what is happening?

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4 weeks into flowering, so about half-way, this always seems to happen to my plants. it starts about half-way and makes it's way towards the top. Is it a deficiency, an overdose, heat stress? I checked the water that leached from the plants, ph was at 6.0 and the ppm's were at 600. Nothing that I think is abnormal. I think the lights might be too close but i don't want to put them to high to avoid them from stretching. I have 1000 watt hps with a regular angel-wing reflectors and I keep them around 24 inches away. They are always at about that distance so why the heat stress after 4 weeks of flowering, this is why i am more inclined to think it has something to do with either a deficiency or an excess of salts in the soil. Take a look at the pictures, they are pretty clear. It starts from a light case of the problem, to serious damage to the leaves. Please help...
What is happening
What is happening 2


I responded to your first thread on this. Try not to double post. Also, there is an Infimary Section just for sick plants. You might have gotten faster results there. Just a thought for next time.


What kind of nutes are you using?
Are you using soil or hydro?

It look's like a deficiency,maybe magnesium or potasium.
As the plant get's around 4-5 week's it start's using
more and more.


IMO i looks as your older fan leaves are being "eatin" up cuz the plant has no other food...
This is ok if new growth is rapid and "clean" lookin ie. green and lush, feel the leaves do they respond?
How was your last harvest? Are the buds smaller/less dense then last time?
Pictures of whole plants and system will help...

Pyro G.

I think ^^fin^^ is right.......those girlz r starvin, they're leaching da shit outta those leaves. "Feed me, seemor!!!" is wut they're screamin.

Dr Herbal

Ive had the same prob i think it mag def i use bio bizz alg-a-mic at 2ml ltr in soil or 3-4 ml foilar feed.I aint an expert but i was told to hang my 600s 18-24 in above the plants so your 1000w might be a little low hold your hand at top of plants dirctly below the hot spot for 2min and if you feel the heat build and get hot on your hand i would raise the light
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