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Bunzboys flora feeding schedule for soil growers

Growing high-quality marijuana can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience for both recreational and medicinal purposes. With the right feeding schedule and attention to detail, you can maximize your plants' potential and yield a bountiful harvest. This guide outlines a feeding schedule for growing marijuana using a semi-soilless mix and GH Flora series nutrients. Remember to adjust your nutrient amounts based on the specific soil and water you are using.

Seedlings (Day 1 - 14)

During the first two weeks, seedlings do not require additional nutrients. They have enough stored energy to last them through this initial growth period. Overfeeding during this stage can harm your plants.

Vegetative Growth (Day 15 - 45)

This stage is crucial for establishing a strong, healthy plant. The feeding schedule is divided into three sub-stages:

  1. Early Vegetative (Day 15 - 30):
    • 1 tsp (5ml) each of micro, grow, and bloom nutrients
    • Adjust pH to 6.2
  2. Middle Vegetative (Day 31 - 37):
    • 1 1/4 tsp (6.25ml) micro, 1 1/4 tsp grow, and 1 tsp bloom nutrients
    • Adjust pH to 6.2
  3. Late Vegetative (Day 38 - 45):
    • 1 1/2 tsp (7.5ml) micro, 1 1/2 tsp grow, and 1 tsp bloom nutrients
    • Adjust pH to 6.2
Flowering (Day 46 - 106)

This stage focuses on the development of flowers and buds. The feeding schedule is divided into four sub-stages:

  1. Early Flowering (Day 46 - 61):
    • 1 1/2 tsp micro, 1 tsp grow, and 1 1/2 tsp bloom nutrients
    • Adjust pH to 6.2
  2. Middle Flowering (Day 62 - 77):
    • 1 3/4 tsp (8.75ml) micro, 3/4 tsp (3.75ml) grow, and 1 3/4 tsp bloom nutrients
    • Adjust pH to 6.3
  3. Late Flowering (Day 78 - 92):
    • 2 tsp (10ml) micro, 1/2 tsp (2.5ml) grow, and 2 tsp bloom nutrients
    • Adjust pH to 6.3
  4. Later Flowering (Day 93 - 106):
    • 2 1/2 tsp (12.5ml) micro, 1/2 tsp grow, and 3 tsp (15ml) bloom nutrients
    • Adjust pH to 6.4
Flushing (Last 2 Weeks)

During the final two weeks, water your plants with plain, pH-adjusted water to flush out any remaining nutrients and salts. This process improves the taste and quality of the final product.

Conclusion: By following this comprehensive feeding schedule and using high-quality nutrients, you can expect to harvest a generous amount of top-grade marijuana. Always monitor your plants closely, and remember to adjust the feeding schedule according to your specific soil and water conditions. Happy growing!
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