Corona virus and Marijuana

  • Thread starter detroitjoe
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Do you know how they determine if you have the virus? Believe it is an anti body test. Meaning your body tests positive for the anti bodies. Residual anti bodies will also show positive. There is no real data showing you can over come the virus to only have it come back again. There have been cases with false positive tests, person is given treatment for corona virus, second test comes back negative and then they get the virus. What the medical industry does not know and that article is using to sell its content is how long the human body will have immunity after vaccination or acquiring the disease.
No, most of the testing is looking for a genetic signature specific to the virus itself. That's why they're swabbing mucous membranes - to acquire a sample of the virus.


If true..that would be an all time low for politics. Our Governor said that he has 4 emergency requests in for supplies, equipment and PPEs. He says that none have been answered.

So Far today, Reno is slowly getting more cases, but Las Vegas is exploding.


If true..that would be an all time low for politics. Our Governor said that he has 4 emergency requests in for supplies, equipment and PPEs. He says that none have been answered.

So Far today, Reno is slowly getting more cases, but Las Vegas is exploding.
Did you quote the wrong person?


@Rootbound I surely did! Can you move it?
I wanted it to be under the Michigan Governor's post.

I don't want this to turn political. I'd rather remain silent about many things political. However I was dumbfounded when I read it! It's not a time for this. Everyone should be pulling together. Why? More lives are at stake if we don't. Better preparation would have saved some lives already ... and limited spread.


I don't want this to turn political. I'd rather remain silent about many things political. However I was dumbfounded when I read it! It's not a time for this. Everyone should be pulling together. Why? More lives are at stake if we don't. Better preparation would have saved some lives already ... and limited spread.
I agree..this is not about is and should be about people and saving lives in this time of need.


And I'm sure when there is enough crap to go around everyone will get it as promised.



Hard to believe NY has been walled in for 23 years already. ;-)

But what about?

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"Specifically, while Lombardy and Veneto applied similar approaches to social distancing and retail closures, Veneto took a much more proactive tack towards the containment of the virus. Veneto’s strategy was multi-pronged:

  • Extensive testing of symptomatic and asymptomatic cases early on.
  • Proactive tracing of potential positives. If someone tested positive, everyone in that patient’s home as well as their neighbors were tested. If testing kits were unavailable, they were self-quarantined.
  • A strong emphasis on home diagnosis and care. Whenever possible, samples were collected directly from a patient’s home and then processed in regional and local university labs.
  • Specific efforts to monitor and protect health care and other essential workers. They included medical professionals, those in contact with at-risk populations (e.g., caregivers in nursing homes), and workers exposed to the public (e.g., supermarket cashiers, pharmacists, and protective services staff).

Following the guidance from public health authorities in the central government, Lombardy opted instead for a more conservative approach to testing. On a per capita basis, it has so far conducted half of the tests conducted in Veneto and had a much stronger focus only on symptomatic cases — and has so far made limited investments in proactive tracing, home care and monitoring, and protection of health care workers.

The set of policies enacted in Veneto are thought to have considerably reduced the burden on hospitals and minimized the risk of flu spreading in medical facilities, a problem that has greatly impacted hospitals in Lombardy."


There are a handful of products you can use to naturally disinfect and sanitize your home. You probably already have them in your home. They are all effective in killing germs and sanitizing surfaces and toys. Again, remember if you are following CDC recommendation stick with isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol or ethanol (drinking alcohol like vodka) at 70% or higher alcohol content.

Let’s go over each one and I’ll explain the best places to use them:

1. Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen Peroxide at 3% or higher an be used on most surfaces to disinfect. You can just put a spray nozzle on the bottle to disinfect surfaces like doorknobs, toilet seats, etc. Opt for food-grade hydrogen peroxide to disinfect surfaces that touch food like cutting boards or the lids of canned food you buy from the store.

Avoid using on carpets, upholstery, curtains, and fabrics (unless you want to whiten) as it is a natural bleach and will whiten. But you can use in the laundry if you’re looking to whiten naturally. Check out my DIY Bleach Alternative.

How to use to disinfect: Spray a cloth and wipe down surfaces like computer keyboards, cellphones, doorknobs, toilet seats, etc. to naturally disinfect. Use direct from the bottle or 1:1 dilution with water in a spray bottle. Clean toys by filling a tub half full with water and add about 1-2 cups of. Soak toys for about 30 minutes and then drain and allow to air dry. For laundry, add 1 cup to white clothes or towels and wash as usual in the washing machine with your favorite laundry detergent.
Hydrogen Peroxide is as sparse as TP at my local Meijer & I need some for planting.


Speaking of governors, it seems ours is ready to go toe to toe with the president.
This is infuriating, disgusting, sociopathic, and just awful. I will never understand this type of callousness, it’s pure evil. This is a time for coming together and helping every one of us, not playing favorites and literally killing people because they hurt your feelers.
It doesn’t seem like we will find a way out of this: the economic devastation will last for generations and quite likely reshape the entire economy. I don’t see how things ever go back to any form of what normal was, this is quite scary. I know back in the day we used to have some farmers on here that were Italian. I wonder if we have any now?



From The Guardian on March 27:

Gordon Brown has urged world leaders to create a temporary form of global government to tackle the twin medical and economic crises caused by the flu pandemic.

The former Labour prime minister, who was at the centre of the international efforts to tackle the impact of the near-meltdown of the banks in 2008, said there was a need for a taskforce involving world leaders, health experts and the heads of the international organisations that would have executive powers to coordinate the response.
What do you think about this virus? Do you think that it’s a conspiracy by the globalists to begin population control and takeover, along the line of William coopers beliefs? Or do you think it’s a natural form of evolution that occurs once every 100 years or so? Or something else?


This is all I need to know. 👽🤭
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