Possible Deficiency/Excess? Need help please

  • Thread starter Gam3Th3ory
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Hi guys 1st time grower here,

I’m growing wedding cake strain
It’s about a month into the flowering stage and 3 months in total.
Temp can range anywhere from 75-79 F
Humidity is at 50%
Feeding it Flower Fuel I’ll attach some photos of it.

Any feedback would be great. Thanks

Possible deficiencyexcess need help please
Possible deficiencyexcess need help please 2
Possible deficiencyexcess need help please 4
Possible deficiencyexcess need help please 3


Hello and welcome to the forum.

So tell me what is the potting medium?
How big is the pot?
What fertilizer have you been using threw veg. NPK. How much, how often?
How do you water? Just a bit of water when needed? A splash daily, Water to considerable runoff once or twice a week?
What light do you have. How far from the plant. What power setting?

I need to know everything you can think of to tell me?
Do you PH test your water. What range do you keep it?

I see the leaf tips curling down, Tips are burned although not badly. This is called clawing. It's usually caused buy a high nitrogen situation, The purple leaves lead me to believe that you may have a potassium lockout issue caused buy excessive nitrogen / Salts buildup in the potting medium.

You have been feeding the plant a little more than it could use each feeding so the minerals build up in the potting medium over and extended period of time. Months.

Any chance you test EC in and out? Keep a log?

When you started using the Flower Fuel did you continue using your veg fertilizer as well?
If so at what percentage? Ballpark if you need?

Will drop back and see if I can offer a solution for you.


Hello and welcome to the forum.

So tell me what is the potting medium?
How big is the pot?
What fertilizer have you been using threw veg. NPK. How much, how often?
How do you water? Just a bit of water when needed? A splash daily, Water to considerable runoff once or twice a week?
What light do you have. How far from the plant. What power setting?

I need to know everything you can think of to tell me?
Do you PH test your water. What range do you keep it?

I see the leaf tips curling down, Tips are burned although not badly. This is called clawing. It's usually caused buy a high nitrogen situation, The purple leaves lead me to believe that you may have a potassium lockout issue caused buy excessive nitrogen / Salts buildup in the potting medium.

You have been feeding the plant a little more than it could use each feeding so the minerals build up in the potting medium over and extended period of time. Months.

Any chance you test EC in and out? Keep a log?

When you started using the Flower Fuel did you continue using your veg fertilizer as well?
If so at what percentage? Ballpark if you need?

Will drop back and see if I can offer a solution for you.

Sorry still new to this, so I can see I left out a lot information haha.

Potting medium using is soil an organic mixture (for my next grow I intend to use a DTW system, I’m still getting familiar with them)
It’s a fabric 2 gallon pot
During the Veg stage, I used Fox Farm Big Bloom (0-0.5-0.7) and Fox Farm Grow Big (6-4-4) I would feed every other feeding.
I was watering every 2-3 days during veg, but once it got to flowering stage, it would require me to water at least every 1.5 days; if not fed every1-1.5 days, the plant would wilt.
While watering I’d normally have a runoff of about 10-15%.

I have a Mars Haydro TS600, I have a small setup 2.5x2.5x5 grow tent and didn’t take in account how much the plant would stretch, I had to bend the stems in order for the plant to fit and not reach the lights. It’s about 10 inches away from the lights at the moment. Power setting is set all the way to the max.

I do pH test the water with a pH pen and it’s normally between 6.0-6.2. I do not pH test the water runoff nor the soil.

I gotta get more familiar with EC, but I do have a basic knowledge of what it is. unfortunately no log of test EC

No once I turned it to the flowering stage, I switched to the Flower Fuel only. But I’m just realizing that the Flower Fuel is just a “booster” and since I stopped using a fertilizer since switching over to flowering, I must have a deficiency? it’s prob sucking up all the nitrogen from the plant


Ya, you should be giving her the Gro Big 15ml pr gallon will give you.
220ppm Nitrogen
147 ppm Phosphorus
147 ppm Potassium.
If you have a pocket electronic scale 8/10 of a gram. 8 tenths of a gram of the Flower Fuel per gallon.
If not 1/4 teaspoon even is a 1.25 grams and will be ok.

Feed her this once a week, Give her a real good soaking with it.
Water only the rest of the time when needed. Watch her closely for any signs of nitrogen burn. PM me if needed k.

3 weeks before harvest cut the Grow big back to 5ml pr gallon.
Keep the Flower Fuel the same.

Last 2 weeks just water. Let her use up everything in the pot. just enough water to keep her upright.
She will look tenable at the end, but she won't smell like hay long.

Get the moisture level down quick the first week so you don't risk mold. Then slow it way down.
Hang her for at least another 4 or 5 weeks before jarring.


A little gift.
Some time you have an hour to kill, Just grab a pen a peace of paper and wright this down. Watch the video 2 or three times. It's not hard at all.
Just start playing with numbers. All of a sudden it will just make come together and sense.

This is the next secret. Testing run off E.C. and why.


A little gift.
Some time you have an hour to kill, Just grab a pen a peace of paper and wright this down. Watch the video 2 or three times. It's not hard at all.
Just start playing with numbers. All of a sudden it will just make come together and sense.

This is the next secret. Testing run off E.C. and why.
wow thanks so much for all the info, you’re awesome! I’ll definitely look into all this
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