8k 5mpb first grow

  • Thread starter aleYarok
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u deff look like u know what u doing man.. props. i was wondering if you can help me out to get some mpbs going for myself? thx bro

what do you need help with? there is plenty of information in this forum... im no expert so probably not the best person to ask, this is still our first time growing...

Did you just zip tie those cages to the 4'' return line or to what? I cant really see.

look again at the first picture. the cages are zip tied to themselves to form a circle, in the photos they are just sitting on top of the bucket. not sure if we are actually going to attach them or just let them sit on top and let the plant hold it in place. right now the cages are just sitting on floor till the clones fill in, then ill put the cages back up.

we've had the clones for 3 days now and they already seem twice as big!! lots of new growth popping up everywhere! first 2 days we had 2 lights at 600w, 3rd day 2 lights at 750w, when the lights come back on tonight there will be 2 at 1000w, i was thinking run that for another day, then turn back down to 600 + turn 4 more corner lights on 600, so each plant get hits by 2 600s, following me? will this work? i really dont want to get lumen shock...

the cubes from harbor side are only like 1.5", is it ok to leave the drip on 24/7 with these little cubes? (i think people where saying the 6x6 got to wet with 24/7 drip?)

ill post pictures tonight when the light comes back on


nice MPB !!... you should be having some huge ladies in there soon .... cant wait to see your finished product ... good luck and hope you have a successful grow


Great work bro... looks really clean. I will be watching this one.


UPDATE! -shits lookin realllll good!

1- bubbas in the bucket
2- this lemon OG was twice as tall as the others
3- OG
4- OG
5- Cadillac
6- Cadillac
7- Nutes (still need to get bud ignitor, hydrofungi and possibly cal/mg?)
9/10 (shits taking off)
8- bubbas doin thur thang. front left girl has like 5 roots swimming around, starting to get lots of little feeder hairs! back right also has a root sticking out the bottom, surprised the middle one hasnt yet as it was the biggest before the front left girl started swiming... like 2 days ago she was smaller than the middle girl than boom!
9- lemon OGs kicking ass, you can see the biggest girl i decided to try some LST, and i just topped one girl and the leaving the other alone. also got some free clones u can see there. afgoo x og.
10- LSTed
11- BIG GIRL (i have a video of her roots will get up in a min)
12- runt
13- cadies doin thur thang
14- seem like they arnte really stretching anymore, just growing WIDE
15- topsy turvy... no idea if it will work but why not, free clone! dont want to lumen this girl so i put some paper around her
16- her leaves have all curled to face outside!! this happen the first couple hours lights turned on

today all the lights are on, outside one on superlumens (1000w) and inside on 750w. today is the first day all the lights have been on, tomorrow they all go to 1000w and then ill slowly start lowering them. is everything looking good? plants look healthy to me, but this is my first time seeing mj grow.
some of the OGs are starting to get what i think is PM. got some organocide for ants (had a bunch of those fuckers in the room the other day (came up through the tape that was taping the panda to the floor, gassed em with co2 and sealed it up more) organocide says it will do PM but its mostly fish oil and not sure if its gonna make my plants smelly. will deff not use it all once i start flowering.
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me and my dad pretty much flipped when we saw two of those roots sticking out yesterday, 10-11 days from getting the clones from harborside. cant wait till they are big enough to flip!


Congrats on your first roots in the buckets. I'm sure those bubbas will be monsters in no time. :cool0041:

FYI, the super lumens mode on your ballasts is over 1000. It runs the bulbs brighter at that setting, but burns through them faster of course. I would just run up to the normal 1000 setting, till they are into flower. I would still go easy on the intensity till they have all dropped roots into the buckets, and start visually taking off.
On the PM, I am going to be incorporating a sulfur burner in my room. It seems to be a good preventative. What kind of humidity are you at day and night? Is there good air circulation around the plants in question?
Also, keep an eye on those ants. They are not the problem themselves, but they will work with some pests, adding to an infestation.


Bobby Smith

Lol, that Topsy Turvy is the shit in there - just an FYI, those things are garbage.

Also, what makes you think you're "getting" PM? Got any pics?


thanks tc, turned it back down to 1000, not sure the humidity... guess we need to go get a meter soon.

hah about the topsy turvy, it was only $5 and a free clone so why not? saves some floor space and puts her right up there with the light. this whole grow is still pretty much a experiment for us as it our first time so we wanted to try out lots of different stuff. hence why we even have soil plants in that room with the hydro, could have easily made it a 7 plant system but i wanted to try soil as well.

as for the pm there is a couple of spots of white moldy looking stuff on the a couple leaves... there is a bit more today, will try out organocide on them tomorrow to see if it clears it up.


I love seeing first timers do it big. Set it up legit the first time, save some headaches and more importantly cash in the long run. Good luck to you and the Pops.
Curb Feeler

Curb Feeler

Very clean setup and great for a first timer!

I just wanted to mention that we use Physan 20 rather than bleach to clean out our ebb and flow systems. It doesn't take much of it to do the job either. Bleach leaves a residue that is hard to get out and it's pretty harsh on equipment.

Good luck with your grow those are some great genetics you have available, some people are just lucky that way I suppose ;)


Love the topsy turvy shot, it gave me a laugh. My mother has a garden full of those things.


Great lookin set-up you have there. Can't wait to see what your grow looks like in a month.


Killer first time grow bro. Looks great. I see some foam acting as a support member. How strong is that stuff? at least it won't mold. Are you considering using any environmental controllers or CO2?

I love harborside OAK and SJ. They handle their clones properly but deal with so many nurseries that bugs or PM is inevitable. At least they have fire unique genes.

I saw your cadillac had "the black" crossed into it. Any info if it was african or vietnamese? These landrace black strains are quite intriguing. I dont really smoke to get a mushroom high though so maybe i wouldn't like them. Crossed with some kushs on the other hand... =P



no idea about the cadillac, im really interested on more info about this girl as well

yeah we got c02 going, its just on a timer, no controller... yet

but fuck something is wrong. last night 2 of the girls didnt seem to wake up when the lights came one... they are looking really shitty now.
they had a couple spots that looks like calcium def, so i was go grab some cal/mag today. but today walking into the room 2 of girls leaves are like wilted and dried up, one of them is really bad. these are two big girls with the most roots. im kinda freaking out i hope it comes back.


just saw this in the infirmary.

a couple days ago i used 1.2oz physan 20(less than what hydrogroovy recommend) i remember them saying something about when it was done it just turns into N. so i looked it up in the infirmary and found this
Now for having too much nitrogen in your growing mediums or soil. The plant will have like an overall DARK green look and have delayed maturity. Due to Nitrogen being involved in vegetative growth, to much nitrogen will result in tall plants with weak stems. New growth will be very lively and plant transpiration will be high, but not always. Nitrogen toxicity can be seen when there are very very dry conditions almost as if there was a drought, which may show a burning effect. If you give your plants ammonium based nutrients they may show NH4+ toxicity, which will show a smaller plant growth and lesions that occur on stems and roots, leaf margins that will roll downward. Also the big fan leaves will have “the claw” look. The tips will point down but the leaves will stay up as if when you bend your fingers downwards. Leaves can be twisted when growing… mainly new growths. Roots will be under developed along with the slowing of flowering. Yields will be decreased, because to much nitrogen in early stages of flowering slows down bud growth. Water uptake is slowing down from the vascular breakdown of the plants as well. Too much potassium and nitrogen will lock out calcium as well.

should i flush with new water?
ill get some photos up asap


please tell me they are savable

1 dying girl 1
2 girl 1
3 girl 2 (middle plant, first to show brown spots, but leaves are wilted like others)
4 girl 3, looks fine except she hasnt woken up, still asleep
5 girl 4
6 girl 4
7 girl 4

my dad just walked in... apparently he turned the top feed back on after we turned it off a week ago...
i remember i think dizzle had major problems doing this? please help
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wow, good thing you had help, thats a ton of work youve put into it, i know how difficult the first grow is, its all going good and then a few leaves start to look off , i found the hardest thing is to know what deficiency i have, i recommend you only do one strain , different plant feed differently, i made that mistake , 5 different strains first run, good luck, an is a great nuts best of luck , watch ph, temp, and ppms and you'll do ok

Bobby Smith

*I didn't go to Weed College, but that looks like a tag team of overwatering/pH off.

Are the roots hitting the rez yet? If so, turn off the top feed - must be saturating the rockwool viciously - if you're set on leaving it on, make sure it's not hitting the rockwool.

What's your pH at? Generally the taco leaves you've got are a nute lockout from a fugged up pH - you calibrate your meter lately?

*Disclaimer - Bob Smith doesn't grow big arsed plants like most of you, but he recognizes overwatering and pH fluctuations when he sees it.


looks like i gotta calibrate the meter, maybe its off and thats fucking shit up..
the top feed has been off for 5-6 days dad just turned it back on this morning before i woke up (he thought plants where not getting enough water)... all the roots are in the mini res, the rockwool is dry.

flushing now and recalibrating the meter i hope she comes back

the most problem plants are the biggest girls with the most roots in the water. they have like 3-5 nice roots where as all the others have like one or 2 small ones.
how do you control overwatering when the roots are sitting in water? there is a ton of air being pumped so they arnte suffocating

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