Medical and recreational weed whats the difference?

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I am sorry to hear your dad is sick, it's a tough place to be. That is very kind of you to grow for others, I am sure your dad is very appreciative.
Sorry to hear about your condition, hopefully it gets better for you ✌
Thanks alot homie hes is bettering though just too much drinking and medication so hes liver tweaked out🤟

im visiting a psychiatrist soon and tryna figure out what the fack ia going on inside my head😂🤟


Thanks. You're right. It is.

Sativa dominant strains can give me anxiety. It's one of the reasons I harvest late. It seems to help. We also blend it with indica sometimes. I usually don't use it a lot. My wife loves the stuff. It's why I started growing. Then I discovered I really love growing it. So, here I am.

My father damn near killed me when he caught me growing weed way back when. Then, near the end of his life when he was sick with multiple sclerosis, his attitude about weed did a 180.
Parants will always be parents 😂🤟
And i totally agree on the sativa thing right there it gives me racing thoughts and shit


I once delved into this too. Medical cannabis is prescribed to treat specific health conditions, offering therapeutic benefits. Recreational use, on the other hand, focuses more on enjoyment and relaxation. Both have their place, but medical cannabis requires a doctor's recommendation for access.


In my opinion going through the process of attempting to get a recreational license and ultimately getting a medical license in Maine, the difference between the two is taxes/fees and testing required for sale. Up here, medical isn't required to be tested and recreational is, not the smartest people run these regulatory agencies. You would think it would be the other way around, but it isn't.

It's more about finding the better growers that sell their products at fair prices. In Maine that means looking in the medical market because recreational is so much more expensive due to the higher taxes/fees. It's very easy to get a medical card up here too.

The drying and curing process is something that's often times not factored in. Most commercial operations sell their products as fast as possible. More times than not, you're better off going with a smaller cultivator that cares a bit more about the quality of the product.

There is no difference whatsoever between medical cannabis and recreational cannabis. You can take flowers off the same plant and someone can use them for medical purposes and somebody else could use it for recreational purposes. Different strains may be better suited for different purposes.

Human beings like to put labels and categories on things when they don't exist. It's a plant that produces some of the most beneficial chemical compounds on Earth and is possibly the most useful. The amount of industries that hemp can not only replace, but improve is staggering. The government knows what's best for us though...


In my opinion going through the process of attempting to get a recreational license and ultimately getting a medical license in Maine, the difference between the two is taxes/fees and testing required for sale. Up here, medical isn't required to be tested and recreational is, not the smartest people run these regulatory agencies. You would think it would be the other way around, but it isn't.

It's more about finding the better growers that sell their products at fair prices. In Maine that means looking in the medical market because recreational is so much more expensive due to the higher taxes/fees. It's very easy to get a medical card up here too.

The drying and curing process is something that's often times not factored in. Most commercial operations sell their products as fast as possible. More times than not, you're better off going with a smaller cultivator that cares a bit more about the quality of the product.

There is no difference whatsoever between medical cannabis and recreational cannabis. You can take flowers off the same plant and someone can use them for medical purposes and somebody else could use it for recreational purposes. Different strains may be better suited for different purposes.

Human beings like to put labels and categories on things when they don't exist. It's a plant that produces some of the most beneficial chemical compounds on Earth and is possibly the most useful. The amount of industries that hemp can not only replace, but improve is staggering. The government knows what's best for us though...

Next door to you
Can you recommend some growers
Community bonfire is happening soon
I don't buy anything at the festival but it's a place to meet up with other enthusiasts
Would like to hit some decent shops while I'm there


Say I'm in my late 70's, have been smoking since the '60's. Have a MM license, so I can grow and buy legally. That said, I can walk into a dispensary, find the highest tested THC and do not get high like the old days. I can drink coffee and wont keep me away. Sativa does.

Having a back injury, one leg has no tap at the knee that can spring out and hit you in the balls, but is like a dead cylinder with zero compression, zero movement. Long standing begins to signal pain, but one hit of the ruderalis {CBD} subsides the ache within minutes if not seconds.

Anything in the high percentage of THC testing shows no out in space buzzed, wild thoughts, hard to sleep, all that shit, means shit. I go out of state for days on end, I have no panic attack, or addiction for it, nor even think about it.

It's more a head game over matter. Smoked cigs and quit cold turkey. Got so drunk mixing beer/wine, threw up in the street sitting on a curb celebrating the 4th back in the early '70's, I never got drunk or even felt a buzz from that day on.

Probably have to change up strains to catch a high, but I'm not into a buzz, but for pain relief. Piss my money away for different strains to chase for a high? Not me.
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