24 × 32 grow ...

  • Thread starter JoE_AnTiX77
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ok i have a 24 × 32 room which im trying to use as a flowering area... i would like some lighting and electrical advice for this grow if possible.. im trying to grow 30 plants using DD's method n yield about 3lbs per plant n at least 1.5lb .... two rows of 15 plants RDWC all the way .. money isnt a prob n i would want to go about it as safe as possible.. i would like some opinions on floor spacing for the plants and ideas on a DIY on the RDWC for a 15 plant setup would be great ... also how many 5 ton AC units i might need to use... hopefully i get some good advice.. Thanx farmers


Nutes i got but when it comes to the equipment i dont want to go cheap ..... what the best equipment out there; a/c, electrical, pvc pipes, buckets, co2 monitors, pumps, ect....... im trying to put 2 fiftheen bucket under current systems in 1 room... i need all the advice i can get


Whats up Joe. Im not understanding something and I think maybe you can help me out.

I sometimes see these posts from people who say they have deep pockets, plenty of space and want to set up the best of the best, you know EVERYTHING. Oh and usually they want step by step instructions, even if there are plenty of DIY threads in place.

Thats cool that you have all those resources at your disposal and want to run DD's system, I would love to see it happen. But if you've done any sort of research on this site to prepare and learn about MPB's, you would already know the questions you're asking are really kind of basic, like how much A/C is required, or what brands of equipment to use. It almost seems like you barely read anything at all and want experienced people to hand feed you. I don't want to come off as insulting, but I really don't think you're going to get the kind of step by step assistance it seems like you're looking for. Sure people can chime in as to what bulbs, ballasts, nutes or A/c units are best but those are just opinions and won't help compensate for any lack of understanding the system.

Good luck.


Tons of info about warehouse grows on this forum.

Work backwards from available electricity on your panel -> 5 ton acs (can handle 15k watt) -> and about 1k watt per 1 tree


its koo just would like to hear what everyone has to say... im sure everyone has a setup they'd like to build just asking how to do it without going cheapp...


Easy - hire one of us, fly us out to where ever you are, we build it for you. Done deal. Not cheap either.


Or go the easier route and order of the Under Current's XXL13 systems. Similar to DDS but everything's done for you. AC depends on how hot your place gets during the summer. Kinda hard to guesstimate that. When all else fails - buy the biggest AC unit you can get your hands on locally.


ill ask my partner but for now i was gonna DIY it ..... just need advice for electrical really dont know exactly what im gonna use yet .. i know an electrician but i would like to have an idea b4 i jump into it ..... also for the a/c i wanted to know if a 5 ton is needed for just 1 room or if i could use it for 2 rooms... i would also like to hear ppls floor plans for 30 plants 26×32 room cuz i know everyone here has a dream layout plan ... i have an idea but would like to read others layout plans for an op like this .... thinking of following mcattacks approach but doing it a bit different... peace out farmer JoE AnTiX


run 240 all around, it'll save you on the bill at the end of the month. Get a licensed & bonded electrician, preferably one that enjoys the herb themselves. It could possibly save your crops and maybe your whole setup! Most could really careless what you're doing with the electricity after they run everything, but it's easily for them to get things right the first time then to have to come back and re-wire everything.

Don't really think you're going to get a ton of help from here until you show you have done some work on your own first. I would recommend trying to develop a plan, and then post it here. You'll have a lot of people who will offer suggestions. Just plain out asking for plans - well like I said, you're better off hiring someone.

How do you think you should lay-out your 26x32 30 plant grow? What kind of lighting? How much space do you want between plants? How tall are the ceilings? Is this a room within a room or just an open warehouse? Just some questions to hopefully jog you into thinking a little on your own first. When you get stuck or need advice, then ask. I swear you'll get much better advice that way.


In that space I would not do more then 15 to 16 total.
My room is 14X10 and 6 MPB is a very tight fit.
Then the most important thing is to figure out how much power you have to play with.
That will be the ultimate deciding factor.
Also for that space with 15 as suggested. I would figure for 15 probably 25x1,000watt's. Thats a quik guess. I would have to draw it to be sure.
And at least 6 to seven ton's of A\C. Unless you got an excell air. From what I have heard there 5 ton's are great.
So again you need to figure out power allowance.
Hope this helps.


thanx man ..... ill get to making a floor plan w/ the rest of the info .... ill try n have it posted soon


i was thinking about growing 30 plants; 5 plants per 100 sq ft. each plant would have 20 sq ft each ...... also thinking of using 32 1,000's mostly but use 16 600's for the side lighting but keep em kinda close ...two 15 bucket under current systems ,each in 25 gallon buckets RDWC style with a huge 350 gal. res., huge water chiller, ecoplus com 7 air pump with airstones in each bucket... wanted to use a 5 ton a/c with a 2 ton to run during dark cycles.. umm imma have 16 foot ceilings but were gonna seal it off around 10 or 12 ft dont know yet what you guys think?? wanted to try n put em on 3 ft tables so the drain can go smoothly.... any advice im all ears


Might want to check into getting instead of 1000w, getting 1500k ballasts. Lost has some and they rock!


what would be good spacing between each plant 40'' or more?? keep in mind that im trying to have some trees


yo bossman is that spacing for just 16 plants or is that including the res n everything else??


Hey bro,
That is just for the plants.
I have the rez located outside the room.
And I went with 46 in spacing.
After you figure out how much power you have.
I would buy the tunbs you plan to use.
Then set them out with the spacing that you decide to go with.
Its the only way to really get a feel for what will fit,



Rough Overview of Electrical Config, A/C and the DWC system +Nutrient Schedule

If you go to BGHYDRO.COM they have 5 Ton A/C units for $5,850 yeahs it kind of expensive but thats the price to pay for a big grow op. you can run 15 1000W HPS (in a sealed room using co2) . you asked about 2 rooms with 1 a/c unit. you would need to get a dual room damper package $2,207 which is cheaper than buying 2 complete units but what it does is blows cold air into room #1 for 12 hours then when thats off it closes air for that room then blows cold air into room #2 considering that the hours are "offset".
Also, i noticed that a 2 ton (6 hps) is $4,150. so it is financially logical to pay $1700 (5 ton: $5,850) more, to get 80% more cooling capacity so it would be like paying $1700 for a 3 ton instead of $4,749.95 + the 2 ton $4,150 = $8,900 Total
SAVE $3,050 ($8,900 - 5ton $4,750)

Whether you want to custom build a DD MPB setup or get a undercurrent for cch2o.com is up to you, i dont know what im going to do yet but it doesnt make a difference i know they are both superior growing systems and is perfect for 1k vertical lighting, just make sure the plant centers are 40" and you use at least 13 gallon res for each plant, there would be about 10-11 gallons of h20 actually in the bucket considering there will be air space in the buckets, use an appropriate sized chiller to keep water temps at 60 degrees. you will need a dehumidifier at night since the lights are not on to act as a dehumidifier themselves (humidity 50%)
follow a nutrient schedule specific for your strain, if you dont know what is best pick a strain like doubles and copy his formula, for best results .
Since i see that doubleds has best results, just copy him and dont cut corners, i really havent asked anyone how to do this but i think if done enought research on how to dial in this type of grow room that i believe i will succeed the first time. I have people the have been growing for 30 years asking me for advice, its all about the research bro. visualize setting it up, and what tools are required and all the little things you need to get the job done in order to see the big picture, it can be done but hands on experience is what leads to success. start small because you could mess up. Oh yeah the electrical config. heres what i know
I used a 30 amp timer box to run 4K 1000W HPS, you can get a 50 amp timer box to run 8000W hps (plantlightinghydroponics.com, anything beyond that i havent looked into bigger powerboxes but i know that a 1k watt light runs 9.6 amps on a 120V circuit and 4.6 amps of a 240V. 240V is the way to go. just look for light powerboxes and find someone to help you install it, unless you can figure out how to do it yourself.
its about the math

If im off on anything or left anything serious out let me know anyone because i would like to learn new things that i have not yet learned for these big grow rooms because im about to do it.

thanks for the teachings
BadFish &


thanx again for the info everyone .... all the farmers have helped out a lot with the advice i got here and from all the other threads... i hope to grow some huge spartan plants and be up there with dd and all these other RDWC enthusiasts .. good luck to everyone using this system ..imma start postin pictures in about a month of all the building of the rooms, wiring, setup and stuff ... still have a lot more to do with planning and stuff... thinking of using 40×40 now to squeeze 30 plants in one room.. using 2 240v for the 30 1000ws n using a 120v(or 240v? for the 10 600w's(side n corner lighting), dehumidifiers, ion generators, n the 2 1 ton chiller imma need for my 2 200g res ... 15 20 gal buckets to 1 200 gal res( reminder im trying to put 30 spartans in one room). thinking of buying a 10 ton a/c for this room or 2 5 tons if i cant. imma clone and veg in a separate room w/ another 120v for 600w's for my clones and mothers... yea that close to it check me if im missing anything... thanx farmers

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