Your plants in VEG! Veg plant photo, cloning discussion , share your pre flower prep!

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But runoff testing is taxing work man. I don’t see why people would not want to test runoff, I think they are lazy and just want some bud. It’s because of all the processes of soil, people are tricked into thinking the soil will buffer every mistake, and it does to an extent. But it’s when you have a grower who is changing soil mixes and trying new shit that actually end up failing. Simple soil, simple nutes, simple feed chart. But uh, humans make things complicated. Soil is complicated, not specific. When I can’t see the exact reason I am doing something, I am guessing, I hate guessing if I can help it and spoil to me, is a guessing game.


So when I tell my cousin I adjusted my Ph from 6.7 to 5.8 he gets all wonky and starts talking about how he never has to adjust Ph or runoff test. You are working too hard for your weed. I am like whatever dude, I am keeping my plant eating and you have no clue what yours is eating. I don’t have soil to buffer the Ph, that’s my job, but I don’t have to lift my bags and guess when she is hungry! Hahah. I always mess with him when he says some dumb crap.

He could be upset that he got his license to grow first and I got mine after him. I’ve done more grows than him and he was my main supplier of clones to start my endevour of learning. Because I chose Hydro, he couldn’t teach me. And because I was hydro, I was forced into learning specific plant requirements as I am responsible for everything. Soil would be boring for me tbh, with the knowledge that hydro forced me to obtain. So he is also a bit hurt that I can school him on what the plant needs. Because he is soil, he doesn’t care or won’t ever be One with cannabis plants. He is awesome at pruning because he is a green thumb and understands it, but when it comes to the soil, it’s basic for him and he uses only 4 nutrients in the GH lineup..he is short changing himself hard core. If he applied the pruning(which is physical and visual) into hydro, he could be amazing at being meticulous at all aspects of the plants needs. I’d let him prune the shit out of my plants because he is very very good at it. I am a pussy pruning because I have had plants herm on me, so I am more cautious. Again, he has less grows plunder his belt so he hasn’t pushed a plant beyond its limits and wasted weeks of work yet, so he isn’t scared…yet. I think he is scared to do another grow because he may not succeed the same.

Look he went 13 week veg, 13 week flower. Again, humans beating themselves up. He is probably thinking he needs to do that all over again for 26 weeks to get the same bud production and weight as before. So he is discouraging himself as he set his bar super duper high already. He knows he will not be able to recreate that without massive patience. I told him to start a new batch now because of how long he goes in veg, but he is waiting out.

He is doing house work and upgrades first. But boy, if he plans to veg 13 weeks, he best do it now. Or he will have to accept my cuts off this one to get any more flower


Let’s see. If he started now he would be at September 2nd he could harvest. The boy is pushing his time.

I also try to remind him that he is chosing to flower in the hotest months of the year. Guess what his main problem was last grow? High temps and having to spend a lot of time venting out the room and using. The attic fan to cool his room down. He let it get way too hot and it burnt out a lot of his trichomes and terpenes. That is the only reason his quality was short, in my eyes. One simple mistake, beautiful plants, but you grew in a small room with improper environment.

He thinks he had the best but he has a lot of work to do in the potency department. We took opposite sides. He got sexy ideal colas and spiral beauty. But his potency and flavor took a nose dive because he wasn’t able to control the most important factors, consistent proper environment. I on the other hand had wide node spacing, grenades, stretch…but my potency and flavor is 10x that of his. Of course, he enjoys smoking my bud more than his own. But of course he still thinks I am a noob because I “can’t” grow swirly main colas. So, imma show his ass wrong lol.


Pics from last night, 7 days from cutting 👊🏻
IMG 4191
IMG 4194
IMG 4188


2 weeks and a half since germinating the seeds, i think i m past the point where damping off can happen so gonna discard all the extra seedlings soon.

2 and a half week more in veg and i should flip those girl to flower.

2x3x6 tent sog 8 plant 6L (1,6gal) pots SF2000 200W
View attachment 2115695View attachment 2115694
Clean setup! You always have excellent looking runs, always fun to watch 🥤🍿


i was reading through the post your veg plants thread. I see a lot of people showing 2 weeks veg and their plant is massive. And some show plants that are small and say it’s 2 weeks.

I think the 2-4 weeks of seedling stage is being anxiously reduced and peoples internal self selects the quicker signal of the first set of true leafs. And technically would be at 0 weeks veg because they short changed themselves on the “veg window”. They want to force themselves into an internal time clock that has them believing they are in veg but they are not.

I think that a lot of growers looking for fast yield lie to themselves saying they are in veg when reality is that their veg is 2 weeks younger. So someone saying 2 week veg with a tall plant doesn’t mean he gave her proper lighting!

If someone were to ask how my plants are so short for so long of a veg, I’d direct them to node spacing and giggle at their 12 inch node spacing.

Stretch is real and it makes a world of difference when you push flower. It is what makes people freak out about “oh man you plant is going to be 2x as tall. Well, not if you give it proper light intensity and distance. But if you hang at 40” all grow and the intensity isn’t high enough for being so far, Your going to have some stretched out girls.

Swirling stacked colas don’t come from nothing. Topping, side shoot removal and defoliating all grow long.
You are technically correct, usually seedling stage is the first 2 weeks from sprout then veg starts from there, I normally count from germ, but I don’t flip at a specific time per se, more so when the tent is filled to my desisted percentage based on how many plants I’m running I usually aim for 60-75% of the tent full then flip


2x3x6 (90x60x180) tent SOG 8 plants 6L (1,6 gal) pots spiderfarmer SF2000 200W

Nirvana - Wonder Woman (super skunk x white widow) under 16/8 light cycle

3 weeks since germinating the seeds. Another 2 weeks and i should flip them to 12/12.

Day 1 (a week after germinating the seeds):
Ww 01

Day 4:
Ww 04

Day 7:
Ww 07

Day 11:
Ww 11

Day 14:
Last edited:


Weird Flex bro. I wish I worked in a weed warehouse. It’s 100% illegal here so yea just me and my closets & yard
No satisfaction in this except a paycheck. I prefer 100% illegal so I could just make a living in my basement.
Regulation just makes the rich richer and devalues the product by flooding the market with $500 lb midsies.😕 the people I work for are the reason I have to go to work for them 🫡🤣
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