2nd grow, hopefully we’ve learned from past mistakes

  • Thread starter RGWD0202
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I am starting my 2nd grow today. Same setup as before but may be making some changes as the grow progresses. And away we go…

Grow Tent- @VIVOSUN 4x2x5, I’m wanting to upgrade to a 4x4 so that might be one change I make during this grow, especially if I win the @PhlizonGrowLight giveaway, that light would be ideal for a 4x4. (Not holding my breath but one can hope)

Exhaust- @VIVOSUN 4” exhaust with their E42A controller

Light - @VIVOSUN vs3000, 300 watt. LED light

Medium - Fox Farm Happy Frog

Nutrients - General Organics Grow and bloom, Earth Juice Microblaster, Raw Silica and Enzymes, Roots Organics cal/mag, Great White Microorganisms, craft blend, and wiggle worm worm castings.

A couple 6” oscillating fans

A humidifier connected to the ink bird Humidity and temp controller

Seeds - It has been a struggle to decide which seeds I want to go with. Autos or Photos, one breeder or multiple. Last grow was from bag seed, this will be the first mistake I correct from my first grow.

This grow I’ll be using 3 different feminized photo varieties, 1 from each of the following breeders. @RoyalQueenSeeds (Pink Runtz) Premium Cultivars (G13), and Greenpoint Seeds (Purple Scout).

I am tarting the seeds in solo cups, last grow I started in seedling trays, was difficult to transplant from the trays so decided to start with the solos. I filled the solo cups half way with FFHF and added Fox Farm Light Warrior to the top, added some Great White microbes and Raw Enzymes to the outside of Root Riot seed starter cube and also in the seed hole of the Root Riot cube, hopefully start that symbiotic relationship earlier. Added the seeds to each cube, covered with some more Light Warrior watered gently and covered with a clear solo cup. I removed the top inch of the clear solo cups so they’d fit inside the solid solo cup to create a dome. The solo cups were placed on a heat mat next to the tent. I plan on chopping my current grow in 2-3 days and will move them inside once the tent is empty and cleaned.
2nd grow hopefully weve learned from past mistakes
2nd grow hopefully weve learned from past mistakes 2


Day 4

Greenpoint seeds Purple Scout has won round 1, it has fully emerged from the soil first. RQS Pink Runtz is beginning to emerge, I’m still not seeing any signs of life from Premium Cultivars G13. I moved the seedlings under my Fecida 260 watt LED set at 24” above and on 20%. Showing 55 Ppfd on the Photone app.
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1 week from planting, the Premium Cultivar G13 never sprouted. I uncovered the seed and a tap root has emerged from the seed, I’ll let it go a couple more days, if nothing then we’ll grow on with two.

I lowered the light to 14” above the seedling and set it at 15%. Both seedlings have stretched a little bit more than I like. The light may not have been enough. I increased the light to hopefully help stop the stretch. My light is now currently at 20% and 14” above the seedlings. The Purple Scout is trying to fall over so I had to add some support to help. The @RoyalQueenSeeds Pink Runtz is standing up straight but has also stretched though it doesn’t appear to need any support.
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1 week from planting, the Premium Cultivar G13 never sprouted. I uncovered the seed and a tap root has emerged from the seed, I’ll let it go a couple more days, if nothing then we’ll grow on with two.

I lowered the light to 14” above the seedling and set it at 15%. Both seedlings have stretched a little bit more than I like. The light may not have been enough. I increased the light to hopefully help stop the stretch. My light is now currently at 20% and 14” above the seedlings. The Purple Scout is trying to fall over so I had to add some support to help. The @RoyalQueenSeeds Pink Runtz is standing up straight but has also stretched though it doesn’t appear to need any support.
Looooking great so far mate! Keep up the good work 🌱 🚀


Goodluck! I'm on my first grow using some random seeds I got from a while back. (OG Melons / Glookies) that I am trying to grow as my first grow. Also using VIVOSUN products, so far so good and loving VIVOSUN.

How are you regulating temp for outside and inside the grow space? I am planning on drying outside my tent (with dehumidifier) probably laround 50 percent and inside growing (humidifier) around 65-70%


Goodluck! I'm on my first grow using some random seeds I got from a while back. (OG Melons / Glookies) that I am trying to grow as my first grow. Also using VIVOSUN products, so far so good and loving VIVOSUN.

How are you regulating temp for outside and inside the grow space? I am planning on drying outside my tent (with dehumidifier) probably laround 50 percent and inside growing (humidifier) around 65-70%
I use the VIVOSUN grow hub, it works pretty well, tent is in a cool space of my house and doesn’t usually get more than 68 degrees, with LED lights my inside of tent temp doesn’t get too hot. Never been above 77. in the winter it stays closer to 65 outside tent temps. so I bought a 2x4 seedling mat that helps keep inside of my tent closer to 65 when lights are off. My tent is also a 4x2 so if fits perfectly I don’t think it would be beneficial in a 4x4 or bigger. I was using a space heater but it was too expensive, found out the hard way… I have a small humidifier that I control with an @INKBIRD humidity controller. It also has a temperature controller that I use to control my seedling mat.


Checked the Premium Cultivar seed and the tap root is still a nice white color, seeing some green as well so I’m gonna let it go a few more days and just see if it’s a late bloomer. In the meantime I’ve started another G13 seed just in case it doesn’t make it. I would rather have 4 than 2 so letting it go and see what happens. A week behind won’t be too terrible and I can always take it outside if I need to.


Day 11
The Premium cultivars G13 sprout ended up dying. I planted a 2nd Premium Cultivar G13 4 days ago just in case it didn’t make it and it has started to emerge. See if you can find it in the below photo. The @RoyalQueenSeeds Pink Runtz and Greenpoint Purple Scout are both doing really well. Purple Scout still needs support the Pink Runtz is standing up strong on her own. I’m happy with the progress of both seedlings in 7 days, I feel like I’m already a few days ahead of my previous grow. I’m interested to see how having one plant a week behind the others affects the grow.
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Day 17 from germination.

The Pink Runtz and Purple Scout are performing well. Very similar growth rate between these two. It’s still early but I’m guessing the Purple Scout will be tall and lanky and the Pink Runts will be more bushy.

The G13 is finally starting to grow, but is clearly stunted. I reached out to premium cultivars about the g13 seed dying and the 2nd not performing well about a week ago and I still haven’t heard from them. I’m not looking for a refund but just curious how the G13 compares to other strains to see if it’s the strain, grower or genetics. With both seeds giving me problems and never having problems with past germination, I feel like it’s the seeds. I’ll make sure not to buy from them again. It appears their genetics, customer support and all around company are subpar compared to @RoyalQueenSeeds and Greenpoint.

Looking to transplant to the 1ish gallon pots this weekend, still at least 2 weeks away from transplanting the G13.
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Day 22
I topped the Purple Scout yesterday by removing the 5th node, I wanted to top earlier and remove the 4th based on how tall she is already getting but decided to allow her to get a little bit stronger.
I FIM’d Pink Runtz today. I have never tried the FIM method and decided to try it. It seemed like this plant could benefit more from a FIM than a top due to its already short and bushy shape. The G13 is trying but just doesn’t seem to have the growth rate I would like to see at this age. She is 12 days in and has very tight node spacing. The leaves are nice and healthy though.
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Week 3 of flower
Did a light cleanup of the lowers as well as a very light defoliation to get some light on some bud sites. The purple scout has started showing signs of a Nitrogen deficiency, yellowing lower leaves, and then falling off, the rest of the plant looks good. I made a compost/fertilizer tea with worm castings alfalfa and craft blend and molasses, top dressed with Craft Blend and seabird guano. Fed the tea to both plants. The left is Pink Runtz by @RoyalQueenSeeds and she’s doing really well and isn’t showing the same deficiency. But she’s a lot smaller. The flowers are really starting to form nicely and already getting some snow on the upper sugar leaves. The right is Purple Scout by Greenpoint seeds. Purple scout has gotten a lot bigger than I expected, she could fill a 4x4 by herself. She has some really nice bud sites hoping the N deficiency has been corrected and doesn’t stunt any growth or bud development. so far I think I’ve avoided any slowing down. 55 days of Veg and this plant being so large probably depleted the nutrients in the soil. Hopefully my amendments will get it back to where it needs to be. Will add microblaster next water to help get the micros replenished.
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