Working at a Dispensary

  • Thread starter tinytmp
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Hello everyone.

Recently got hired to work at a dispensary and looking forward to it but all my life my parents have been against marijuana.

I’ve tried countless times to convince them to change their perspective on it but each time they looked at me like I was out of my head.

The point is, they are never changing their mind about it and I’m currently in the process of graduating college and getting my place but don’t have the funds just yet.

Considering my situation with my parents, my only option is to keep it from them.

I’ve used this website many times for advice and now I’m asking you all for advice on how to be able to keep the smell of weed out and avoid my parents finding out. Please help!


Hello everyone.

Recently got hired to work at a dispensary and looking forward to it but all my life my parents have been against marijuana.

I’ve tried countless times to convince them to change their perspective on it but each time they looked at me like I was out of my head.

The point is, they are never changing their mind about it and I’m currently in the process of graduating college and getting my place but don’t have the funds just yet.

Considering my situation with my parents, my only option is to keep it from them.

I’ve used this website many times for advice on weed delivery Canmore and now I’m asking you all for advice on how to be able to keep the smell of weed out and avoid my parents finding out. Please help!
thanks in advance for any input.


Hello and welcome to the forum.
I'm 65 retired and thinking about getting a dispensary job for something to do.
Any way to make a very long sorry short. Many years ago I ran into a personal issue that required that I put
my big boy pants on. Grow a set of balls and do what I had to do no matter what anyone thought.

In real life, this is what being a man is about. You must stand up for your own truth and not be a pussy about this.

I understand that you do not want to go against your folks or step on your fathers authority. You do not have to
be disrespectful or disrespect him in any way. All it has to be is I'm so happy I got a job. It's in a dispensary.

Congratulations you got a job!
Now it's time to put your big boy pants on. You are an adult. Tell your father you have a job in a dispensary.
Your father! don't hide behind mommies apron strings and let her tell him.

They may not like weed but. Deep down inside your mother will respect you for having a set and telling your dad rather than hiding. Your dad may not the dispensary, but will be ok. No matter what, way down deep inside your father want's you to be a man as you start making your way in life.

Like I said, you do not have to be disrespectful. You have a job and your starting to make your way in life.
He will understand that and be ok. Get up go to work every day. Life is tough sometimes we just have to do what we have to do to pay the bills. Keep up your study. A dispensary job won't keep you. You need to decide what you want
Strive to open your own business. The only way to get ahead in this life is be beat the tax man

I found this life coach on youtube. His name is Coach Corey Wayne. You can get his book How to be a 3% man on line at Chapters.
Read it.

All the best.
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