Bodhi Seeds Thread.

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Say it ain't so. I have two packs of the Ancient Og that I am popping for this summer. I just threw 1 pack into soil, I will let you know my germ rates. I was really hoping the Ancient Og's were going to be a major part of my grow this summer, hope my germ rates are a little better.

Sometimes I wonder if sorting machines in the post office put out something that kills seeds. I have bought 20lb bags of cover crop seeds that had less than a 10% germ rate. Then the next bag will come and boom, 100% germ rates.

@Power OG Those look very nice and healthy. I tried to grab some of those beans, but they were gone when I got around to making my order. Enjoy those.
I rarely have a problem with germination. This year only a couple and I planted a lot. I used to do the paper towel or through in h2o. Now I just do the jiffy pots throw them in a shallow container with grow medium what ever is around Ihen I cover with plastic wrap. wait at least a day then check. When theyu come up I move the plastic wrap to expose the seedling. This year I have had the best rate of germination. I have been putting 1/4 t of powdered Technaflora seaweed extract into a shallow dish throw in 4 jiffy peat pots put in microwave for 30 seconds add more water if necessary. They will seem to saturated just wait a while. I lay the seed in and plant about 1/2 inch deep. The way I figure this is the way the seed will sprout in nature. I am a very lazy person. I try to find the easiest way that works. Old seeds are another story.


"I just read an acticle about seedlings getting lanky. It said its caused by to much water. Apparently the root system can't take a lot of H2). I had already started my seeds so I can't verify".

Lanky seedlings or plants is caused by lack of good lighting. The lankyness comes from the plant trying to grow closer to the light source.


"I just read an acticle about seedlings getting lanky. It said its caused by to much water. Apparently the root system can't take a lot of H2). I had already started my seeds so I can't verify".

Lanky seedlings or plants is caused by lack of good lighting. The lankyness comes from the plant trying to grow closer to the light source.
there is not one single reason why plants grow in a lanky way buddy. you are correct to suggest internal water pressure can be a causal factor, esp when combined with variations in vDIFF that cause wider fluctuations in turgor pressure, and so ion H pumping, but it could be related to genetics just as well as it could also be PR versus PfR ratios of light which you also correctly suggest. It could be related to badly applied nutrients and unbalanced sequences of Growth Hormones. Auxin is the plant hormone responsible for cell elongation in shoots. Auxin not only triggers hydrogen ion pumping across the cell membrane but also alters the pattern of gene expression inside the plant cell in a way that encourages plant growth.

more on Ion Pumping and cell elongation and waves of light and day night temp differences (DIFF)

  • Plant cells are surrounded by a tough but flexible layer of cellulose and other molecules called the cell wall. The cell wall helps to counteract osmotic pressure created by diffusion of water across the plant's cell membrane; it also, however, can restrict cell growth. To elongate, plant cells must temporarily loosen their cell wall.
  • The acid growth hypothesis posits that plant cells elongate by pumping hydrogen ions across their membrane. Increased concentration of H+ makes the cell wall more acidic, activating enzymes that cut bonds between molecules in the fibers of the wall. The increasing concentration of H+ also changes the potential across the cell membrane, boosting the uptake of other ions into the cell and thereby increasing the rate at which water diffuses into the cell so that it expands.

Growing plants is more than light and we cant always solve our problems by ever more watts, or less water. to understand, we must truly know the connections Most peoples issues are related to environment. One might ask how in cases of multiple planting, we get some lanky ones and others not, even in similar environments.
Mr Bee

Mr Bee

Its some awesome smoke. I've had this cut for about a year. Its my first plant that I've ever considered a "keeper". I usually keep a cut for a year or 2 then kill it off and move onto something new. Numerous reports from people in my network say its the best I've grown yet. I love the resin content it has. It greases up my arms when I'm working the canopy removing fan leaves. Absolutely fucking sparkles when viewed in sunlight.
I wish I was growing outdoor this year because I'd give this one a shot. I think the smaller bud structure and longer internodal space might help me avoid bud rot in the fall. I've had poor luck with several different varities of Hashplant's Large Colas being a good spot for dew to cause rot.
But my grow partner has decided "No growing outdoor this year, I want to hunt ducks instead of trim all october." LOL fuckin ducks never dropped fat stacks of cash in my lap when Im out hunting them.
Anyways, back to the Synergy,
Its not got big buds, more like an OG looking bud, small hard "golfball buds" but they're dense and easy to trim. The outer leaves Turns dark purple around week 8-9. I usually harvest it at around week 10.
I recently grew an entire crop of just synergy and finally got over 1 potato per 1k HPS, My synergy cut is my new benchmark to see if a new strain is worth keeping. Needless to say, Most gear from breeders other than bhodi dont make the cut.

JAG, its interesting that you mention that the lower growth was so thick. On my particular pheno, the side branches produce larger buds than the main cola. The top buds are pretty small but the buds on the ends of the lower and middle branches are larger but not as dense as the top branches.

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The synergy was one i quiet liked also.mine was kinda real chemmyness but it was a good mix of quality and yeild.


The synergy was one i quiet liked also.mine was kinda real chemmyness but it was a good mix of quality and yeild.
I loved synergy too. i thought is was excellent herb. very relaxing smoke, hard but not over heavy. I was still able to maintain brain focus, just in a happier spirit :-) I was hoping he might release more


IMG 8634
IMG 8633
Cherry sunshine. A friend ran the testers and found 1 that differed from the others. It smells amazing. Like sour cherry cough sweets. This is from a cut that he gifted me


Just a couple of The Fuzzes that I chopped a few weeks ago....


The Fuzz 1 closeup

The Fuzz 1 Frosty

The Fuzz 1 Frosty1

The Fuzz 1 full plant harvest

The Fuzz 1 harvest closeup

The Fuzz 1 supercloseup

The Fuzz #1 tastes a LOT like Sour Diesel. Buds look very similar to Sour Diesel, too, minus the plethora of wiry orange pistils that SD usually exhibits. But the fox tailing buds and especially the flavor (ooooohhhhh, that flavor...) is almost identical to Sour D. If I didn't know what it was and you just passed me a j, you could maybe almost fool me. Very good weed. I wanna get another pack or two of these seeds. I know I say that every time, but for real, I want more of these seeds.

The Fuzz #4:

The Fuzz 4 flower

The Fuzz 4 fullplant harvest

The Fuzz 4 harvest

The Fuzz 4 late flower closeup

The Fuzz 4 late flower1
The Fuzz1 harvest closeup1

The Fuzz #4 seemed Green Crack-dominant when I was chopping it and even a week or two into curing, judging by the way it smelled.. Very sweet and fruity with just a hint of Diesel nastiness. Now it just smells gnarly. All kinds of foul, but in a really good way. I've only fucked with the "larf jar" on both of the Fuzzes that I harvested, keeping the "Big Buds" jars sealed up for another week or two before I get into them. But the larf is awfully fucking tasty. Been smoking j's of it the past few days and it is gawddamned GOOD. Very up and positive, spacy, smile-y. I was watching the Dodgers dominate again this weekend and I kept forgetting which team was which haha. My girl had to keep reminding me,"No, don't cheer now, that was the Brewers who just got a hit," haha.

I dunno, that happens a lot when I get high. I can never remember which team is which haha....

Anyway, yeah, The Fuzz for the win. Real good weed. I haven't weighed any of it yet, but there was a lot of larf compared to the rest of the plants I grew this round. Having said that, both of the The Fuzzes and #1 especially tossed rock-fucking-hard dense-as-shit buds. Tightest nugs I've ever harvested. Very dense. I'll weigh all of it soon and get back to y'all.


The Fuzz #1 total weight minus the larf jars: 76 grams and probably about ten grams of larf. The larf from the number one filled up one pint mason jar and another one half full. Too much larf, to be honest, but the real nugs are rock-solid, very tight and tasty.

The Fuzz #4 yielded 87 grams not including the larf jar. Only half of a pint mason jar of larf from this one.

Both of The Fuzzes were flowered in three gallon smart pots, Coots mix for soil, pretty much water only with the occasional sprouted seed tea, maybe a little coconut water here and there, occasional fulvic acid and K Silicate. Y'all know me, I don't put a whole hell of a lot of thought or effort into shit. Pretty good yields on those Fuzzes, about an ounce per gallon of soil, which is always my goal. I bet it would yield insane if I did a little scrog-type grow. Next time, maybe.... It's real good weed, though. Very stony and satisfying. Very tasty, too.

I grew one Clusterfunk this round but forgot to take pictures before I chopped it. Haven't weighed it yet, but it filled four pint mason jars, with another pint jar filled with larf. I've smoke a few bowls from the larf jar and it is fucking HEAVY. I usually wake up two or three times during the night, but any time I blaze the Clusterfunk, I get a really good six straight hours of sleep. It's tasty, too. Straight-up aftershave/pine/black hash, in that order. After about thirty minutes, I'm out. Really good meds if you suffer from insomnia (which I do). It smells DISGUSTING, though. Just a gnarly, armpit diaper garlic gross smell, but it tastes really, really good.

Anyway.... What's up @Limonene I'm digging those Cherry Sunshine pics. What's the Cherry part of that hybrid? Sunshine Daydream x ?
Mr Bee

Mr Bee

@Minitiger youv killed it with those the fuzz.i always wondered why no one raved about that one given the lineage. well they do now.great report.
Iv got some isp Chemdog 91 bx i got from @Limonene thats prolly gonna b popped next with some love triangle.
@Limonene that cherry strain looks awesome.your gettin some good frost coverage there.well done


@Minitiger youv killed it with those the fuzz.i always wondered why no one raved about that one given the lineage. well they do now.great report.
Iv got some isp Chemdog 91 bx i got from @Limonene thats prolly gonna b popped next with some love triangle.
@Limonene that cherry strain looks awesome.your gettin some good frost coverage there.well done

Yeah, @Mr Bee it is weird how there's very little info about The Fuzz, right? That's one of the reasons why I grew it (that and, like you said, it sounded like a sick-ass cross). I really love it. Very good weed and pretty good yielder, too. I had a Mg deficiency that took me a while to diagnose; I bet if everything was perfect, those two plants would've yielded even better than they did. Still, an ounce per gallon of soil is always my goal and that's what I got, sooooo.... No complaints. At all.

What's "isp Chemdog 91"? I know what Chemdog 91 is, obviously, but what's that "isp" part?
Mr Bee

Mr Bee

Yeah, @Mr Bee it is weird how there's very little info about The Fuzz, right? That's one of the reasons why I grew it (that and, like you said, it sounded like a sick-ass cross). I really love it. Very good weed and pretty good yielder, too. I had a Mg deficiency that took me a while to diagnose; I bet if everything was perfect, those two plants would've yielded even better than they did. Still, an ounce per gallon of soil is always my goal and that's what I got, sooooo.... No complaints. At all.

What's "isp Chemdog 91"? I know what Chemdog 91 is, obviously, but what's that "isp" part?
Isp is insane seed posse


Yea its fat cherry
Is fat cherry the vintage Afghani? I've been getting this strain mixed up since day 1. It smells delightful whatever she is.
Unfortunately I can't say the same about the 2 phenos of lucky charms I have. They look great and will yield but terps are very dull. I know that there are amazing charms phenos out there but these aren't those I'm sad to say.


Is fat cherry the vintage Afghani? I've been getting this strain mixed up since day 1. It smells delightful whatever she is.
Unfortunately I can't say the same about the 2 phenos of lucky charms I have. They look great and will yield but terps are very dull. I know that there are amazing charms phenos out there but these aren't those I'm sad to say.
Yea that's all i can find on Fat Cherry is that its a vintage Ghan. That sucks with the lucky charms, I've heard of some tasty phenos.

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