Federal Decriminalization

  • Thread starter Bean_Boy
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I agree we need a "Board of O.G. growers" not big anything so the infrastructure "Monies" don't get stolen for "county commisioners" steak's & wine dinners. Where's the "Legal Gambling" monies from Lotto??


Dont meant to say this...im going to anyways!!

We never succeeded from england, ever!! Where are you getting this info? Fox? Cnn?

This gov signed a never talked about treaty with england in 1814. Remember the capital building fire? That was one of the reasons it was signed...the british could have taken everything back why didnt they? Why didnt benjiman franklin and a host of other freemasons not live in america? Why did they live in england and france? Becsuse they werent american!!!
The reason i think the throne didnt take america back is because they've always taxed/owned it....this gov sends London a tax payment every year again you are just never told about it...lmfao!!murika!!!

When this country was founded it was filled with outcasts and dupes from europe....why? Cuz they are more easily fooled!! This country is filled with way too many dupes look at all the trumpers out there..(i did think he won by the way) obvious voter fruad(every election) yet no one seems to care....theres nothing we can do!?! Well god damn it, sure there is!! Change!?! They've been saying that one for eons...NO ONE GETS IT COMPLETELY! NOT EVEN CLOSE......i'd really like you fellow americans really know how i feel....but im sure like always wasted breath, time, energy, thought processes, etc...fuck it!!!
I wont go there...


I tend to look at it like craft beer. As long as there is a good choice available to the consumer I can vote with my wallet. You can drink Budweiser and Coors Light or you can drink some crazy backwoods farm brew thing you have to go fill up jugs yourself if you want... that's the beauty of capitalism..... sometimes.

But sometimes a lot of other factors like economics come into play.

It's great if you want to live an all organic vegan lifestyle and shop at Whole Foods and smoke the dankest living soil flower, but I hope you can afford it too ...because at least here in the US, its not a level playing field.

This fine cannabis not on the cheap...can be grown on the cheap....FUCK CAPITALISM/COMMUNISM


If I was willing to smoke the $50oz commercial, taxed weed already available here, my consumption costs would probably be about equal to my production costs... But I'm not.
I enjoy growing cannabis regardless... And will always do so... Even if it is just another expensive hobby for me.
You need to get a grip on those production costs. $50/oz is way too much.


Dispensary weed is garbage, national legalization will not change anything.
The garbage will be mass produced by the money man controlled by the government.
Prices will stay high because of taxing.
Black market will thrive mainly because people don’t want to smoke the garbage or pay a tax on there weed.

Well said...i know a yahoo that just bought a house, out in the country, him n his brother grew really good weed, grew this summer 3 plants....fuckin idiot put it under the security light on his property....directly under it for months!! Fuckin idgits!! Pays 300 for an ounce of weed and refuses to grow indoors...i gave him a gd offer that couldnt be refused...but he did anyways...has the audacity to tell me if you have an ounce of weed you are a dealer and should go to jail and be fined. $1,000 dollar fine aint shit!! Fuck me!! The gov getting a $1 of my money is not cool! This yahoo told me this shit i wanted to slap the Fuck outta him....i cant see myself knowing people like this...consumers who dont care about their bottom line have a serious mental illness....oh he made 35,000 last year! Where the fuck do these people get off!?! Im poor, i made 33,000 last year...lol


Well said...i know a yahoo that just bought a house, out in the country, him n his brother grew really good weed, grew this summer 3 plants....fuckin idiot put it under the security light on his property....directly under it for months!! Fuckin idgits!! Pays 300 for an ounce of weed and refuses to grow indoors...i gave him a gd offer that couldnt be refused...but he did anyways...has the audacity to tell me if you have an ounce of weed you are a dealer and should go to jail and be fined. $1,000 dollar fine aint shit!! Fuck me!! The gov getting a $1 of my money is not cool! This yahoo told me this shit i wanted to slap the Fuck outta him....i cant see myself knowing people like this...consumers who dont care about their bottom line have a serious mental illness....oh he made 35,000 last year! Where the fuck do these people get off!?! Im poor, i made 33,000 last year...lol
LMFAO, security light:)


It’s gonna be a giant cluster fuck imo, by the time they get done taxing the hell out of it, making us buy tax stamps for every plant and the rest of the bullshit they can conjure up in their piss ant brains. the “black market” will still be alive and well, in Michigan the tax is 6% sales tax + 10% pot tax, now add the feds BS to it.

it’s all about the government getting their “fair share” which means find every way they can to screw the little guy.

If anyone can name one thing the government has gotten their fingers in that isn’t a giant cluster I will retract this post.
The feds shouldnt be able to tax it! Its illegal at their level...10th gives states their own rights. By law feds cant be in states harassing anyone. Legal or illegal...thats a state right now. State has to arrest the illegal growers...the fed gov is bullshit!

Im sure the fedsre-wrote laws to make this all possible...if a person ended up in federal court, is that correct due process?


All the hoops we / you have to jump through for this plant is ridicules and each one there's a cost plus tax. How did we ( the people ) allow these guys / Fucks to have so much power over our personal lives? Lawyers......Blame the fking lawyers....lol.....they sold us out.
it sure as hel wasn't the plumbers,carpenters,electricians, Barbers,fishermen ect. Lawyers...should be followed with spit. oops med time.
It was the fuckin freemason that sold american out for the masons....masons, i guess im an anti"......" something or another....


I'm good, worth every penny and then some.
You'd probably shit more than the horses if you saw what we spend on them... I know I do on occasion.
Used to race superbikes too... Know how to make a million dollars doing that?... Start with two million. 🤑

I hate that shit. Really do. The one thing that divides us in the middle of the one thing that unifies us. Who gives af about what you've got? I've owned a "small" tech dev firm for 20 years. Know what I ride? How about how many acres over 100 are under my feet? But I'm just a hippie living in the woods. What the fuck would I know.

But if your costs are $50oz then you're doing it wrong.


I hate that shit. Really do. The one thing that divides us in the middle of the one thing that unifies us. Who gives af about what you've got? I've owned a "small" tech dev firm for 20 years. Know what I ride? How about how many acres over 100 are under my feet? But I'm just a hippie living in the woods. What the fuck would I know.

But if your costs are $50oz then you're doing it wrong.

Wasn't bragging about what I have, or what I've done. Sorry if it came across that way... Was just eluding (again) to the fact that I don't mind spending money on things that make me happy.
Honestly, haven't figured out my actual costs since (past) I had to factor in payroll for trimmers.
But my power bill has gone up considerably since firing these lights up again... And soil prices are about double what I used to pay.


Wasn't bragging about what I have, or what I've done. Sorry if it came across that way... Was just eluding (again) to the fact that I don't mind spending money on things that make me happy.
Honestly, haven't figured out my actual costs since (past) I had to factor in payroll for trimmers.
But my power bill has gone up considerably since firing these lights up again... And soil prices are about double what I used to pay.

S'all good. Hah! You're on a farm too :))) Tell me that's not the best feeling in the world to wake up walk around and just look :))) Kind of makes me puff up for a brief second every day until I remember "the list" and it's time to get on it.


I'd probably be willing to give around half of my money to my government if they did dick all for the wellbeing of those they govern.
This one's so despicable it can't even take care of the people who fight to preserve it and the families of those who've died in the same fight.
As far as taxing me to allow me the freedom from persecution? I'm all the fuck on board for that.

Staunch independence is ill-conceived at best in a population of this magnitude. It's great if you're able to carve out your own space and support yourself on it, but what say you about driving on a paved road; being able to buy a car for a somewhat reasonable exchange; using the internet? No one could come close to providing those things on their own, so you have to ebb somewhere.
And that's where you have to be willing to work within the lines and gradually skew those lines in your favor by the allowed methods.
Otherwise, it's probably best to just keep quiet, operate in the shadows, and leech where you can while you make that nook off the grid. But in return, you have to accept the fee that's set for those who are caught doing so.
So that's where it comes to these sweeping legislations, big corporations, and other mega-entites and their capital interest in how our lives are controlled. If they can make their money while loosening our collars, I'd argue that's the best we can hope for outside of naivety because they'll otherwise find a way to make their money while tightening their grip around our neck.
Capitalism isn't great. But if you don't buy into what they're selling; they can't sell their product. You cannot assign exclusive blame to mega-entites because half or more of your fellows are eagerly buying into it.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for personal liberties above all else, but when you're addressing the personal liberties of 300 million people..?

Wisest words spoken: jail bad.
No one has personal liberties in a cage. And you have to pay far the fuck more for living in that cage than the meager taxes people like to get butthurt about.


I agree, a buddy of mine said: Lot's of big corporations & $$ into cannabis. I told him we O.G. types will help each other thrive to our desires and hearts content. Been an entrepreneur most of my life, in Houston I had a cleaning service, pet & home sitting service called Thepetbutlers, Houston shopping valets, before Uber. Now I can work privately with a few O.G. guys who are helping me advance as I am a Certified Master Gardener with 4 years in Agriculture in high school. We "so called" little guys will be just fine.


I agree, a buddy of mine said: Lot's of big corporations & $$ into cannabis. I told him we O.G. types will help each other thrive to our desires and hearts content. Been an entrepreneur most of my life, in Houston I had a cleaning service, pet & home sitting service called Thepetbutlers, Houston shopping valets, before Uber. Now I can work privately with a few O.G. guys who are helping me advance as I am a Certified Master Gardener with 4 years in Agriculture in high school. We "so called" little guys will be just fine.

We'll be better than fine. Our quality will crush them.


I think it's about time to stop the witchhunt when it comes to TCH and all sorts of marijuana products. If you have a closer look at what people get high on, you would be so shocked, man. I have a good friend who was smoking Xanax for years. Can you imagine? Freaking Xanax. The worst part about such a damaging drug is that it can be taken from any pharmacy with a simple prescription but it's not that hard to be given out. If you go on fherehab.com, you will find all the details and negative effects that it has on people.


I have been on Hydrocodone for years. There really isn’t that much difference between it and Marijuana other than my Doctor can’t prescribe Marijuana.

Actually Marijuana makes me feel better. With either I can’t drive.


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