specifically, a few yrs back. I’ve learned more than I thought I could retain and have managed to complete quite a few successful runs that are usually without any issues. So take my advice as a friendly farmer who wants to help, but won’t be offended if you disagree or seek another opinion. Here goes:
1. Maybe I missed it, but I don’t see any specifics on how you are feeding or plan to feed the plants. Happy Frog (HF) and Coco Loco (CL) are both pre-amended at a level to take a plant to about where your largest are currently. If you plan to feed synthetic bottled nutes then I’m not your man, as I’m a 100% organic.
I found that sprinkling a few dry ingredients onto the top of the medium (usually once a month or so) and watering has been far less volatile, more predictable and led to healthier plants. One sure fire way to drive your grow into the problem zone (lockout, ph issues, deficiencies, toxicities, etc) is to have a dozen bottles of different liquid synthetic nutes to juggle.
So if you are debating on what and how to feed your plants, I would toss every bottle of liquid synthetic BS in the trash, with the exception of cal mag, maybe an enzyme, and some sort of Silica option.
Fox Farms has made a mint by selling 50 different concoctions and creating a feeding schedule that calls for all of them. Most all overlap and are unnecessary.
What’s worse is they even have their own flushing agent that is needed periodically throughout the grow. Basically it’s another profit built in a schedule that purposely over does it with the synthetic nutes, which causes a salt build up and the problems that ensue……so of course you’ll have to flush away all the excess to reset your medium. Amazing.
Anyway, sorry to ramble but my point is you don’t need 14 different sources of the same thing to grow healthy vibrant plants.
2. How many of these plants do you intend to flower to finish in the current 4x8 tent?
A lot of folks don’t realize the amount of space needed and that a fixed area will only support and yield so much.
I only grow a few plants at a time because my space is 2.5’ x 6’, with an 8’ ceiling height. My last grow started with just 2….one hermied a week into flower and I ended up with only one. It had plenty of room and produced way more than I had ever gotten from a single plant.
The grow before last was 3 plants and it was wall to wall….close to downright crowded. I attached pics of both grows in the latter stages of flower.
If you flower each plant in a 5 gal pot, you may be able to accommodate 10-12 MAX.
You may be able to squeeze a few more into the mix, but your overall yield will not increase…..imo.
This all assumes you have enough light to flower a 4’x8’ space….:.::which is probably in the 800W range…..give or take.
3. Your plants look fine. A random blotchy leaf or a discolored tip here and there is nothing to fret over or make any drastic changes.
During Veg try to keep your temp and RH in decent window according to the VLD charts.
If your humidity is too low juxtaposed w/ your temps, the plant will basically feed too heavily……the opposite is true w/ the reverse.
If you can get your RH to 60% and keep the temps in the upper 70F’s, the plants should thrive.
If you are undecided on how to feed them, let it be known and I can give you a simple and inexpensive laundry list, with a schedule that is anything but complicated.
Take care and good luck
I used to grow hydro several years ago. I'm going to start a couple plants and am thinking about using fox farm ocean forest or bushdoctor coco loco but I don't know much about growing in either one or which one would be better. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks in advance

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