Outdoor Started Inside???

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@markscastle let's make it interesting and worth while and each contestant put 1 acre of land up where they grow at for 2 years? I know a great real estate lawyer who can draft up the paperwork.
Also I was looking at blaze pictures and something came to mind.The "weight" of some plants cannot be compared to others.Blaze's plants are a hash makers dreams due to half at least half his buds are non sellable in the real world.I shape my plants accordingly and only use top buds.
Thus another reason I vegg early on most plants.
@Bulldog11 @Blaze which brings up a great point you awwwwesome growers seem to have missed at the seminar.You keep saying inside plants will lose vigor so here's a lesson for you.Proper topping,defoliaration techniques can keep a plant vigorous inside for a long time while simultaneously structuring a plant to its best potential.
What do you say fellas? One acre right next to your greenhouse for 2 years?Your confidence should be matched by your skill so why not?
Want to warn you though if you sign papers and I win I am extremely well endowed and will show up next year to your land,out grow you again while it's swinging in the wind an offer grow lessons to the ladies of the property.:)



That's the main reason I kept my outdoor plants smaller. If for some reason you can't visit the grow the water uptake is minimal. My state is not legal ( now it's very limited med ) so it also forced me to hide them even on my own property. The water required for large plants is quite high.

On a side note. I lost all my genetics etc because of security breach. I walked in on my buddies wife with another guy and later on was set up and introduced into situation " infested " with cops. Very close friend I knew for twenty years and at the time I told her going against my better judgement I would not tell her husband. A year later, I'm in a situation trying to land a license being introduced by our state for growing and the guys had all their ducks in a row with political connections. During the process they wanted to move some serious weight ( 200LB's )etc .... Total set-up. Lucky for me one of them ( who claimed he was an ex-grower out of michigan ) kept mispronouncing terms like guano etc..... It hit me like a ton of bricks during the second meeting what was taking place. They needed seeds etc ..... this and that. They had my #, address etc ..... So I came home and removed everything from the house and dumped everything that night. Total panic mode but in the end just lucky I figured it all out during process before I was " fucked " ....
Hey spider what's your opinion about posting on this site?? Like is it going to get the man at my house?? I'm sure pigs could make a profile but unless I'm giving lots if info am I anonymous? ? Tried looking at your profile and changed my settings to limit others looking at it. .


Hey spider what's your opinion about posting on this site?? Like is it going to get the man at my house?? I'm sure pigs could make a profile but unless I'm giving lots if info am I anonymous? ? Tried looking at your profile and changed my settings to limit others looking at it. .
Good question man I've been wondering the same.


Well the issue I had with the cops was driven buy a woman having multi-year affair. Looking back the way things went down I think she was planning a divorce from her husband. And she did not want me around during process .... She was busted ten years ago riding in her car with the guy but talked her way out of it as just being a friend. But after I seen him at her home when the husband was on fishing trip nine years later it would have messed things up ( in her messed up head ). I have no idea ....I had been talking about my plans for trying to get a grow license in our state. Then at her birthday party a guy started a conversation with me on the topic. He claimed he had contacts that could secure one of the 18 license and this was important because we live in a corrupt state ( illinois ) that forces you to have political contacts. So this is how my issues started, the guys I was dealing with from the start, meeting the detectives was driven by these scumbags. My buddies wife had a friend who's husband had underworld contacts and sold me on further meetings with the cops. Looking back after the fact I was able to figure it out. The cheating wife was blabbing to her best friend about affair, her future and they came up with this plan. Her family is very wealthy, she did not want anything disrupting divorce that could make her look bad, cost the family money or get her reputation trashed......

Regarding posting pic's on this site ? Well thats not really a big deal if your smart. I'm in an illegal state and posted without care because it was a small run. I was not selling product it was for me and my friends.

Now if your in an illegal state, I would not be posting pics of shit if your growing 50LB's, avoiding taxes etc .... ( JMO ). I never understood how everyone who does illegal things would be posting about it online via forums and now social media. Your just handing over evidence if someone does look into your shit. But just posting a few pictures of a few plants or buds is not a big deal I just would not post everything your doing in detail. Keep all that shit off-line because I now one thing, they are recording everything digital these days and if your busted and they start digging into your shit your giving them everything on a silver platter. So just be smart about what you post online because they could build timeline -

To this day, I do not understand the whole instagram thing. Guys selling seeds now over state lines, selling product and they do this like crazy now .... These morons are avoiding taxes, selling over state lines ( now a federal offense once you do that ) and your doing it all on social media - These guys are very stupid, all it will take is a kid getting busted, someone in the same game with grudge turning heat onto your game, an ex-wife, old girl friend could toss your ass under bus .... And your ass is finished because once they look into your history your digital foot-print leads onto your phone ???? So stupid -

And after snowden, we all found out everyones shit is recorded on many levels. Phone carrier, the app you use, instagram, the internet provider all can be dug up and used against you if the tax man, feds or heat come looking -


But if your just running personal no big deal. If your moving tons of product every month on black market over state lines, if your selling seeds over state lines and posting online about this ................. in my book your a fucking moron.

You now have ass-clowns using instagram like they are at a flee market selling tools. These guys are just asking for trouble and heat could come for a myriad of reasons, and if you do not think they are watching colorado with a microscope already your a fool. Many black market guys flooded into that state just so they could export, again, if they think nobody is watching them .... it's just blows my mind -
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Thanks man...I read a bunch of security posts last night and that was the jist of it..there were ways to post anonymous but it's above my computer skills. .yea I've seen how people just will sell to anyone that'll buy..I'm a little too old for that. I'm gonna keep it limited on my posts..I'm a small fry anyway and don't ever cross the state lines. .my avatar pic is a pic from a regular camera that I took to throw GPS a loop..try not to gamble on anything I don't have to. Thanks spider stay safe


If you take a picture with phone or camera take a " screen shot " with your computer. With an apple computer its " command / shift / 4 " on your key board. Not sure how you do it with p.c but type in screen shot into google and find out. You drag cursor across image and copy picture on your desktop ( turns it into .png file ). This is a small file that is a copy of picture without data history or gps information attached. Then save .png as j-peg then post it up if you are worried about something.

Just be smart about everything.


Can you grow big plants from seed at the normal time? Hell yeah
Will a plant that is bigger than another plant yield more? No?
Oh ok guys thanks.

Well for someone so experienced I would thin that you'd know about pushing a plant too big and too hard. My "biggest " plant yielded 4 to 5. Plants that were a smaller did yield more(6 to 8). Grown with the same everything. Want pics, go see my thread. Idc how big your plants are, I want to see quality. It seems to me that if so e one doesn't agree with you, then they're apparently not up to your level. I want to see some finished pics.

And if you grow a bunch of crap and blame the seed makers ............I don't think that one needs to be finished for someone of your caliber.


Also I was looking at blaze pictures and something came to mind.The "weight" of some plants cannot be compared to others.Blaze's plants are a hash makers dreams due to half at least half his buds are non sellable in the real world

Yet we have awards from medical cannabis competitions, spotless lab testing records, and 98% of the buds you see in those pictures flew off the shelves faster than I can grow it, and for, on average, a 50% higher compensation than what most outdoor meds usually retail for in NorCal. The more you post, the more obvious it is of how ignorant and utterly clueless you are. Maybe you should stop wasting your time reading High Times and starting arguments online, and go actually grow some plants (you know, that thing you've obviously never done before?). Or just go back to day-care where you belong - in fact does your baby-sitter know you are on a website like this? Anyway, congrats on being the first person in 6 years I've ever used the 'ignore' feature for on the Farm.


Well for someone so experienced I would thin that you'd know about pushing a plant too big and too hard. My "biggest " plant yielded 4 to 5. Plants that were a smaller did yield more(6 to 8). Grown with the same everything. Want pics, go see my thread. Idc how big your plants are, I want to see quality. It seems to me that if so e one doesn't agree with you, then they're apparently not up to your level. I want to see some finished pics.

And if you grow a bunch of crap and blame the seed makers ............I don't think that one needs to be finished for someone of your caliber.
Hello random guy from out of nowhere.stop beating around the bush an just say Hey I liked your well endowed comment lol your biggest plant was ? I'm sure your very impressed with that but unfortunately that's not very impressive when it comes to monster bushes.
Wierd how you feel the need to chime in our of nowhere.it's clear to see your trying to impress blaze or bulldog and that's cool with me hell maybe if you do good enough they will let u haul horse shit to they're compost piles this year.will be a advance for you.maybe while your hauling poop you can divulge your secret crush on them!! Hell yeah bro chase your dreams!!
@Blaze nice burn with the daycare thing.so does that mean you will put 1 acre up on the wager an forgot to mention it? Your self admitted lack of indoor grow knowledge doesn't stop your ego from making your mouth spew ignorance.
I've seen your thread and I'm sure all the "great job blaze" comments felt real good huh?
I won't tell people to Google giant marijuana plants and see ones that make yours look puny bro would hate to make bulldog or @maya42 suicidal knowing they're idol is a mediocre forum grower.
@Blaze. I'll let this year's pics speak for them selfs. Forums and impressing new growers with mid sized bushes seems to be something that you've been into for awhile now but do you seriously think all great growers post here?
Use your Google blaze. Your plants are far from the biggest out there.you can huff an puff but your just not as good as the "awesome blaze" comments have led you to believe you are.Hell you don't even know about how to create vigor threw topping and training techniques.
Pm me your digits or a email and let's get the land wager going.If not then post here admitting to your groupies that your scared.
Just because people haven't felt the need to measure they're plants take pictures and post them in order to feel important like u do does not mean your some kind of something special blaze.
Pm me your info and let's get this going.


If you can show me bigger ogs than 8 plus I'll be quite impressed. If your rocking any kiND of sativa I don't want to hear shit. You sound like some hormone enraged 14 yo. I don't quiteget it. Me thinks you be a major blowhard. I have yet to see any sense of respect or actual intelligence fron you sir. If your that well indowd, make a rainbow and sit on it. Take that back to your grow guru too. Do you have an actual point or do you just want to stay under the bridge?

Strains? Pics? If I don't see it , it didn't happen. Hearsay. Got a genetics list? Testing? Or are you just riding the fact that you know someone? Groupie maybe?

How about responding with a little less ego and more point. Just saying


Sooooooo funny! My theory was correct.look who posted here in defense of blaze.then go to his outdoor thread and see his "likes" :)
That's really sweet u guys patrol these forums In order to protect his virtue! Not being sarcastic either.Bromance nowadays is rare! Some would see it as wierd but I see it as a group of dudes who should be respected for not being afraid to openly show man love for a grower like blaze.He's that good!
You dudes will be excited to know that I found a site selling blaze posters that you can hang on your walls!! Even have blaze calenders hell yeah!
I'm subbed for that thread Time to pull a chair an watch you dudes grow together!:)


I'm not sure why, but you sure have a hard on for blaze. I'm glad you do your troll homework.

As far as I go, I've made my statements. You can respond with your adult or you can keep up this childish act and get ignored. I'm not here to banter like this. Basically what I'm saying is show some respect or STFU! Nobody has asked for your opinion nor will they, nor do I care for your unwitted banter. Please get banned


Oh no brother u mistook what I said:) I ment that I respect the way you protect your buddy like he was your lady.that's a good thing and not wierd bro.I'm not very good at wording compliments when it comes to dudes who idolize other dudes so profoundly as u do blaze.
You randomly showed up to this thread guns blazing like a mad mama bear when her cub was in trouble.That's really cool dude didn't mean to offend you you were just protecting your baby.
As far as you claiming Im a fraud it's aparent that your friends are unsure of that being they suggested a competition thst I happily agreed to but yet now besides there guard dog all I hear is crickets.


I'm no parlor monkey who does tricks apon request but you can jump in on the challenge.Send me your email or any way to contact you.
I'll even pay your lawyer fees.Come harvest I'll even pay for the expenses to have the judges we pick go to your grow to weight your plant.
All who suggested a competition in the first place have gone silent which is exactly what people do when they have bitten more than they can chew.
Because yeah how silly am I for dare thinking that what I've been doing since the late 70's actually works.
Your hero's speak on subjects they have never put to practice or practiced wrong.
Calling bluffs are easy with competition and Lawyers.. impressing the easily impressed is one thing but challenging someone they know nothing about is another.
Maybe they checked my name out and realized I'm possibly not bluffing at all.


20160304 211752 1 1
My west coast sour d pheno.60 day finish.will be transferred to customized hot house soon.few of us ol timers grow 1 monster a year in good fun.this will veg outdoors until August 28 then flip.
Saying how much last year's yielded wouldn't be believed by the blaze crew so won't waste the time.
But I will say it was more than what anyone on this particular thread have claimed.
Live soil and teas is all I use.1000 gallon custom smart pot.
This plant was started January 3rd.just did final indoor topping and it has been tied down for 4 days now.will have around 60 tops when transplanted.
Hot house is 30x30 and roof is 22 ft tall.last year granjero Dave won with this same cut his official weight was 26 lbs of dried trimmed bud.
Last year I got a late start but I will say 26 isn't the biggest our circle has seen.
Sorry no pics but usually don't stoop to the level of having to prove anything to anyone.
B4 this year outside eyes have never seen my plants but due to the arrogance of bulldog blaze an they're devoted followers I will stoop to "here's a picture,believe me now"


I see a vegging plant. No 20 to 30 lbs in my view. Like I said, if there's no pics it didn't happen. Starting flowering in September seems a bit late. Must be sativa.


New here and first post, my outdoor season is coming near and I'm wanting to try something new this year. Wanting to get a jump on the season by starting my plants indoors until the time is right. Just wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction . I tried a few last year that were from cuts and 2 of the 4 started flowering as soon as I put them out. The other 2 went just fine. Only thing that was different in them was the strain. 2 cuts from one plant budded early and the other 2 from another strain went just fine never went to reveg. Also they were all close to each other where they were planted so the all were getting the same hours of sun. Just wanting to try to figure out what went wrong cause the 2 that flowered early never got enough time to veg and ended up small, although the finished product turned out nice. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks
I'm trying the same thing this year and have a very early start mine has been growing for a month already. The ones that didn't flower on you last year, were they bigger than normal when they did bud?


They did get big but I can't really say bigger than normal. But that was the first time I've ever put clones outside so idk? I have grown plants from seed that went out around the beginning of may that have got close to the same size. Although on of them was prob the biggest yielding plants I have had


Anybody want to see a picture of the greatest growers ever's harvest? MrRojos grows bammmer! Sad, you come here acting like a pro, yet you post this as your frostiest plant. Then you come in here and talk like you grow good pot. Just another teenager that thinks they grow good herb. Quite a sad showing.


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