General vape advice, issues with Da Buddha Vaporizer and how to clean?

  • Thread starter jmand
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Hey I need to clean out my parts for this vaporiser and I have no idea how.. I need some strong alcohol, ethanol? and I soak it in that then once this has happened enogh times I can get rid of the ethanol and I am left with some kinda hashish substance right?

Yeah this vape is ok but the wand keeps getting stuck in the heating part!! its so annoying and I lost enough weed along the way with various issues, either its stuck or it used to fall out mid vape sessions and spill my weed everywhere!! I fil back the wands end that fits into the heating element a bit and this seems to have helped but its still an issue, it getts stuck and the only way to remove it is to hit it with something really solid! which is not great! :( Wish it was reliable and didnt always cause problems kinda defeats the point of trying to chill ou tand get high.. It is a good vape when it works, but its inconsistent in how it heats the herb, some of it in the midddle is always much more cooked than the edges. So have to constantly take it off and stir..
da buddha vape:

I was looking at the v-arizer tower one its about £99 I wonder if it will be much more reliable? it looks that way, like its more of a volcano rip off without the fan... I just wanna heat it up and use it without any isssues hahaha... Any one have experience with it? I am poor and cannot afford a volcano.


Why don’t you just look at a simpler hand held dry herb vape device. Many choices out there.


the mains powered ones are better generally, larger more power.. dont rely on battery, the hand held one would still need to be cleaned..


I have a Firefly and a Hybrid Volcano. The Volcano takes zero cleaning, but the Firefly requires I use alcohol periodically.


I have a Firefly and a Hybrid Volcano. The Volcano takes zero cleaning, but the Firefly requires I use alcohol periodically.
That firefly kinda looks dope not gonna lie. I got a fury edge smokes real nice I can burn a bowl for 10 minutes same high as my volcano gives me #HandheldsForTheWin


That firefly kinda looks dope not gonna lie. I got a fury edge smokes real nice I can burn a bowl for 10 minutes same high as my volcano gives me #HandheldsForTheWin
The Firefly has great flavor. The Volcano though... I've never had anything do me like that. Its a Star Wars Hookah that is mind blowing.


The Firefly has great flavor. The Volcano though... I've never had anything do me like that. Its a Star Wars Hookah that is mind blowing.
The firefly is a PITA to load IMO. It does have great flavor and works well. I have one, and also a PAX. The PAX is very hard to beat.


The firefly is a PITA to load IMO. It does have great flavor and works well. I have one, and also a PAX. The PAX is very hard to beat.
i'm soooo glad handhelds have come so far ...used to have to plug in my handheld after about 20 mins of use back in the 2010 days with this shitty smoke shop vape lol


meh I want a mains one then will look into portable.. the one I have a decent just the issues i mentioned.. I cannot afford a volcano I know they are good s my friend had one.. The DVS is pretty close and also can work with hashish! I just wonder how I clean it and collect the resin to make hash..

and no one tried that arizer tower one?


The reason why your weed isnt burning in the middle is because its a conduction vape.. and the cleaning most ppl would just use isopropyl alcohol yea soaking is good but running alcohol through it will clean it more(wasteful) but cleaner


I was looking at the v-arizer tower...

...I want a mains one then will look into portable... ... one tried that arizer tower one?

Well i kept my Arizer V-Tower only 3 weeks before finally giving it away without its vaporizer glassware (exactly as the "pot-pourri warmer" it was pretending to be when sold).

Arizer V Tower 2013 Sep 200x400

In any case it's no money issue IMHO, so i didn't step into that glamorous bandwagon neither, but had to develop my own solution because there was no help: *I* was expected to adapt while lining successive experiences until it felt punishing enough i guess...

Look at a Volcano from inside, as far as i'm concerned i won't miss it at all, not to mention the cracking plastic bags, etc. One funny thing i noticed was that aluminium/metals got "bad" purist reputation unless a price-tag will rise sufficiently high to tease angels in heaven... Plastic PVC is practically a sin, apparently, even the food-grade aquarium tubes operating within safe temperature ranges, etc. A common denominator being variable-geometry concepts here.

Generally-speaking most commercially-available tools seem to solve a manufacturer's own technical challenges 1st, not necessarily matching the consumer's expectations, not to mention we're supposed to try them all forever one after the next and forget about real basics, like heater modes.

To top it all there's very little similarities in how popular money pits actually emulate the cigarette/"joint" consumption method without self-poisoning smoke. Starting with slow/steady scenarios imposing long/frequent "baking" between 2 tokes, etc.

Oh i got my fair shot of disapointments looking for a desirable alternative all right, which is an understatement in retrospective: just browse the web searching for "Egzoset Banned" or similar... No love there! May you get some better luck., get prepared to Sniff 'n Liche quite a few buts trying to make "friends"!!

Anyway clogging/sticking parts as you describe sounds like a trade-off pre-emptively made in the owner's name by design, early at the blueprint stage for the sake of "simplicity". Maybe it's time to train our eyes in recognizing lame cheating, the rest that comes with a load of fame "noise" will prove difficult too.

Better simply build a time machine, because « It's already been done before, just not yet! »...

Good day, have fun!! ☮️
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Can't recommend the volcano enough. Seems expensive but mine has lasted for 15 years; I've sent it out for repairs at storz-bickel's maintenance shop twice and it was back to like-new for <$80 both times. Today it still works as well as the day I bought it.


Yeah Storz&Bikelz never fails...
I got the Plenty its a real beast..cant say nothing bad about it....gets you higher than anything i tried as far as vaping....huge herb chamber...hooked to a water dab rig....wooohooo☄️✨🌟💥
All the vapes need their diligent manteinance...its the thing.


Well i kept my Arizer V-Tower only 3 weeks before finally giving it away without its vaporizer glassware (exactly as the "pot-pourri warmer" it was pretending to be when sold).

In any case it's no money issue IMHO, so i didn't step into that glamorous bandwagon neither, but had to develop my own solution because there was no help: *I* was expected to adapt while lining successive experiences until it felt punishing enough i guess...

Look at a Volcano from inside, as far as i'm concerned i won't miss it at all, not to mention the cracking plastic bags, etc. One funny thing i noticed was that aluminium/metals got "bad" purist reputation unless a price-tag will rise sufficiently high to tease angels in heaven... Plastic PVC is practically a sin, apparently, even the food-grade aquarium tubes operating within safe temperature ranges, etc. A common denominator being variable-geometry concepts here.

Generally-speaking most commercially-available tools seem to solve a manufacturer's own technical challenges 1st, not necessarily matching the consumer's expectations, not to mention we're supposed to try them all forever one after the next and forget about real basics, like heater modes.

To top it all there's very little similarities in how popular money pits actually emulate the cigarette/"joint" consumption method without self-poisoning smoke. Starting with slow/steady scenarios imposing long/frequent "baking" between 2 tokes, etc.

Oh i got my fair shot of disappointments looking for a desirable alternative all right, which is an understatement in retrospective: just browse the web searching for "Egzoset Banned" or similar... No love there! May you get some better luck., get prepared to Sniff 'n Liche quite a few buts trying to make "friends"!!

Anyway clogging/sticking parts as you describe sounds like a trade-off pre-emptively made in the owner's name by design, early at the blueprint stage for the sake of "simplicity". Maybe it's time to train our eyes in recognizing lame cheating, the rest that comes with a load of fame "noise" will prove difficult too.

Better simply build a time machine, because « It's already been done before, just not yet! »...

Good day, have fun!! ☮️
I can't actually understand much of this? So the tower was bad? And I hear you about the volcano not being clean materials thats one nice thing about this DBV it is glass and ceramics :-) Except the tubing...

I really need to clean it all :( So do I get a large container filed with pure alcohol and just soak all these components in it?


Can't recommend the volcano enough. Seems expensive but mine has lasted for 15 years; I've sent it out for repairs at storz-bickel's maintenance shop twice and it was back to like-new for <$80 both times. Today it still works as well as the day I bought it.
yeah well to have it like the day you bought it thats cost you like $500-600... I guess thats less than a £1 a day?


So I need a large container of isopropyl alcohol to soak the parts in, and I can use another contained to pour the alcohol through the tubing back into the main container?

How do I eventually get rid of all the alcohol and end up with that hashish ?


tbh the DBV gives a huge amount of vape its cheap and I got for free actually haha.. It is very versatile vape. I am pretty happy with its simplistic design going for quality over quantity. But I need to not have this wand stick into the heating part all the time! I lost so much bud from having to yank it out and hit it with things! So maybe I will ty to file back around the end of the wand that fits into the body heating part.. I just thought that the tower might be a good alternative to have both... Maybe something more reliable and might replace this vape. But if its a risk then I dont want to waste my money as once its been used I cannot return!

sorry year i remember you justl et it evaporate and it leaves the resin hash type stuff... have to uave used it a lot to makeit worth shile to let it all evaporate I guess..


Hi again JMand,

I can't actually understand much of this?

Quite likely because i had to invent my own vocabulary after meeting a wall, on mythical "social media"...

So the v-tower was bad?

Its tokes had to be "prepared", so by the time it felt finally "ready" i usually went short of breath and hence my load was lost or at least denied... Huge bowls of it, because i prioritized aroma/taste appreciation and this required ~300 mg of shredded dry flowers, actually. Now please consider including Québec's most anemic "legal" offer via its SQdC monopoly, euh... E.G. dwarf bald nuggets with their frost-looking (trichomes-covered) surface-layers greedily shaved off, apparently based on Trudeau's 2015 "incidental" promises of some "tracking" system that took the form of seeds removal as a lame smoke-screen excuse... M'well, as if the new dealer needed to be an order of magnitude worse than all those i occasionally met before Trudeau exactly.

Pardon me for the long premise, my point being that one consequence of such mis-guided 3rd-party interference may happen to globally affect almost *ALL* methods of cannabis consumption methods, including mine which may have an edge through "Pulse Heating", because it preferably targets the contact-surface of remaining trichome glands and those are minuscule in comparison to vegetal substrate. The amount of energy matches my bowl capacity suitably enough to meet my own personal expectations; if i depended on the Arizer V-Tower i'd have gone totally abstaining many years ago.

And I hear you about the volcano not being clean materials...

Not exactly. 1st of all it's got a long & complex inlet (fresh) air path inside and i demonstrated this could be eliminated using a simple vacuum system, not to mention it depended on bags anyway:

[ https:// ]
HerbalAire ShotGun (Bag) Accessory {2011-Mar-8}

This showed my herbalAire v2.1, retired after 25 months making circles around a dead-end scenario. But yet it shares some slow/steady consumption model common to a vast variety of similar devices that i simply can't physically tolerate anymore.

In any case what really matters here was how short the lungs-path proved to be as i done my best to keep it at an absolute practical minimum - one only has to decipher visual hints from that video, for example there just ain't no in-line pump nor associated tubing to ever make contact with noble molecules in that particular scenario: that's NOT necessary. But yet even after paying hundreds of dollars the clients are supposed to be satisfied with their Volcano contraption somehow, even the purists... So, i better stop my critic right there before the atmosphere heats up! nice thing about this DBV it is glass and ceramics...

About your sticky problem, it's not an issue with the hot metal screen above the herbs in my own tool. Possibly because fresh air cools it down immediately after each heat burst passing through that bowl. The one screen that does clogg is located below my bowl and someday i hope a solution to this challenge can be demonstrated as well...

...I really need to clean it all...

It's practically similar to an organic fuction requiring care as with our biological bodies. Ever-changing live structures come with the benefit fo being constantly rejuvenated as new, so i suggest it might be a good idea to mimic dame Nature and follow its teachings that reapeat in so many ways in our fragile environment. Personally though i gradually abandonned my desire for "reclaims" and satisfied with depleeting the bowls dry: spent loads conveniently fall off when gently shaken. The rest often forms a "cake" as a result of partially-melt glands resolidifying with vegetal fragments, which in turn increases aerial obstruction that defeats convective heating. That's why i eventually developped a "reversible" capsule concept, but this is quite another story.

So do I get a large container filed with pure alcohol and just soak all these components in it?

Lemme guess. The manufacturer's instruction feel less than ideal once it's stuck... Too bad, like i wrote they solve THEIR own problems 1st. I shall add Arizer's lungs path got shared with space around internal hardware one model after the next and i still can't find hints of any design revisions. So i believe the 7th-Floor Da Buddha has desirable sides after all! Too bad i happen to lack the lungs for these types of inhalation machines!

...if it's a risk then I dont want to waste my money...

Are you handy with tools? I've spent my fair share of money hoping to save future enthousiasts some of the risks & frustration$$ from "Micro-Bursting" tweaks refined close to attainable perfection. YMMV...

Good day, have fun!! ☮️
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