To small 4 scrog ????

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looking into doing a screen of green in a little box that I have added a pic of. Need to know if a 150 watt h.p.s. is going to be ok. And how many plants should I put under the screen there is room for about six plants the box in 20inx54inx20in small but looking to upgrade soon. I'm just trying to find a way to get the most yield out of a small area to work with . well thx for the input.
To small 4 scrog


Premium Member
If the box is 20"(l)x20"(w) one plant would max out for scrog.
Tobor the 8th Man

Tobor the 8th Man

You have a nice 150w area to work with. I'm sure you have been around the pot sites and seen all the cool 150w grows. Yes you can get bigger lights but you have a 150w. You need to really get into your little 150 and love the fact you got a light. Plus you have the absolute perfect box for a 150. 20" by 20" is the recommended area for the 150. The height gives ample room for heat to rise and get away from the plants while the fan sucks it out.

You need to lower the 150 close to the plants. How is that vent tubing going to go down low enough so the light is 4-6 inches above the plants? I would consider just having the opening at the top with the fan sucking out the hot air that rises and is pushed up by a lower fan below or just above the light. In fact if you have a decent fan exhausting the top hole where your tubing is I bet the temps near the plant tops would be fine. But you would have to check and work out temps before plants are put in.

Where are the light proof air intake holes?

When I think of reasons to scrog it is to get the maximum yield from the least amount of plants. The plant count rule. Better to be busted with 1 plant yielding a pound then 8 plants yielding 2 ounces each for a pound total.

People choose scrog when height is an issue. You control the stretch with the screen.

Some would choose scrog because it is a labor of love. You have contact with your plant daily. They artistically and lovingly manipulate the plant so it completely covers the screen evenly.

scrog is excellent for low wattage lights to get better penetration of light. That is why you would scrog. Especially if you already have female clones and are only doing one strain. Then I would say do one plant. It will have a bigger root system and you can veg it a long time and scrog it real nice and see what kind of yield you get.

The you could try a 6 plant sog (basic fat 12" bud sticks) and compare that to the scrog. Now if you want to do multiple strains then I would also go with sog.

You can have a lot of fun with a 150. The results you get will be easily measured against what other 150 growers do yield-wise. But done correctly potency and taste will be as good as a 1000w light.

Take pride in your 150w and really learn to grow pot with it. You really do have an excellent area to really show off some grow skills.

I would get a waterfarm or diy a bubbler. You could have a real nice root system in a 3 gallon waterfarm or bubbler and grow a fairly big plant in actuality but it would be all scrogged out.

Good luck and keep us posted.


well thanks a lot for the input . I really like that fact that you took that time to help out. I want to say right on man. well the air intake is just below the hole for the power plugs near the bottom about 1and a half foot from the bottom of the box. The light is on a cable system and the venting is able to move freely with the light. I will keep you update with some pics when the time is right thanks again hope to hear from you guys again good times . Tommybres and tobor and the eight man right on and take care .
Tobor the 8th Man

Tobor the 8th Man

Good luck! I will be watching for updates.

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