Aero Cloner Peeps! Check Those Pumps

  • Thread starter DemonTrich
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I've had a Number of 25 site aero cloners for years. 1 of my cloners started to have a stinky water smell after 1 day of a change. I found out the pump was actually heating up the water a lot more than all my other cloners. I changed the water again, tossed in a pump from another cloner, and voila, no more heated water!

So I just ordered 6x new 317gph pumps.

Just a heads up everyone
Saint Skinny

Saint Skinny

Great reminder DT! This gave me an idea, I doubt it would be worth making, but I just though about the possibility of an app that has a list of maintenance chores and options for reminders. Maybe have reminders for daily chores, weekly chores, monthly chores, etc. I suppose you could easily do it with a calendar app or something like that, so like I said its probably not anything worth making, but its an idea, at the very least!


Ha, here's a better DIY idea to keep res temps down.

Run your air line coiled thru a bucket of ice water. Air pump pumps in cold air, reducing res temps. Instant water cooler, just have to upkeep on the cold bucket chores.
Saint Skinny

Saint Skinny

Ha, here's a better DIY idea to keep res temps down.

Run your air line coiled thru a bucket of ice water. Air pump pumps in cold air, reducing res temps. Instant water cooler, just have to upkeep on the cold bucket chores.
I had actually considered making something like that in the past when I was running DWC. I wanted to use something with quicker/more heat exchange capacity like copper or something like that, but I ended up scrapping the project cuz we were moving
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