Complete Step by Step Guide to Growing Marijuana From Seeds

Complete Step by Step Guide to Growing Marijuana From Seeds

Step by step guide to growing marijuana cannabis indoors outdoors

THC Farmer’s Big Ass Awesome Complete Guide to Cannabis Cultivation for Beginners

THC Farmer wants to help everyone who wants to learn how to grow cannabis. In an effort to make this possible, we articulated a complete guide covering everything you need to know when it comes to getting started growing marijuana plants from seeds. We will touch on all aspects of cannabis cultivation, from seeds vs clones to harvest and curing.

Growing cannabis can be fun and rewarding, but it can also be a real pain in the rear end. While growing weed, there are many obstacles that can occur that you are bound to run into. When this happens, be sure to search for the answers to your cultivation questions in the THC Farmer Grow Forum.

Now, let's take a close look at growing cannabis. Let’s learn about how it grows, what it requires in order to grow, how to harvest it, and finally, how to cure it. Sit back, relax, get something to drink, some snacks, and smoke 'em if you got em, as you prepare to embark on a journey to the complete beginner's guide on how to grow cannabis. Before it's all over, we will go over a step-by-step list of what you need to start growing cannabis. Let's start our journey together by taking a quick look at how cannabis grows.

How Cannabis Grows and What it Needs in Order to Flower to Perfection

What does cannabis need to grow? It needs an environment, a grow medium, lighting, airflow, nutrients, and lots of patience. To start growing a weed plant, it needs to not only have these things, but it also needs them in certain amounts, at certain times.

A seed is planted, or a clone is grown by nurturing it with all of the essentials for life. Food, water, light, air, and sleep are needed in order for cannabis plants to reach their full potential. From seedling to the vegetative stage, cannabis plants are quickly ready to start flowering, with all of this happening in as little as four weeks. After cannabis plants are switched to a flowering cycle which is a 12/12 (12 hours on and 12 hours off) light cycle, they start to grow the buds we love before being harvested, trimmed, cured, and consumed.

Lighting and growing environment, along with several other factors, play a pivotal role in cannabis cultivation. Too much light or too strong of lighting can burn plants or overstress them. Not enough light can also stress them and cause poor growth. It doesn't matter where or how you grow; cannabis plants absolutely have to have light. We're not just talking about any old light. Your closet light or an aquarium light is not quite sufficient enough. Let's take a look at picking a growing environment, the different kinds of lights used to grow cannabis, and more.

Picking The Right Environment to Grow Cannabis

Choosing the right environment to grow cannabis is important. It will help you determine many other factors such as what type of lighting to use, what type of grow medium to use, what type of strains you should grow, and more. Cannabis plants will grow based on the space they are given. You can grow cannabis plants and some incredibly tight areas, and you can grow them to infinite heights with the right amount of room.

Using low heat output lights combined with the proper ventilation and air exchange, cannabis can be grown in an area as small as a cabinet or closet. Outdoors with the proper trellising in place, cannabis plants are only limited by the length of season in the hemisphere and region they are grown. These days, many people are choosing to grow cannabis indoors. Grow rooms and grow tents are becoming increasingly popular options for cannabis cultivation.

They allow growers to create a controlled environment where cannabis can thrive. Choosing the right grow environment should be based upon your situation. How much room do you have? How much money do you have to put into a grow? What are you looking to achieve with your grow? These questions will help you pick the option that best suits your needs. In many cases, grow tents are the answer for a lot of people.

Grow tents are available in a wide variety of different sizes. They have reflective linings that increase lighting. They are also fitted with holes designed to fit almost every type of ventilation system imaginable. They have poles to hang lights and fans on and often come with windows for viewing the plants so that you don't have to open the tent.

Sometimes a grow tent is out of the question, taking up too much room or costing too much money. In this case, you can grow in a closet, make a small grow box, or use a cabinet in the same manner that gorilla grows have been done for years.

How to Choose the Right Cannabis Strain to Grow

Picking the right cannabis strain to grow isn't a difficult task. The best way to start doing this is by figuring out which strains you like the most. Then take a look at the grow lineage associated with the strains you love. Find out which ones grow in the shortest amount of time and which ones take the longest. You can also determine the difficulty involved in growing a particular variety of cannabis.

You will want to see how tall plants grow, how much they produce, and keep in mind the availability of what you are considering growing. Any cannabis strain that is grown properly can be an amazing one. If you're new to growing, you may be tempted to jump on the clone train. Clones are relatively easy to grow but may not produce the results you want to and could ultimately discourage you from growing more. Clones can also be dirty, bringing in pests and other issues to your grow environment.

To avoid this, grow with seeds. When you grow using cannabis seeds, not only do you avoid the potential of bringing in unwanted pests from outside sources, but you also open up the variety of cannabis you can grow. Typically, seeds are much easier to find than clones. In many instances, you can buy cannabis seeds online.

Types of Cannabis Seeds

When it comes to growing cannabis, cannabis seeds are by far one of the most popular options. They grow hardier, healthier plants and produce better results typically. Many people choose to buy cannabis seeds online. When you purchase seeds from a reputable source such as CSI Humboldt, you get top-quality genetics.

Cannabis seeds come in indica, sativa, and hybrid varieties. You can also get regular cannabis seeds, feminized cannabis seeds, or autoflowering cannabis seeds. Regular cannabis seeds will have to be sexed to determine males from females. Feminized cannabis seeds are typically 99% female, and very rarely are male cannabis plants produced from feminized seeds.

Germinating Cannabis Seeds

Marijuana cannabis weed seeds

Germinating cannabis seeds is the act of getting a seedling or small plant to pop out of a seed. This can be done using one of a few different methods. Let's take a look at three different techniques for germinating weed seeds.
  • Germinating cannabis seeds in water is done by taking a glass of water and adding cannabis seeds to it. Replace water in the glass every other day with fresh water. Within a few days’ time, a small sprout should emerge from the scene and can be planted in shallow soil.
  • Germinating cannabis seeds in the soil prevents you from doing any damage to them. While a cannabis plant is a seedling, it requires delicacy. By germinating seeds directly in the soil, you remove the need to handle the delicate seedling. Simply make a small hole approximately a half-inch into the soil and drop the seed into it. Cover with soil, and in a few days, germination should occur.
  • Germinating cannabis seeds using the paper towel method has been done for as long as paper towels, and plastic bags have been around. Simply wet a paper towel and place cannabis seeds on it. Fold the towel over so that both wet sides of the towel are touching the seeds, kind of like a hamburger bun. Place the wet paper towel into a plastic bag. Put the bag in a cool, dry area that has a temperature of around 70° to 80° f. The top of the refrigerator is a good spot if you don't have kids and cereal boxes on it. After about 3 to 5 days, the seeds will pop and can be placed into soil.

Lighting for Cannabis Cultivation

Best lighting for growing marijuana

Cannabis got its start growing under the light of the sun. In many places, cannabis still grows under the sun producing bountiful yields of big, beautiful buds come harvest time. Growing outdoors under sunlight saves energy costs but is seasonal. Outdoor grows can also come with many unforeseen complications such as drought, excessive heat, pests, mildew, mold, diseases like Septoria, or even worse, thieves.

Cannabis may have got its start under the light of the sun, but today, cannabis thrives under a wide variety of indoor lighting options. Indoor growing environments allow growers the benefit of a controlled environment. The type of grow space you plan on growing in will help you determine what type of grow light is right for you. Always remember to have protective eyewear handy when you're working with intense lighting, such as that used to cultivate cannabis.

Lighting systems for growing marijuana indoors:​

  • Household LED Light and Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs- These lights are usually the first option new growers look at. They can be found almost anywhere light bulbs are sold. These types of lights can get you on your way to growing as long as you have enough of them. While they're a cheaper option, you'll need to fill the light requirements of your space for the vegetive and flowering stage of your cannabis plants. It's recommended that you use a minimum of 6500k for cannabis plants during the vegetative cycle and that you use 2700k during flowering. Without going too in-depth, 6500K produces a bluer tone light than 5000K, whereas a 6500K light has a yellow tone to it. You will want to try to achieve an estimated 100 watts of light per square foot of grow space. These lights are most suited for use in small settings such as a cabinet grow, a grow box, small closet, tent, etc.
  • Fluorescent Lighting-Many old school growers have successfully cultivated cannabis using good old fluorescent tube lights and aluminum foil. This type of light is very efficient in that it cost very little to run and produces very little heat. Fluorescent lights can be kept very close to cannabis plants while they're growing, making them popular for grow boxes, cabinets, closet, and other restricted space grows.
  • Full Spectrum LED Grow Lights-These lights have increased in popularity over the years and have also become more affordable. Full-spectrum LED lights produce very little heat plus, they're energy-efficient, long-lasting, and compact with customizable color spectrums for the various stages of cannabis cultivation. These lights are great for closed grows, such as a closet space or grow tent. Make sure you wear your protective eyewear when using full-spectrum LED lights, or you might find yourself seeing things in a different light. One downside to these lights is that they put out a very intense light spectrum, and if they get too close to plants for too long, they can cause light burn to plants.
  • Metal Halide (MH) Lighting and High-Pressure Sodium (HPS) Lighting- These are most commonly used in large-scale grows because of the knowledge required to use them right and not to mention they are a bit expensive. They have a high heat output and require a special exhaust system to keep from overheating. Due to the high heat output, they must also be kept at a further distance from cannabis plants to avoid damaging them. This type of lighting does produce good results when utilized correctly in the proper environment for cannabis cultivation.
  • Ceramic Discharge Metal Halide (CMH) Lights-These lights are also called LEC (light emitting ceramic) lights and use ceramic arc tube technology that increases the natural light spectrum while also increasing more lumens per watt of the light. The natural tone light makes it much easier for some people to identify potential issues with plants. Rumor is, these lights may help increase trichome production thanks to their UV-B ray output but, don't get too excited just yet. They cost a lot, and they put off quite a bit of heat.
If you grow outdoors, then let the sun do its magic. If you grow indoors, chances are you'll be using one of the lighting types mentioned above. They all have their benefits, and they all have their drawbacks. The best way you can learn what's right for you is by jumping in and getting your hands dirty with some hands-on experience. Start slow and keep it simple. With the current affordability of grow tents, and full spectrum led grow lights, you can have a full setup for only a few hundred dollars these days and be on your way to growing like a pro. Now that we've covered the lights used for growing cannabis, lets cool down by talking about oxygen, airflow, and ventilation for cannabis plants.

Oxygen, Airflow, Ventilation, Temperature, Humidity, & CO2

Cannabis plants change CO2 into oxygen, but they also require oxygen to grow. The roots of the plant must get O2 from soil and fresh air circulation. Making sure that your grow space has sufficient airflow is important. You will want a fan that can push enough fresh air in per minute to keep plants healthy. This can be figured out by multiplying length, width, height, / 5= the recommended cubic feet per minute (CFM). A popular fan for many grow tents is the AC Infinity 4-inch Inline duct fan. It puts out an impressive airflow estimated at around 205 CFM while only producing an ultra-quiet 28 dBA of sound.

Having the right amount of airflow in your growing environment can help plants reach their full potential while aiding in the prevention of problems like pests, mildew, mold, and bud rot. Without the right amount of air, plants just won’t get there. That air has to go somewhere. Your grow space must also have a place for the old air to go allowing for fresh air to take its place.

If discretion is important while growing cannabis, a charcoal air scrubber or filter will want to be used on the exhaust air leaving the growing environment. Cannabis plants typically thrive in a warm indoor environment with a temperature ranging between 75-85 degrees Fahrenheit while lights are on and 70-80 degrees F while lights are off.

Humidity is something else that needs to be monitored when growing cannabis indoors. This can be done using a digital or analog hygrometer. Cannabis plants like a more humid environment while in the veg stage of between 50-70% humidity. During the flowering stage, you will want to begin to drop humidity levels to between 35-50%.

CO2 is another factor health plants need. This means CO2 levels must be increased in the environment plants are grown in. This can be done several ways. There are CO2 bags, buckets, and bottles that can be used, or you can use a pricier CO2 system that runs on tanks of compressed CO2. Another important O to know is H2O. Controlling the humidity level in combination with the proper airflow and CO2 level will give cannabis plants some of the most important things they need to thrive.

H2O for Cannabis to Grow

Water is very important for cannabis plants. Not enough water can lead to droopy plants that will eventually die. Too much water drowns the plant causing yellowing of the leaves before ultimately leading to the demise of the plant. Different cannabis strains require different amounts of water, lighting, ventilation, and the type of growing environment will also influence the amount of water cannabis plants consume. Determining how much water to use is tricky for new growers. At THC Farmer, we think these are some great tips to help you water cannabis plants just right.

  • Check potter weight-Check the weight of the potter by lifting it up after it has been watered. Check the weight of the potter in the same manner when it is dry. Compare these two to determine when watering is necessary.
  • Watch Leaves- keep a close eye on the leaves of cannabis plants. Healthy leaves are dark green and perky. If leaves start to look droopy or withered, chances are the plant needs water. You'd be surprised at how fast a droopy cannabis plant can bounce back after getting a good watering. If your leaves are yellowing and looking unhealthy, they could be getting to much water, which could lead to root rot and other issues.
  • Use an H2O meter-There are meters that can be purchased that are inserted to soil to let you know the moisture content. The downside of using these with cannabis plants is potentially damaging the roots while inserting the H20 meter.
  • Finger the soil-Sometimes the old way is the best way. If you are worried about whether the soil is moist or dry, finger it. Stick a finger or two down in the soil, and you will know if it's wet or dry.

What Notes to Use for Growing Cannabis

Nutrients or nutes for short, supplement the vitamins, minerals, sugars, and more cannabis needs in order to thrive. Without nutes, plants produce poor results or die. When you are ready to pick out nutes to grow cannabis with, start slow. A popular choice for many soil growers until they learn more in-depth about nutes is Fox Farm.

The Fox Farm trio of Grow Big, Big Bloom, and Tiger Bloom liquid plant food and fertilizer help many people along their path of discovering how and how not to use nutes. If someone uses to high of levels of nutes, it shows in cannabis plants. Leaves will get burnt tips, they will bend and fold in what is called eagle clawing, and this can ultimately lead to the demise of the plant. Less is more when it comes to giving cannabis plants nutrients.

Afterall, you don't want to end up consuming nutes; you want to be able to flush them out of cannabis plants before harvest. The NPK (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium) ratio for nutes are very important. Notes that have a 10-10-10 NPK ratio should contain 10% nitrogen, 10% phosphorus, and 10% potassium (K). Different nutes during the veg and flowering stage can increase trichomes, terpenes, and overall potency. Before you pick nutes to use, do your homework and research them.

Common Cannabis Cultivation Mistakes That Beginners Make

Even those with a green thumb can find themselves facing common mistakes when cultivating cannabis. The best way to learn how to avoid these mistakes is by making them. The next best way to avoid them is by learning about them. Between learning about them and making them, you'll have firsthand experience that will lead you to better results with each and every grow.

When it comes to common mistakes made by beginners, there are a few. These mistakes can easily be avoided by simply doing your homework and learning about them. Let's take a look at some of the most common mistakes made by beginners when it comes to growing cannabis.

Pick a method and stick to it. Too much messing around with a cannabis plant can cause issues. Don't try to reinvent the wheel before you even learned to drive, just roll with it. Trying too many different methods at one time can cause issues that are hard to pinpoint the start of.

Good things are worth waiting for. This means don't rush the growth of a cannabis plant. Sticking to methods that are tried and true and have worked for other growers consistently over time will give you the knowledge of proper cannabis cultivation and firsthand experience. Trying to rush the process along can do more harm than good. Over-watering, overfeeding with nutrients, or trying to give longer amounts of light can all cause issues that could be detrimental to cannabis plants. Instead of trying to rush things, go with the flow and just watch your ladies grow.

When in doubt, don't sit and pout, take to the task of finding someone to ask. This means if you have concerns or questions about cannabis cultivation, reach out to someone and ask. People love to give their opinion on things these days. THC Farmer is packed full of questions and answers in our many cannabis forums. You never know when a bud could help save your bud.

Choosing a Grow Medium for Cannabis Cultivation​

When t comes to growing cannabis, there’s more options than just soil these days. Growers have several options for cultivating cannabis. Let’s take a look at these options along with some of their perspective ups and downs.

Soil is one of the most popular grow mediums used for cannabis cultivation. Growing cannabis with soil can be easy and produce great results. All soil is not created equally, though. Cannabis requires a certain type of soil in order to thrive. You want to stay away from Miracle-Gro and other store-bought soil containing high levels of salts and fertilizers.

It's best to go with a soil trusted by growers such as Fox farm, pro mix, or a good soil for fruits and vegetables from your local nursery. You can even find good soil in your backyard, depending on where you live. The next question most people have when it comes to growing cannabis with soil is which is better, pre-made soil mix or homemade soil. Homemade soil and recipes such as super soil are by far superior to most any premix soil you can purchase. However, making these soils requires an understanding of the process and patience in order to produce them.

To properly make these soils, everything is added from bat guano and earthworm castings to kelp, fishbone meal, peat moss, perlite, coco coir, gypsum, vermiculite, and more. Sometimes there is even a cook process. This is where soil reaches a certain temperature through chemical reaction as it breaks down before it becomes ready for you. Cook times can range from 2 weeks to 6 months or longer depending on the type of soil you're mixing at home.

  • Soilless is another option for cannabis cultivation. Some soilless options are coco coir that comes from the husks of the coconut and paralyte, which is a type of volcanic rock that is ground up. These can be used by themselves or in conjunction with one another or mixed with soil.
  • Hydroponics is a method of growing cannabis that does not use any soil. Instead, plants are grown in a water solution containing the essential vitamins, nutrients, sugars, and such for growth. Hydroponic setups cost a little bit more to set up at first but can be used over and over again. This method of cannabis cultivation produces large potent yields with fast grow times.
  • Aeroponics is another method of cannabis cultivation in which cannabis plants are suspended in air. The roots of the plant receive nutrients and water directly to the root via a fine mist. This can be an expensive setup and requires meticulous attention, therefore, being better suited for experienced growers. The benefits are an extremely high-quality end product that grows faster and uses less water.

Marijuana Nutrients: Nutes Help Make Fruits

Nutes help make fruits or, in this case, buds. Nutrients are added to water and then fed to cannabis plants. Choosing the nutrients that are right for you depends on how you're growing cannabis and your experience with nutrients. As mentioned previously, it's best to start slow. Unless you're a very organized individual, the last thing you want to try to take on when you're learning to grow cannabis is learning how to effectively use a half dozen or more different nutrients.

There are various different companies that offer a basic starter package of nutrients. Cannabis nutrients should contain large quantities of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, also known as NPK levels. This is what the numbers such as 5-8-1 or 10-10-10 that you will see on the front of nutrient packaging stand for. Fox Farm, Emeralds Harvest, Lotus, Advanced Nutrients, Flora Series, and many others offer everything from starter packs and singular nutrients to advanced kits containing a little bit of everything.

Make sure to pick out nutrients specific to the method you have chosen to cultivate cannabis and follow the directions methodically to see the results. After you have gained some experience and understanding of the nutrients used in cannabis cultivation, you may find yourself doing what many others do, making your own nutrients.

Click here to learn more about nutrient formulations for your marijuana grow.

What the pH Does pH Mean?

What is pH, and why is it important? pH refers to the acidity of a liquid solution, in this case, the water being fed to your plants as well as the runoff water from the soil. Both can be checked for pH levels which can help you prevent issues such as nutrient deficiencies. A cannabis plant thrives on water that has a proper pH balance. That is because the pH level of the water controls the uptake of nutrients and the solubility.

Cannabis plants are known to put up with a versatile range of pH levels from 5.0 to 7.0. however, step outside of that optimal range into numbers like 5.8 through 6.2, and you can experience limited growth. If you find pH levels to be too high and runoff water from your plant or plants, you should immediately reduce the amount of nutrients and run a flush on your plant or plants before damage occurs.

The Vegetation or Veg Stage of Cannabis

The vegetative growth stage of marijuana occurs from when the plant is a seedling up until it is switched over to the flowering light cycle. This is typically a period of time that ranges between 4 to 6 weeks. During the veg cycle, cannabis plants receive a specific amount of light. This light varies from a schedule of 16 hours on and 8 hours off upwards of 22 hours on and 2 hours off.

What lighting cycle should I use for growing marijuana?​

The most common indoor lighting cycle for the vegetation stage of cannabis is the 18-6, where the lights are on for 18 hours and off for six. The lights remain in this cycle undisturbed until they are switched to the flowering light cycle. This generally takes place when plants start to show pre-flower hairs.

Sexing Cannabis Plants

Sexing cannabis plants is an important part of cannabis cultivation. This is a process in which male plants and female plants are separated. Male plants produce pollen sacs, and the buds are not very good. They are extremely seedy and low in cannabinoids compared to females. Once male plants are identified, they are typically destroyed unless they are being used for breeding.

In this case, a male plant is put into a contained environment separated from other plants unless the intention is to pollinate female plants in the same room. Pollen from male plants can be collected and then used to pollinate female plants in the breeding process. Female plants begin to show pre-flower hairs. Female plants rarely produce seeds unless they are stressed.

If a female plant undergoes too much stress, it can become a hermaphrodite or hermie, a plant that turned from female to male. After you have established male plants and removed them from females, it is a good idea to keep a close eye on all of your female plants to make sure a male didn't slip by. If this occurs, all of your females could become pollinated, making them lose yield and quality.

Learn more here about sexing marijuana plants.

The Flowering Stage of Cannabis

The flowering stage of cannabis is induced by switching the light cycle. During the vegetative stage, cannabis typically is exposed to 18 hours of light on and 6 hours off. Flowering of cannabis typically begins between 4 to 6 weeks and occurs when the light cycle changes to a 12-12. 12 hours on and 12 hours off for the remainder of the plant's growth will cause it to fruit-producing buds.

Training Techniques: Useful Tips and Tricks to Increase Potency, Production, and Quality

When it comes to growing cannabis, the right lighting, the proper environment, the pH of water, co2, ventilation, nutrients, and genetics all play an important role in how cannabis grows. There are many different techniques used by people that help with a wide array of factors when growing cannabis. Some techniques help to improve yield, while others increase trichomes, potency, and even the color of cannabis. Let's explore some different training techniques and tricks.

  • High-stress training involves topping a cannabis plant in multiple locations to create multiple colas instead of a main one. Oftentimes the multiple branches are supported using trellis netting or sticks and tie for support.
  • LST or low-stress training is a technique that involves bending the stems and stalk to produce multiple colas. Most commonly, bread ties or string are used to hold the stems in place or train them to grow in a certain direction. Using the LST method, a grower can grow one plant into a 3x3 or 4x4 table attached to trellising.
  • Super cropping is another technique used to produce new colas and increase trichome production. During super-cropping, some branches of the plant are squeezed and bent to a 90° angle. This process will increase nutrient intake and is also known to cause an increase in trichome production.
  • Lollipopping is another technique that helps move the way a plant grows around from one area to another. The basics of lollipopping is defoliage. You want to remove leaves and buds from the lower part of stems and stalks, leaving only buds and leaves at the top. This forces the plant to focus all of its energy and nutrients to the good parts of your plant. As you will learn, when growing indoors, the bottom part of plants typically produces very small buds that are quite difficult to trim and, overall, not worth it if you could get the top to grow more. By removing the excess foliage, you also help to increase airflow and prevent issues with mildew and mold.
  • Mainlining is another technique of cannabis cultivation that helps produce several large colas. Mainlining is sometimes referred to as the tie-down method. A y shape is created in the main stem. This allows each Bud to start at the same average point. By doing this, the buds should grow evenly across a canopy producing several large colas instead of just one.

How to Tell When It's Harvest Time

There are a few ways to tell when it's time to harvest. One way is to keep an eye on how long the plant has been growing. How long does it take until marijuana produces buds? On average, cannabis plants require an estimated 60 to 90 days in flower, with some requiring 110 days or more. The amount of time required for flowering depends on the variety of cannabis being cultivated.

Cannabis plants will start to let you know when they are ready to harvest simply by their appearance. When leaves start to become yellow and fall off, this is a sign that cannabis has reached maturity. The buds on cannabis plants will typically contain hairs that will also start to turn brown or reddish as a sign of maturity as well. A small investment in a digital microscope can give you a more surefire method for telling when your cannabis is ready for harvest.

By using a microscope to inspect a small part of a cannabis bud, you can get a clear view of the trichomes. The placement of resin inside of a trichome can let you know when cannabis is ready to harvest. When resident is located within certain areas of a trichome, it helps to determine what stage of maturity a cannabis plant has reached. The more resin visible in trichomes, the more mature the plant has become. On average, once you see 30% coverage of resin in trichomes or more, plants are ready for harvest.

How to Harvest Cannabis Plants

Cannabis plants are relatively easy to harvest. About a week before you are ready to harvest your plants, it is a good idea to flush them. This means you want to stop feeding them nutrients and only give them water, and lots of it. Some people will run 5 gallons of water through one cannabis plant allowing water to run off. They will wait 30 minutes to an hour and repeat the process again. The plants are then left for about a week to remain growing and dry out before being cut and hung. Some people like to drop the temperature down as cold as they can during this last week.

Some people also like to blackout the plants for the last 72 hours, leaving them in complete darkness before being harvested. Another trick is to split the stalk of the plant after it is harvested before you hang it. Once cannabis plants have been cut down, they are ready to be hung in a drying process. It is a good idea to hang plants in an area with good airflow, such as a grow tent that is not being used. If you can avoid exposure to light, it is best. Leave the plants hang on a hanger or line for about 8 to 12 days or until the stems snap when they are bent. At this time, you are ready to remove all of the buds from the stems and place them in jars to be cured.

Click here to learn more about harvesting marijuana plants.

Trimming Cannabis

Trimming cannabis is an important process. It is also a long time consuming one. During trimming, leaves are removed from cannabis buds. This can be done while the plant is wet or after it has dried. What trimming is a preferred method for many people. By wet trimming your plants, you remove as much of the leaf material as possible, leaving only buds.

After the buds dry, they are ready to be placed into a jar for cure without any further attention to detail. Wet trimming also helps to preserve trichomes on your buds. Dried trimming is when the larger majority of leafy material is left on the buds while they dry. Dry trimming is a little bit easier as the material falls away a lot faster and with less effort. The downside is you tend to lose more trichomes during this process. Dry trimming must also be done before buds can be placed into a jar for curing.

How to Cure Cannabis

Curing cannabis is just as important as giving it the right nutrients and flowering it to perfection. If the Cure process is not performed correctly, what was good cannabis won't be anymore.

Cannabis should be cured in a cool, dark, and dry environment. The most common method for curing cannabis is to place it inside of Mason jars. These jars should be opened daily for a few minutes allowing them to receive fresh air. This process is called burping. Jars are then closed and placed back into their cool dark environment. This process can take anywhere from 2 weeks to 2 months or longer, depending on just how long you want to wait. Some people believe the longer you wait, the better the cure, the better the end result.

While your cannabis is in its jar being cured, there are some things you can do to help avoid issues such as mold or mildew happening. There are ways to help control humidity, such as special humidity packs or humidifying capsules that can help pull moisture from your cure jar. By simply opening up your jar each day to burp them, you can keep a close eye on if any moisture is building up. Be sure to smell the cannabis each time. As the Cure sets in, the fresh green smell should go away and turn into the potent, pungent aroma of the cannabis strain cultivated.

How to Grow Cannabis – Step-by-Step

Now we have covered just about every aspect of what you need to know to get started growing cannabis. Keeping all of the above information in mind, let's take a quick look at how to grow cannabis step by step.

1. Establish your growing environment. Once you have established your growing environment, it will help you to determine many other factors involved in your growth. Factors like what type of cannabis strain you should grow, the type of lighting to use, and what type of ventilation will be needed. Picking your growing environment means choosing whether you will be growing in a closet, basement, grow room, box, container, or grow tent.

2. Once you have picked out where you're growing, the next decision will be what you're growing. Are you growing from seed or clone? If you're going to grow from seed, you will need to have your environment ready to go. This means you will have to be in the proper season for outdoor cultivation, or you will need an indoor grow environment set up. Seeds are your next decision. Will you be growing regular cannabis seeds, feminized cannabis seeds, or autoflowering cannabis seeds?

Regular cannabis seeds and autoflowering cannabis seeds need to be sexed to determine males from females. Feminized cannabis seeds are 99% female and rarely produce male plants. Some autoflowering cannabis seeds can be feminized, and some can be regular.

Autoflowering cannabis seeds are a variety that was genetically bred with ruderalis cannabis. It is pretty much born in the flowering stage, meaning the light cycle can be switched at any time during the plant's life. The next decision you will have to make with your cannabis seeds is whether you are going to grow indica, sativa, or hybrid.

Sativa plants typically require a slightly warmer environment and more height to grow properly. They grow tall and lanky with long finger leaves. They also tend to take a little bit longer to grow than many indicas or hybrids.

Indica cannabis seeds grow short and bushy with fat fingers. This makes them more suited for compact growing environments. Indica varieties of cannabis typically tend to grow a little quicker than sativa varieties.

If you're not quite sure, perhaps a hybrid cannabis seed is the way to go. A hybrid variety of cannabis gives you the best of both worlds, offering indica and sativa in the same plant. These plants can tend to grow dominant toward one side or the other (Indica/sativa). By using a combination of growing techniques such as low-stress training, you can limit the height of a cannabis plant according to the environment you have to grow it in.

3. Now that you know where you're growing and what you're growing, you can figure out how you're going to grow it. Now is the time to decide whether you are using hydroponics, aeroponics, growing with soil, or going soilless. Figuring this out will help you choose what type of nutrients to use for your grow. Once you have all of this established, all that's left is application. Set up your grow environment, germinate your seeds, veg them, sex them, flower them, harvest them, trim them, cure them, and enjoy them.

Grow Like a Pro In No Time With A Little Help From THC Farmer

There’s an old stoner song called “With A Little Help From My Friends." The main chorus goes a little, something like, "I get by with a little help from my friend, I get high with a little help from my friends.” Your friends at THC Farmer are here to help you get by.

Now you know what it takes to grow cannabis. Don't hesitate to reach out and ask questions. THC Farmer has countless forums filled with information about cannabis cultivation. You can find answers to questions on everything from picking the right cannabis seeds or clones to information about soil, trimming accessories, curing accessories, methodologies, techniques, nutrients, and every other facet of cannabis cultivation.

Cannabis cultivation is illegal, sadly in some places still. Depending on where you live, make sure that you pay attention to the legality surrounding growing cannabis. Even in places where growing cannabis is legal, discretion is still key for many people. Just because the plant is legal, and the police won't come knocking on your door, cutting it down, and taking you to jail doesn't mean thieves won't come knocking on your door. If they don't just jump a fence and steal your plants, you could end up with somebody trying to rob your home because you have a grow in it.

It is always good advice to keep your grow to yourself and only share what you do with those closest to you. When sharing information online, make sure that you don't give away important details such as your address, full name, phone number, or other important information that could lead people to where you live or who you are. The Cannabis community and culture still cultivates a lot of success on the good old-school word-of-mouth technique. When growers and geneticists produce strong genetic lines, the word gets out. The same thing applies to those who make nutrients, grow supplies, harvest and curing accessories, and more.

Do your research on things before you buy them. See what others have to say. When you run across something good, tell other people about it, discreetly, of course. It's like that old TV show that said the names and identities have been changed to protect the innocent.

Last but not least, once you acquire the skill necessary to cultivate cannabis successfully, write it down, share it with someone else. Pass this knowledge on to another person so that they may learn to cultivate cannabis for themselves as well. There is a certain peace of mind that comes from growing cannabis from seed to harvest that you don't get from just purchasing it from a dispensary, caregiver, or elsewhere.

Cannabis is medicine and holds loads of therapeutic attributes when it is treated as so. Medicine does not become medicine when dangerous chemicals, harmful pesticides, and other negligent acts are done during its cultivation. Always rest assured that your cannabis is of the highest quality when you put in nothing but time, effort, and energy into learning the tricks of the trade when it comes to growing cannabis.
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