Mould? Weird buds?

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Whilst checking out my violators tonight I noticed on one of them some really freaky buds...they look like they might be mouldy or something.

Anyone know what this is? The photos aren't brilliant but you should be able to see some much whiter buds with what looks like a silly amount of trichs on it...

I found some mould on some fan leaves on another plant and moved my vent inlet...but am worried I've got a mould prob.

Cheers in advance.
Mould  weird buds
Mould  weird buds 2
Mould  weird buds 3
Mould  weird buds 4
Mould  weird buds 5
Mould  weird buds 6
Mould  weird buds 7
Mould  weird buds 8
Mould  weird buds 9
Mould  weird buds 10


Premium Member
Looks like powdery mildew, I've yet to deal with it, but that's my guess.


Doesn't look good, definitly powdery mildow! Remove it and the buds next to it , also every leafs that shows it.

If it would be in earlier stage, I would mix water and backing soda and flush the plant with lots of it!

Hows your humidity? Air circulation?

Harvest early and take care to remove everything that's infected!

Best wishes! Tolpan

I had the same problems with my last indoor and with this years outdoor!


Whilst checking out my violators tonight I noticed on one of them some really freaky buds...they look like they might be mouldy or something.

Anyone know what this is? The photos aren't brilliant but you should be able to see some much whiter buds with what looks like a silly amount of trichs on it...

I found some mould on some fan leaves on another plant and moved my vent inlet...but am worried I've got a mould prob.

Cheers in advance.

looks like you got a little case of powder mold, good thing its not to late to change your humidity and make some adjustments, cause ive seen bubba and master strains get completely caked by pm, ....much love


Premium Member
Pm is a bitch It will fuck up your lungs if you smoke it. theres a few ways to control it greene cure, high ph water, zone and penetrator. I would spray them down with 9 ph water and when you get them nice and clean I would use a sulfer burner once or twice when the lights go off for about 3 hours.
Smoking Gun

Smoking Gun

Another product you could look for to fight powdery mildew is Serenade. It is an organic product and safe even within 2 weeks of harvest. Green Cure is also a very good product, but I would be careful using it on flowering plants. Also remove anything that is totally infested with the mildew. Use gloves and do not touch anything after handling the mildew covered bits. You should wear freshly cleaned clothes while doing this work, and change out of them as soon as you are done working. try and make a habit of wearing clean clothes around your plants; you could have a set uniform to wear while working in the garden, and it never leaves the garden area, that way there is minimal chances of passing anything from the outside world into the garden.

Best of luck with the mildew. Its a bit of a bummer now, but its not that bad, just do not smoke anything you suspect of having mildew on it.


Noooo :(

Thanks for all the help.... I thikn I'm going to cut them all early and be done with it.....maybe try to save some buds....

Feck..... how do I stop getting it? My growroom is in the garden and I've got a particle filter on the input. RH is between 40 and 70, depending on the weather and I've no money for a dehumidifier.

If I kill all the plants, will my next lot also get it??

p.s. I've got good ventilation - 6" extract, 4" input...primair controller set to 24c, circulating fan inside....


Doesn't look good, definitly powdery mildow! Remove it and the buds next to it , also every leafs that shows it.

If it would be in earlier stage, I would mix water and backing soda and flush the plant with lots of it!

Hows your humidity? Air circulation?

Harvest early and take care to remove everything that's infected!

Best wishes! Tolpan

I had the same problems with my last indoor and with this years outdoor!
, it's the air circulation i'd say, give em a slight trim & put a osscalating fan on them. i would be dumping the crop, their are pretty nice looking except for the mold, i've noticed alot of dampness in grow rooms the last few weeks with the weather chance, but the last week it don't seem to bad. i've got a few extra fans here, if you want i'll put one in the post for you, it's a spare 16'', it's yours free ok . .


That's really kind of you DrP...thanks, but I've got fans coming out of my ears! That's why I'm blown away that I got mildew in there....

Got a mate coming over tonight...going to kill the plants, salvage some buds (they've been flushing for 5 days), and re-route the input from the room and not outside. Major pain in the ass though :(

Is there anything I can give plants to prevent this stuff, like silicon or something? (Barricade looked interesting - any experience?)


i ment to say i wouldn't be dumping the crop, no way kid . .


really? I need to take a better look...but tbh I need the space anyway, and I'd rather get my vegging stuff in now and not wait an extra week (esp for mouldy shit!). These violators were my first attempts and they're not if I put new stuff in now I can have something for Xmas.....

(and thankfully I've got 2 x TW and 1 x RP cuts (the same cuts) in my other tent, in 3rd week flower right now....nice backup....bit of serendipity...)


i would one by one clean up each plant, trim the mould from the bottom upwards, change the water, turn the plats facing different ways, and bring the lights closer to them, it's worth a try, remember theirs been alot of people complaining about dampness l8ly, i walked into a friends room last week & there was dampness all over the walls & the door handles, the last few nights it's been perfect, i think the change my have got you, i wouldn't be dumping your crop, are you mad, what you gonna smoke for x mas, ha ha . .


heh....i've got the TW and RP for Xmas....although I caned 3oz of lowryder#2 in a couple of weeks, so my 3 plants might not be enough... but have got 10 plants at 30d veg and ready to go 12/12...and 60 days from today is almost Xmas :) (and also the due date of my preg wife...!!!)

Donk Frog

Try AQ10 from ecogen if you are in early stages of mildew you may still be able to save some.....I had the same problem a few years back, and came accros this remedy in the cannabible 2 by jason King(pg 22) so I tried it out and it worked...hate to see hard work go to waste;(
here's the company that sell the cure
ecogen Inc
2005 Cabot boulevard w
P.O box 3023
langhorne, Pennsylvannia
1-215-757-1590 phone
1-215-757-2956 fax


Thanks Donk but ordering from there will take too long - maybe I'll get some for next time. Besides, I've killed them all....better to get some smoke than contaminated crap (and I've had enough time smoking that shit here in the UK!)


I have to fight this powdery shit before. Its not that bad to fight off. I use Serenade spray to keep them at bay. I now keep my humidity in the 30s. PM will have a harder time taking hold with RH in the 30s or even lower. I notice that it overtakes leaves that don't get much light and airflow.

It is also strain dependent. some are more resistant than others. Like right now, my Jacker Cracks are fighting them off while my BBxMK are perfectly fine.

Serenade and keeping humidity low is your best bet. You can win the fight! so don't trash ur plants if their perfectly fine!!!

Also if you have PM now, it doesn't mean you will later into flower and/or in the drying and curing process.

PM needs live plants to live, when you do notice the white stuff, its actually tips releasing spores. These spores are forever present in the air we breathe. It's just when they get into the grow room and onto the leaves with perfect condition is when they affect the grow. This only happens during the live process of the plants. so you would rarely encounter pm during drying/curing.
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