What kind of paper bags to sweat before grove bags ?

  • Thread starter bguwop420
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Anybody know what kind ? Like the brown paper bags of what


ok brother you definitely need to stop making threads for every question..
keep everything to one thread!..
And if no one comes to your post to answer a new question what do you do? If my post question asks " can I fix this splitting of my plant" and the next day you want help with leaf discoloration how do you attract help from those that can help if all they see is a question about a split trunk? Post a new question, right?


And if no one comes to your post to answer a new question what do you do? If my post question asks " can I fix this splitting of my plant" and the next day you want help with leaf discoloration how do you attract help from those that can help if all they see is a question about a split trunk? Post a new question, right?
well eventually you will do what i did just stop asking questions here


I use turkey bagels and plastic totes instead of paper bags…..and it’s worked great.
I do sort of a combo trim, where I take off some of the bigger fans before I hang the plant.
If I can dial in perfectly to 60f/60% rh, the buds will hang 11-12 days. Once the outside leaves get brittle, I’ll move the buds, loosely arrange in a turkey bag. Fold the turkey bag up and put into a plastic tote. Put the top on the tote and for added measure I’ll tape the top all the way around to make it airtight.
Once in the totes, leave it alone for 24hrs.
After which, I’ll open and usually the crispy outer leaves have softened up and bit.
The buds internal moisture has redistributed somewhat.
Depending on how moist the buds feel, I’ll leave the buds out in the open for an hour or two. Make sure your humidity in the room is low enough to help dry the buds but not extremely dry. 50% is usually comfortable.
Then repeat the process and allow them to “sweat” another 24hrs….and do it all over.
You’ll develop a feel for it. Generally after 2 or 3 redistribution/sweat cycles, they will be ready to do a final trim and jar.
Occasionally the rh in the jar will be a little higher than I like it, so I’ll open it daily, spread the buds out on a tray and let them sit up to an hour.
I’ve noticed better terp retention when trimming just a little while wet and leaving most until after the dry.
Once I get my jars holding at 60% rh, I won’t open again, unless I’m taking some out.
If it sits longer than a few months, I’ll drop in a Boveda pack.
One last comment….I’ve already put most of u sleep. My nose becomes conditioned to the smell. I way underestimate the stench.
Whenever I go out of town, without any smoke, when I come back the smell hits me like truck.


when my plants have dried over 12 days or so , i usually put them into black bags and tie them up and start trimming the next day . i find the buds have kind of come back to a bit more moist than when bagged . i guess i am kind of sweating them without realizing
once trimmed i put them in a tub to cure and burp the tub every day . is this achieving the same thing ?

also , do i cure in tubs then put into grove bags , or should they go straight into the grove bag after the trim ?



Plastic totes or large Mason jars are much easier to control.
Install a through-wall humidistat in the lid of your chosen vessel and keep an eye on things aiming for 50 RH.
Lower than 40% and chlorophyll becomes "locked" and rehydration will not allow for a full cure.


Plastic totes or large Mason jars are much easier to control.
Install a through-wall humidistat in the lid of your chosen vessel and keep an eye on things aiming for 50 RH.
Lower than 40% and chlorophyll becomes "locked" and rehydration will not allow for a full cure.
Ok my plants drying at 55 humidity 70 degree temp right now ...here's a sample nug I took out

Thanks for the answers everybody 💯
Im always trying to learn

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