My Next Hydro Grow with Orange Creamsicle Free World Genetics

  • Thread starter Teslajuana
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Day 32 after germination.

It think she’s dialed in now. She perked up and the clawing stopped and her leaves are perky. Still wondering if I can go higher on ppms but for now she looks good.
Ph is bouncing: 5.7-5.8
Water temp: 68F
PPM: 110
Temp: 69F
RH: 23%
Light:SF4000 @75%
Your PPM is so low, I bet your plant would appreciate a bump. She looks very light to me. Could be the pic. I use the first column in the GH 10 Part chart and even diluted it further and I’m at 450ppm and that seems to be a good spot for mine.

I turned up the aeration on my res and my plant likes it. Also reduced humidity to copy your setup and it appears to be working much better than before for me.
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Day 32 after germination.

It think she’s dialed in now. She perked up and the clawing stopped and her leaves are perky. Still wondering if I can go higher on ppms but for now she looks good.
Ph is bouncing: 5.7-5.8
Water temp: 68F
PPM: 110
Temp: 69F
RH: 23%
Light:SF4000 @75%
She looks a little hungry
Could probably use a bit more nitrogen considering shes in veg
If you find the sweet spot in ppm
It will result in a much more stable ph too
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You guys are right, she was getting light in color. But since with the adding of GH nutes the last feed I see a darker green hue coming into the leaves so I Added 12 ML of GH Flora Micro just now. Will see what she does. PPM increased.
PPM : 190
Ph: 5.7
IMG 7785


I bet that GH micro dose helps a lot.

I use GH and think I run really low strength relative to the average user.
I'm at a similar growth stage as you right now, maybe a bit further along, at 265 ppm.


Day 33 after germination. The first thing I noticed today was that she perked up even more and her smell increased substantially. Clawing had dissolved and she is reaching for the sky like she’s happy.
Ph : 5.7
Water temp: 71F
PPM: 180
Temp: 69F
RH: 26%
Light:SF4000 @50%
IMG 7820
IMG 7822
IMG 7823
IMG 7825
IMG 7827
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Day 34 after germination part 1. I Noticed that there is more veg growth. Lower branches are getting significantly taller and are creating more nodes. Ph rose to 6.0 without any changes and PPMs dropped from 190 to 170 within 2 days. I added 2 ML of GH Flora Nova grow to bump PPMs higher. Will take readings later.


Day 34 after germination part 2. Leaf veins are getting a darker green color, I imagine this is an indicator that the nutrients are distributing through out the plant. I also added 7ML of GH flora micro earlier today as well as turned the light to 100%. Final numbers today are:

PPM: 240
Temp: 70F
Water temp: 71F
RH: 30%
PH: 5.9
Light:SF4000 @ 100%
IMG 7844
IMG 7842
IMG 7840
IMG 7839
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Day 36 after germination. She’s getting fuller. Roots are getting longer. Over the last few days I noticed my PH drifting higher to 6.3 which allowed me to increase my PPMs substantially while inversely lowering the PH as the nutes were added. Roots are looking strong and gaining more girth however they are getting a little stained from the nutes. I will do a rez change in the next couple of days.
Ph : 6.1
Water temp: 68F
PPM: 320
Temp: 70F
RH: 24%
Light:SF4000 @70%
IMG 7855
IMG 7856
IMG 7857
IMG 7858
IMG 7860
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Day 37 after germination. I trimmed the lower bush, similar to a lollipop trimming. I cut off several fan leaves as well as several lower buds sites. Still having some of the upper root staining however She still looks happy.

Ph : 6.1
Water temp: 71F
PPM: 320
Temp: 70F
RH: 26%
Light:SF4000 @70%
IMG 7861
IMG 7862
IMG 7863
IMG 7864
IMG 7865
IMG 7866
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Day 37 after germination. I trimmed the lower bush, similar to a lollipop trimming. I cut off several fan leaves as well as several lower buds sites. Still having some of the upper root staining however She still looks happy.

Ph : 6.1
Water temp: 71F
PPM: 320
Temp: 70F
RH: 26%
Light:SF4000 @70%
Be careful rot strikes fast if thats the case
root ball starts looking a little discoloured before you know it its wilted and fighting for its life

Looking good😄🤟
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Roots don’t have any rotten smell but I performed a full purge of the system anyway. Added RO water with hydrogen peroxide. Went back to Humboldts Nutes.
PPms at 550 and water is not dark as with the GH nutes. Wonder if my roots will change in the next few days. Will take a better reading tomorrow morning when things stabilize


Roots don’t have any rotten smell but I performed a full purge of the system anyway. Added RO water with hydrogen peroxide. Went back to Humboldts Nutes.
PPms at 550 and water is not dark as with the GH nutes. Wonder if my roots will change in the next few days. Will take a better reading tomorrow morning when things stabilize
I use ro and h2o2
i got fucked in the ass anyways but looking forward to see how she comes out in the end
My roots didnt smell like rot either just that humid smell hard to explain but ifykyk


Day 38 after germination. I had to add GH nutes an hour after I purged the system and added Humboltds yesterday, she started to look sad and droopy right after I only added Humboldts I must not be doing the Humboldts correctly So after I added GH nutes she perked up within 20-30 mins. Today I moved the large fan leaves over so the lower branches under them can get direct light.
Ph : 6.3
Water temp: 71F
PPM: bouncing 470-480
Temp: 73
RH: 31%
Light:SF4000 @70%
IMG 7904
IMG 7900
IMG 7902
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Day 39 after germination. Defoliated the big fan leaves. Added more nutes, noticing her smell is getting stronger permeating throughout particularly at night when the carbon fan turns off.

Ph : 5.8
Water temp: 69F
PPM: 550
Temp: 72F
RH: 27%
Light:SF4000 @100%
IMG 7910
IMG 7912
IMG 7913
IMG 7914
IMG 7905
Last edited:
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Day 40 after germination. I purged the whole system with h2o2 again because I’m not liking the discoloration of her roots with GH nutes however they do work and at 500+ PPM these roots are looking like they might get a lockout, just an assumption of mine I could be wrong. I’m trying Humboldts Secret one more time. I think I wasn’t mixing base B with it the last time so I did a 50/50 base a and base b this time. I like Humboldts nutrients because it doesn’t make the water so dark in color. Will see how she responds tomorrow with it in place.
Final numbers today are;

Ph : 6.0
Water temp: 68F
PPM: 500
Temp: 71F
RH: 28%
Light:SF4000 @100%
IMG 7994
IMG 7993
IMG 7991
IMG 7990
IMG 7989
IMG 7984
IMG 7983
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Looking really nice overall I think.

Had a couple thoughts:
1. That's a really low RH at <30%, I would increase to 40-50%
2. Do you have a water chiller? Colder water would be better, at least help rule it out as a cause of root browning


Thanks bud. I don’t have a chiller they tend to cost a lot and consume more energy, I freeze water bottles to chill water when temps get out of hand usually above 73F. I think moving my rez outside the tent might help and I don’t like using humidifiers as they tend to distribute bacteria in the air. I’m all out of options! 😝


Haha ya I get that, gotta work within the boundaries.

I used to freeze bottles too. Go big, I used 1 gallon ice bottles in 5 gallon buckets. The roots can handle pretty low temps in my experience.


If water temps are 60-75 you are good. With slower enzyme activity and less availability of food the closer to 60. 65-75 is best practice. Above 78-80 is cooking.
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