It’s a absolutely seeded mystery 🤔

  • Thread starter 1diesel1
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give these a shot to😉
FCC2520B 96E2 4676 8E0D 2E1EA3C8A97D


looks like theres some good ones there diesel👍, sure theres quite a few that would germinate. i can remember reading that soaking in glucose can help with germinating old seeds. never tried it though.
0.2 % clorine to cup water (about a drop ortwo )
Dip .
H202 and 0.5 glucose or sugar of some kind .float till sink for 8-10 hrs( and you may have to shake container ) then empty container put seeds in with paper towel on top folded and slightly damp in dark warm 21-22 c spot ..can take 5-14 days . Keywords embryo rescue , seedcraker, germinating old cannabis seeds , youtube .


0.2 % clorine to cup water (about a drop ortwo )
Dip .
H202 and 0.5 glucose or sugar of some kind .float till sink for 8-10 hrs( and you may have to shake container ) then empty container put seeds in with paper towel on top folded and slightly damp in dark warm 21-22 c spot ..can take 5-14 days . Keywords embryo rescue , seedcraker, germinating old cannabis seeds , youtube .
The h202 ive never tried, Would definitely try this sometime.👍 i think Mikedin did a thread if i can remember.


Friend of mines dad bought a old farm house in St. Helens Oregon.
He was walking through the house and his foot went through the floor. When he pulled his foot out he looked under the sub floor. These seeds were in a mason jar under the sub floor. He tried to pop these as well as my buddy his son to no avail.
These are going for 18 hour soak and hopefully a good time in a couple months:)
View attachment 2093302there is really no way of telling how old or if viable without a germ test. GA3 has been used on other old seeds for successful germanation. However, I understand with canabus, that GA3 can cause hermaphrodite effect. I'm not positive, and would need to verified, but I suspect the GA3 was applied later in growth/flower to try to promote growth GA3 is known for. So, it may not have an hermaphrodite effect if used at the seed stage. My thought is you're not having much luck germinating them so it can't hurt. I have PGRs lying around so I would certainly give it a shot. Just a thought.
to hermaphrodite.
Let’s Do This😉🫵🙏

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