Perpetual Grow in Alaska V3

  • Thread starter kenaibuds
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The roots organic lineup, I’ve seen a lot of people use it, haven’t ever tried it


The roots organic lineup, I’ve seen a lot of people use it, haven’t ever tried it
I like it but it’s a lot work to run the full regiment. I forgot why I stopped using it. Lol. There aren’t enough hours in the day so when it’s time to feed, I’m usually over it. I had better results when I had used it with pro mix HP with Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil. I honestly get the best results from the GH trio.


I like it but it’s a lot work to run the full regiment. I forgot why I stopped using it. Lol. There aren’t enough hours in the day so when it’s time to feed, I’m usually over it. I had better results when I had used it with pro mix HP with Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil. I honestly get the best results from the GH trio.
Awesome, yeah I’m using Gaia green in fox farms strawberry fields and lucky dog, comparing to see which medium produces more growth, so far the peat moss is winning by about a node and a half. 😆


Awesome, yeah I’m using Gaia green in fox farms strawberry fields and lucky dog, comparing to see which medium produces more growth, so far the peat moss is winning by about a node and a half. 😆
Man that lucky dog is some good shizznit, I had a great run with that stuff on my first successful grow. Hearing that it’s in the lead, makes me want to go get a cube for my next soil mix. Did you mix the strawberry fields or use it as a top dress?


It has been a while since I posted, priorities take over sometimes. I’ve still been growing, though, some bomb, and some that weren’t so bomb.

I have a good collection of plants going right now. I added Grape Galette from Umami, .44 Magnum from Norstar, and fruit roll up (a variety from my friend in Oregon). I got rid of the LCS and I’ve been holding onto all the SupaTerp’s, except one male who couldn’t hold out to a root-bound drought test. I’ve bred SupaTerp #B with all of the females in the pack, as well as Grape Galette, .44 Mag, and Cake Monkey.


1. Fruit Roll Up baby just transplanted to a 5 gal
2. SupaTerp #E buds that were very lightly pollinated by SupaTerp #B
3. Grape Galette & .44 Magnum - seeded
4. A couple weeks ago before the stretch on my plants in 10 gals
5. LCS x SupaTerp (I have three of these seedlings growing in a little ceramic pot right now)
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Rocking and rolling… rolling and rocking. Got all the herb processed from the pollination. Smoked through most of it. Some of it sits. Some of it went straight to compost.

The .44 magnum was garbage. The grape galette wasn’t too much better. Slightly cat-pissy so I saved a cut and right now I’m flowering that without any seeds.

Cake monkey, STA and STD are my standouts. I didn’t keep a cut of the STA mom but I do have a cut of the STD mom. It’s hard to compare these two phenotypes but I chose to keep her because the flowering time is about 10 or 12 days shorter.

I’m currently working through the STD x STB seeds. I ran 25 seedlings, culled down to ten, and started another 25 seedlings on the day of the culling. Now this puts this as an f2, and I’m going to really have to look and scientifically assess each plant to understand what traits are dominant and recessive. From there I hope I make the right selection of best male + best female. I will throw in a clone of my STD mother with each sibling pollination.

I’m going to be looking for short, quick flowering, and lots of flavor like the STD mother.

For males, I leave them in solo cups forever and stress them by underwatering, overwatering, no nutes, and chopping on them semi frequently. Out of what’s left, I like to pick the healthiest looking one and pump him up for flower. He stays in the solo cup, forever. Usually half or more will self-induce flower even under 18/6 MH… Compost material.

For females, I just do our regular old testing. Take a couple clones, flower out the mom, smoke her, and then make my pick. Clone success rate, potency, and smell drive my choices here.


STA - SupaTerp (A)

She’s a fucking stunner. This is currently the most flavorful herb I have. 10 weeks and no sign of amber. I should have kept a cut but I did use her in a sibling pollination. She was 73” after the stretch and gave me around 4 ounces in a 7 gal pot (equal parts FFOF + promix HP). I used roots organic bottled nutrients.
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If anybody is even reading this, my goal here is NOT to become a breeder and start selling seeds. I want to understand how to control selective breeding. I’ll be using some techniques mentioned by Chimera in another post. It’s about cubing and how it’s a myth, or not? Either way I’m going to be doing sibling crosses and back crossing those offspring.

I have been sharing these seeds with friends, and I have a few hundred more seeds to share. Beans for beans

STD (f2) first and second waves of testers. Started with 25 and reduced to 10. Started 25 more and I will reduce those to the strongest 10.

Feed: pucks soaked in Superthrive - 2g per 1/2 gallon.

It seems I have a twin in there. Maybe I dropped two beans in the puck? I don’t think so, but maybe.
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Day 28 of flower for my current cake monkey. 7 gal pot? 1:1 mixture of ffof & pro-mix hp. GH trio with 1 tbsp/gal blackstrap kicker in between waterings. She tends to fade into this yellow before she gets to the darker colors. Low on the yield, as I’ve said, but “got dangit Bobby” it’s so good.


A little update on my STD. Not much posting but plenty of growing. Life takes over

(1) Transferred the babies in pucks to solos.

(2) A little while later.

(3) Here’s the first round of STD testing

(4) All of the first and second wave. I ran out of room and pots so I kept the second wave in solo cups for a while.

(5) Veggers - they’re loving it.

(6) A clip from before the first wave got to move to the other room.

As of right now, the first wave is still in flower and the second wave has been transplanted into 1 gallon pots. No pics yet. Males are not culled but separated and I have picked my winners for the next pollination.
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Motherfucking cherry soda… These were a gift from one of my Oregon friends, we’ll call him the Sky Pilot, I got them in 2018. Originally this was a pack of 50+ and now I’m down to 20. I got some killer phenos the last time I grew these. One of them I called the “meat pheno” and there was another one that I called the “sweet pheno”. Stellar buds but there were always a few sterile bananas hanging around here and there.

Blue fuckin’ dream. When I grew up in the PNW, there was plenty of outdoor blue dream floating around. Well, not anymore, and definitely not here in Alaska. I was still young and not growing at the time. Fast forward a decade and I see one of the pages I follow, posting and talking about it. I waited to see some bud shots. Everything looked pretty good. Select Genetics released this Blue Dream bx and I’m going to try it out alongside my cherry soda. This is said to be the original Santa Cruz cut, and here is what he had to say about the male:

“The male used was from my dreamcush line (bluedream x(greencrack x(bluedream/godbud)
Lots of bluedream some skunk1 from the greencrack and a touch of godbud. Because of the greencrack and godbud genetics the flower times have stayed below 10 weeks. Most finish anywhere from 56-70 days.”

It sucks to lose genetics, so I’m planning on doing a sibling cross with my cherry soda. Same for the blue dream if I can find some real winners. If not, I’ll hybridize them. I can always cross them with my STD line and see what happens there, too.

Anyways, happy growing in the new year! 2024 has some nice plants in store and I’m not wasting time or space!!
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Hey ken....I just read through your post....there's so many threads on here, it's hard to read them all.....

Seen this one and I had to read it....

I love your setup and the way you're running perpetual......

You have it growing nicely....

Keep up the great work....


Hey ken....I just read through your post....there's so many threads on here, it's hard to read them all.....

Seen this one and I had to read it....

I love your setup and the way you're running perpetual......

You have it growing nicely....

Keep up the great work....
Thanks Bilber! Perpetual is so nice when you aren’t able to flower outdoors.


Touching down for an update here. Had an accident and dropped all my BCS while planting them. Ruined. I also accidentally dampened off some of my Blue Dream but I have four left, transferred to solo’s. Still rocking these STD’s. Working that shit. I popped way too many, too close together. Things got a little carried away for my little room.

I’ve selected a male, #20, the last seed to sprout out of 50 almost a week after the others. He shows a lot of the same morphological characteristics as the mother. He is early to the party with obvious pre-flowers, showing his sex organs before most other males. Which is good because I had a handful of plants that made it to flower that I thought were females but ended up male. I wouldn’t want to see that trait carry on. Early identification is a good sign of the plants’ readiness and sexual maturity.

I pollinated the remaining females about the middle to the end of the second week of flower. Not entirely stacked up with pistils but this is definitely gives me enough seeds to share and play with. The females left are phenos 1, 4, and 8. They were all topped twice, and I stripped the nodes up to the 5th node from top. The morphology seems to be the same on #1/#8, while #4 is entirely different (and not quite what I’m looking for).
-Phenotype 1 has a fruity funk smell, squatty stature, short internodes, and spear shaped buds.
-Phenotype 8 has a fruity/floral/spice smell, squatty stature, short internodes, and spear shaped buds.
-Phenotype 4 has a tangy floral funk smell, lengthy stature, long internodes, and popcorn style buds.

It’s funny, I find myself thinking about the smells and I keep coming back to #4 as I’m writing this. I’ve gone over and smelled the plant a few times. It’s mid-term right now so we still have a lot more development that can steer me otherwise. I’ll post a few pics.

I am having so much fun learning (and seeing) the result of my selections and breeding. Getting a cut is cool, but the reward of sharing a favorable selection with family and friends can’t be bought. I’m looking forward to finishing the plants, growing these seeds out and making more selections until I find my favorite STD.

Thanks to anybody taking the time to read this shit and interact with me. If you’re interested in getting your hands on some STD’s, hit me up, I like to share (hahaha).
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Black Cherry Soda update -
• 2/11- soaked my seeds on the night of my last post. (8 oz softened well water/1/4 tsp. Superthrive and h2o2)
• 2/12- planted into some recycled media (coco/ffof/ffsf). Vents closed and ≈ 70-75% RH
• 2/14- there were a few of the seedlings that got turned around, I had to flip em over and replant. Anybody know how to fix that? Vents halfway open
•2/16- looking good so far, 7 out of the original 10 are above dirt. Vents open and ≈ 55-60% RH
•2/18- moved them a little bit closer to the light. I don’t have tools to measure my light intensity but the tray is around 32” away
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The first picture is pheno 1, then pheno 8, then pheno 4.

The 4 is the stretch and they seem to have the most fruity aromas, very sweet. (Not my favorite structure, best to grow lots of tops and leave all of the nodes for less overall stretch)

The 8 has a dank, floral, earth tone.. kind of like an afghani. Definitely a little funk. (Second place structure, almost identical to #1)

The 1 is somewhere in between. Fruity, funky, punch kind of smells. But no earth or funk smells going on. (Best structure for fewer tops, lollipop style)

I think I’m going to shoot for the pheno 8 in my breeding trials. I have been selecting the males with this structure and I’ll keep selecting the females with this structure. But I want the smells of #8 to come through instead of #1. I’m glad I did a seed run of 50. That gave me the opportunity to find two squatty phenos with variation still. The seeds from #1 and #4 will just go on the shelf for now. Maybe pop them down the line. #4 has some potential for a different end game(STa pheno). I could possibly hunt that in the future.
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I have a buddy who runs bho and has a vacuum purge. I don’t know his methodology but we did a collaboration on a run. He pulled this (9.09g) out of 46 grams of finely trimmed Cake Monkey. That’s almost 20%on yield. That cake monkey is a dumper.
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BCS seedlings. This is the last of the last so I’ll keep every single one. Even the one with the fucked up leaf. I’m going to pollinate all of the boys and girls so I can get a bunch more seeds.

Blue Dream seedlings. I topped them the other day. Each one at the fifth node. There are four left. Out of ten. What a fuck up. I’m just glad I have just a few more beans to work with, I think there are seven left.

My humidity in my room is ridiculously low right now (60-80°f / 15-40%rh) and it’s causing the seedlings to grow pretty damn slow. I had them in the dome until day 14. Removed the dome but I might put it back on until they outgrow it. I have a very small humidifier I think I’ll try out soon.
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