Advice please with first time coir

  • Thread starter OldGuy714
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I’m struggling with this coco coir frow. I’ve never had plants do this. They go from wilted looking to peeking straight up and great looking ?
Why do they go back n fourth ?
I water 2x a day w 10% run off.
I’m using gh trio feed.
3 galling pots.
All coco coir w 40% perlite.
Am I over feeding?
Under feeding ?
I’m lost at this point.
I’ve always done hydro or soil and never seen this before. Any and all help would greatly appreciated.
Thank you all
Advice please with first time coir
Advice please with first time coir 4
Advice please with first time coir 2
Advice please with first time coir 3
Advice please with first time coir 5


I forgot to mention.
I’m using a mats TS3000 on 100% in a 4x4 tent.
It’s 76 degrees and 69% humidity.
I’ll feed them they come back then 12 hours later they look this way. Again till I feed ??


I'd say try turning the light down to 65% and see if they are still standing up at 12 hrs. 100% is way intense.
Pull the light up as high in the tent as you can get it. They just cannot handle that much light.

Otherwise your going to have to water every 8 hrs. 8 am 4 pm midnight.


water stressed, water more frequently in coco, did you transplanted them to bigger pots before flowering?
Also next run try 10-15% perlite only.. or even pure coco, it will hold more water in the media.


Are these your symptoms? Every time you water they will perk up, and 4-5 Hours later droop again? They perk up from the Oxy in the fresh water deplete it and droop.(how heavy are your pots) Ive been in Coco for over 10 years now, to me they look either Oxygen starved, Root bound or both. If your coco media isn't built for Hi-Frequency Fertigation's they will be Oxygen starved. Plastic pots can defeat the purpose of Coco unless you drill hundreds of 1/2 inch holes in the sides and bottoms(think Airpot) I ran 5 gal buckets when I 1st started w/ Coco and had identical issues, I drilled them and built my Coco for Hi Freq. (55/45 #4 Perlite) and my Issues went away, Coco as it dries quickly from the sides and bottom pulls in Oxygen by capillary action(think of a wet sponge sitting on your sink for 2 hours) The best Pots for Coco are Weaved (Rain Science or Radicle Bags or Airpots, I hate Plastic so Airpots are my last choice). Many of us will comment "You need to water coco more frequently" but if your Coco isn't built properly this is a mistake! ("we assume you built it properly") ..... Good Luck Farmer...


Are these your symptoms? Every time you water they will perk up, and 4-5 Hours later droop again? They perk up from the Oxy in the fresh water deplete it and droop.(how heavy are your pots) Ive been in Coco for over 10 years now, to me they look either Oxygen starved, Root bound or both. If your coco media isn't built for Hi-Frequency Fertigation's they will be Oxygen starved. Plastic pots can defeat the purpose of Coco unless you drill hundreds of 1/2 inch holes in the sides and bottoms(think Airpot) I ran 5 gal buckets when I 1st started w/ Coco and had identical issues, I drilled them and built my Coco for Hi Freq. (55/45 #4 Perlite) and my Issues went away, Coco as it dries quickly from the sides and bottom pulls in Oxygen by capillary action(think of a wet sponge sitting on your sink for 2 hours) The best Pots for Coco are Weaved (Rain Science or Radicle Bags or Airpots, I hate Plastic so Airpots are my last choice). Many of us will comment "You need to water coco more frequently" but if your Coco isn't built properly this is a mistake! ("we assume you built it properly") ..... Good Luck Farmer...
good info here, i too think too little pot (rootbound)..maybe not up potted before flowering, do you use perlite in coco? how much?
in the year i was fully coco runs i always went pure coco and it was pretty much impossible to overwater them after first few weeks, i used drain to waste at the time draining any runoff out of trays.


Plants do that sometimes at start, end of night cycle. I see leaves are closing from sides, thats heat stress, they evaporate water faster. Try decrease strenght of light to 75% dimming.

I dont think its overwatered in coco.


Are these your symptoms? Every time you water they will perk up, and 4-5 Hours later droop again? They perk up from the Oxy in the fresh water deplete it and droop.(how heavy are your pots) Ive been in Coco for over 10 years now, to me they look either Oxygen starved, Root bound or both. If your coco media isn't built for Hi-Frequency Fertigation's they will be Oxygen starved. Plastic pots can defeat the purpose of Coco unless you drill hundreds of 1/2 inch holes in the sides and bottoms(think Airpot) I ran 5 gal buckets when I 1st started w/ Coco and had identical issues, I drilled them and built my Coco for Hi Freq. (55/45 #4 Perlite) and my Issues went away, Coco as it dries quickly from the sides and bottom pulls in Oxygen by capillary action(think of a wet sponge sitting on your sink for 2 hours) The best Pots for Coco are Weaved (Rain Science or Radicle Bags or Airpots, I hate Plastic so Airpots are my last choice). Many of us will comment "You need to water coco more frequently" but if your Coco isn't built properly this is a mistake! ("we assume you built it properly") ..... Good Luck Farmer...
Yes you got the nail on the head.
That’s exactly what is happening.
So drill drill drill and flush them sounds about right.
Or am I wrong. I’ll be adding lots and lots of holes and a couple into a bigger bucket
Thank you for the awesome advice


Yes you got the nail on the head.
That’s exactly what is happening.
So drill drill drill and flush them sounds about right.
Or am I wrong. I’ll be adding lots and lots of holes and a couple into a bigger bucket
Thank you for the awesome advice
Drill and let them dry back a little if pots are heavy?, you need that oxygen in the Rhizome 1st - keep rockin !


Yes you got the nail on the head.
That’s exactly what is happening.
So drill drill drill and flush them sounds about right.
Or am I wrong. I’ll be adding lots and lots of holes and a couple into a bigger bucket
Thank you for the awesome advice
My advice is get out of Coco and go to Promix. While learning how to grow Promix is almost idiot proof, not to worry about ph and only water twice a week. I know I know Coco has some advantages but its tricky to learn right off the bat. Imho I prefer the easy route to grow pot and PM with perlite is easy.


Fabric pots are almost a must to get the drainage you want, and I would definitely turn the light down a little bit. These days it's so easy to overload plants with modern lights, especially in smaller spaces. You should absolutely stick with coco, it's really not difficult and it seems like you have a handle on the right things.


Fabric pots are almost a must to get the drainage you want, and I would definitely turn the light down a little bit. These days it's so easy to overload plants with modern lights, especially in smaller spaces. You should absolutely stick with coco, it's really not difficult and it seems like you have a handle on the right things.
Im planing on using 40x 8.5L plastic pots for coco will veg 2 weeks then flick to 12/12. Using drain to waste system. Do you really think fab bags would be much better?


Im planing on using 40x 8.5L plastic pots for coco will veg 2 weeks then flick to 12/12. Using drain to waste system. Do you really think fab bags would be much better?
I've grown in both many times and with fabric bags the roots grow through the soil and don't wrap the sides and bottoms of the pots like in plastic , I like the idea of them but I really can't say they grow any better weed,

They're a bit of a pain watering and getting runoff readings is a waste of time because unless you water painfully slow the water/ feed leaks out the sides throwing off any readings.

I use Promix and you need a bit more perlite in fabric pots imho because the soil dries out quicker and compacts after multiple water/ feed cycles. They're also a pain to transplant out of if you up pot like I do 3 times. I've had to cut 1 gal fab pots off to transplant out of.

I've 25 year old plastic pots I can still use and about 30 fabric pots stuffed in a bag all stained and need a good cleaning at a laundry mat or somewhere else, They don't clean easily like my plastic pots do.


I've grown in both many times and with fabric bags the roots grow through the soil and don't wrap the sides and bottoms of the pots like in plastic , I like the idea of them but I really can't say they grow any better weed,

They're a bit of a pain watering and getting runoff readings is a waste of time because unless you water painfully slow the water/ feed leaks out the sides throwing off any readings.

I use Promix and you need a bit more perlite in fabric pots imho because the soil dries out quicker and compacts after multiple water/ feed cycles. They're also a pain to transplant out of if you up pot like I do 3 times. I've had to cut 1 gal fab pots off to transplant out of.

I've 25 year old plastic pots I can still use and about 30 fabric pots stuffed in a bag all stained and need a good cleaning at a laundry mat or somewhere else, They don't clean easily like my plastic pots do

Hey, thanks for your reply. Ill stick with plastic for now then. I can't really get pro mix here with out having it shipped to my house which is a nightmare. Coco is really my only option by the looks of it.


Hey, thanks for your reply. Ill stick with plastic for now then. I can't really get pro mix here with out having it shipped to my house which is a nightmare. Coco is really my only option by the looks of it.
Its just a different learning curve you'll catch on if you stay with it and ask questions. I do well in what I do well in lol I'm too old to start learning new tricks. I've actually upgraded to auto pots. An Ebb and flow system with a reservoir & 6 pots attached. Still in Promix at a 50/50 perlire mix & auto fed into plastic pots.


Hey, thanks for your reply. Ill stick with plastic for now then. I can't really get pro mix here with out having it shipped to my house which is a nightmare. Coco is really my only option by the looks of it.
Promix is just a peat based soil, there are a number of different producers of this type of mix. I'm using Green worlds VPW30 right now, or Sunshine Mix #4. you may have similar in your area, just look around for a peat based growing medium if you're interested in it.


Soil is Old Tech Indoors! I mean who brings Dirt into their house purposely! lol (Im just fucking with the Soil Guys, I grew "bangers" in Soil for many years, before the days of Coco/Hydro) Coco/Hydro is actually the Easiest way to Grow, Scientifically Proven 20-25% faster more abundant growth, in almost ALL food Crops. Once dialed in with your Nutrient Solutions its Smooth Sailing, have an Issue? flush with 2-3 gal clean water, Mix up a "corrective nutrient solution" pour it through, the Rhizome is fully Reset, Issue gone Overnight!(Try that with Soil), gone are the days of roots sitting in soggy anerobic soil, starved of Oxygen waiting a week for them to dry back!(time is of the essence) or you have an Issue, and the head-scratching begins, guessing at wtf is going on? so you play mad scientist with nutrient bottles and exacerbate the problems, because without a full laboratory you'll never know the exact issue, In Hydro I dont care what it is I fix it with 1 Pour! I was intimidated by Hydro when it 1st came on the Scene, I was so comfy with my soil grows as I was also dialed in, but man when I ran my 1st side by side Grows I almost threw my Soil Plants in the Garbage!! They were literally shamed by Coco/Hydro. And that leads me to the best thing about Soilless, "I Control the Nutrient Solution", I know exactly what is in the Grow Media at all times by Mixing/and Testing Run-off, Todays Mix for Wk 10/Wk 3 of Flower was a 4 gal mix, 12.6 grams A/12.2 grams B + 3g of Sweet Candy (MegaCrop 2 Part + Sweet Candy). If you look at the Screenshot You will see Your Values represented in Elemental PPM's (the true Ionic weight) after years of doing this You will begin to Understand how your plants perform with as pictured 210ppms total Nitrogen, and 44.9ppms of Phosphorus, 205ppms Potassium, etc On the MegaCrop Website you can use the slider to dial in exactly what you want at any given time/phase that your Plants are in. My Plants are Sleeping right Now during the Day, But I can tell You for sure Exactly What's in their Coco Media, as the Soil Guys "Not Throwing Shade", Just my 2 cents after many years of Soil, 11 years in Hydro, Grow how you Grow it all works!! and finally, Welcome to the Hydro Master Race! lol
(PM me when/if your interested in Hydro- Ill help out)
Wk3 flower sativa photoperiod
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