What is a wick cloner, and how do I build one?

What is a wick cloner, and how do I build one?

What is a cannabis wick cloner and how do I build one

What is a Wick Cloner?​

A wick cloner is a simple and effective way to clone plants from cuttings. It is a system that utilizes a wick to draw water and nutrients from a reservoir below and into a growing medium, which in turn provides the necessary moisture and nutrients to the cuttings. This system is perfect for those who want to propagate plants without having to invest in expensive equipment or use complicated techniques.

How to Build a Wick Cloner​

Building a wick cloner is a straightforward process that requires only a few basic materials. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to build a wick cloner:

Materials Needed​

  • Container with a lid
  • PVC or plastic tubing
  • Wick
  • Growing medium

Step 1: Cut Holes in the Lid​

The first step in building a wick cloner is to cut holes in the lid of your container. These holes will allow your cuttings to be inserted into the growing medium while also providing access to air and light. Use a drill or a sharp knife to cut the holes. Make sure that the holes are not too big, as this can cause the growing medium to fall out.

Step 2: Insert PVC or Plastic Tubing​

Next, insert your PVC or plastic tubing into one of the holes in the lid. The tubing should be long enough to reach the bottom of your container and extend out of the top. This will serve as your wick, which will draw water and nutrients from the reservoir below and into the growing medium.

Step 3: Prepare the Growing Medium​

Once your wick is in place, it's time to prepare your growing medium. Vermiculite is an excellent choice for this purpose, as it is lightweight, absorbs water well, and provides good aeration. You can also use perlite, coconut coir, or any other porous material.

Step 4: Add Water and Nutrients​

Add water and nutrients to the reservoir below your growing medium. You can use a plant-specific nutrient solution or make your own using fertilizer and water. Make sure to use enough water to saturate the growing medium without drowning the cuttings.

Step 5: Insert the Cuttings​

Finally, it's time to insert your cuttings into the growing medium. Make sure that the cuttings are healthy and free of disease or pests. Dip the ends of your cuttings in cloning gel or rooting hormone before inserting them into the growing medium. This will help them develop roots more quickly.

Tips for Successful Cloning​

While a wick cloner is an excellent way to propagate plants, there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure successful cloning.

  • Use healthy cuttings: Make sure that your cuttings are healthy and free of disease or pests. This will give them the best chance of developing roots and growing into healthy plants.
  • Use cloning gel or rooting hormone: Dip the ends of your cuttings in cloning gel or rooting hormone before inserting them into the growing medium. This will help them develop roots more quickly.
  • Provide access to light: Make sure that all of your plants have access to light. A grow light or a bright window will work well.
  • Monitor water levels: Check the water levels in your reservoir regularly to ensure that your growing medium stays moist but not waterlogged. Make sure to add water and nutrients as needed.
  • Be patient: Cloning takes time, so be patient. It can take several weeks for your cuttings to develop roots and grow into healthy plants.


Building a wick cloner is a simple and effective way to propagate plants from cuttings. With a few basic materials and some careful attention, you can create a system that will allow you to clone your favorite plants with ease. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can ensure successful cloning and enjoy the benefits of a thriving garden full of healthy plants.
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