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What Organic-Based Fertilizer Should I Use to Grow Cannabis?

Growing cannabis plants requires careful attention to various factors, including the type of fertilizer used. Organic-based fertilizers are increasing in popularity due to their numerous benefits for both plants and the environment. In this article, we will explore the best organic-based fertilizers for growing cannabis, discussing their advantages, and providing you with guidance on how to choose the right one for your needs.

The Importance of Organic-Based Fertilizers​

Organic-based fertilizers are made from natural materials and do not contain synthetic chemicals. They provide essential nutrients to your cannabis plants while also improving the overall health of the soil. Choosing the right organic-based fertilizer is crucial for the growth and development of your cannabis plants, as it can significantly impact their yield, potency, and overall quality.

Types of Organic-Based Fertilizers for Cannabis​

There are several types of organic-based fertilizers available on the market. Here, we will discuss some of the most popular options and their benefits.


Compost is a widely used organic fertilizer made from decomposed organic matter, including food scraps, yard waste, and animal manure. It is rich in nutrients and beneficial microorganisms that enhance soil structure and fertility.

Worm Castings​

Worm castings, also known as vermicompost, are a nutrient-rich organic fertilizer produced by earthworms. They contain essential nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and micronutrients. Worm castings improve soil structure and aeration, promoting healthy root growth.

Bat Guano​

Bat guano is an organic fertilizer derived from bat droppings. It is rich in nutrients, particularly nitrogen and phosphorus, which are essential for cannabis growth. Bat guano also has beneficial microorganisms that help break down organic matter in the soil, making it more accessible to your plants.

Fish Emulsion​

Fish emulsion is an organic liquid fertilizer made from fish waste. It contains a high concentration of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, as well as trace minerals and amino acids. Fish emulsion can be applied directly to the soil or used as a foliar spray to boost plant growth.

Bone Meal and Blood Meal​

Bone meal and blood meal are organic fertilizers derived from animal by-products. Bone meal is a phosphorus-rich fertilizer, while blood meal is high in nitrogen. Both can be used to supplement your cannabis plants' nutrient needs, promoting robust growth and flowering.

How to Choose the Right Organic-Based Fertilizer for Your Cannabis Plants​

Consider the following factors when selecting an organic-based fertilizer for your cannabis plants:

  1. Nutrient Requirements: Determine the specific nutrient requirements of your cannabis plants during each stage of growth, including vegetative and flowering stages. Choose a fertilizer that provides the necessary nutrients in the right proportions.
  2. Soil Quality: Assess the quality and composition of your soil to identify any deficiencies or imbalances. Select a fertilizer that can improve the soil's nutrient content and structure.
  3. Application Method: Some organic-based fertilizers are better suited to specific application methods, such as top dressing, side dressing, or foliar feeding. Choose a fertilizer that aligns with your preferred method of application.
  4. Environmental Impact: Select a fertilizer that has a minimal impact on the environment and promotes sustainable farming practices.


Organic-based fertilizers are an excellent choice for growing cannabis, as they not only provide the essential nutrients your plants need but also contribute to healthier soil and a more sustainable growing environment. By carefully considering your cannabis plants' specific nutrient requirements, soil conditions, and environmental impact, you can select the ideal organic-based fertilizer to optimize growth, yield, and overall plant health.
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