Photo periods in bloom! Share your pics and advice.

  • Thread starter Robert23howard
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Put the 2nd trellis on today and had to defoliate them a little to weave the plants through it some. They came out of it still happy so that is reassuring. Was thinking I wouldn’t need the third layer of trellis but am going to put that on anyways in a week. Some of them will definitely stretch enough for the third trellis to hold up the buds some. Trying to not have to use to many yo-yo’s. They always get in the way but do come in handy.

Share some of your pics that I haven’t seen in a few days!
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12 days today, hoping for another 4-6 inches in stretch over the next 2 weeks or so. Then time for the plants to put some weight on.

Have seen some beautiful buds so far in these past 11 or so days. Thanks for the pics! Keep ‘‘em coming.
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12 days today, hoping for another 4-6 inches in stretch over the next 2 weeks or so. Then time for the plants to put some weight on.

Have seen some beautiful buds so far in these past 11 or so days. Thanks for the pics! Keep ‘‘em coming.

Room looks super clean!

I should've added some sort of trellis system to my tent, I'm definitely going to try staking next round.


Not to much going on in the tent today. Flowers put on a little more size is about all. Did try to drop my light 2” and turned the light up about 7% to almost 90. Plants didn’t like that to much, they started to over pray so I lifted it back up the 2” but kept the light powered to 90%.

Trying to get that light up to 100% before week 4 but they sure have been happy in the low 80’s. I know I need to get that light penetrating into the canopy more than it is currently. Especially when I do the final defoliation soon. Fingers crossed that tomorrow after their rest they will get back to just praying and not closing up like the taller branches did today. I have had some friends that stress them purposely, they say it makes them grow more vigorously. That was not what I was going for though. Just wanted to push them a little to see what they would take.

Seen some beautiful plants in flower. Like to see a few more. I tried to put one up for the bud of the month, week, or whatever the contest is and it wouldn’t let me. It wasn’t my own, it was actually one that is on here but I am not sure how to do that. Can someone help that has done it.

It is from @GNick55 on this chat. The purple buds that are getting close to harvest time. Love those colors of the bud but also the pistols (hairs) are a beautiful color as well. Thanks for the help.
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Looking nice and healthy Robert

Just wondering it must be a pain to trim those back ones?
Yes and no, most tents are designed to open up on 3 sides. Still is a pain sometimes. I try to get them completely lollipoped a few days before putting the trellis in. That definitely helps


Tent is coming along fine, still stretching and the bud sites are starting to fill in some. Definitely looking forward to getting these plants defoliated soon. They are adapting to the increase of watts fine. The light will be able to penetrate that canopy way more than it currently is.

Finally can start burping the last grow. Took one plant 20 days to dry, will cure quicker though. Already has some real nice terpenes starting to develop.

Send those pics of your plants in flower!
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