Anybody Have Success With Rick Simpson Oil On Cancer ??????????

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Wee Zard

Wee Zard

I offer this from experience. "More than enough is too much"

Ten years ago I did the internet recommended dosage regimen.
It slowed the growth of my prostate cancer.
At first a large change.
As I increased the oil dosage to 750 mg of very strong oil per day, I saw less slowing.
So, did some more research.
The internet recommendation is wrong!

There is an optimum dose for all medication. More is not necessarily better.
RSO follows the same bell curve as any other medication.
Too little is not effective. As dosage is increased we see, at first, an exponential curve.
As we approach optimal dosage. The curve levels, and peaks at the "sweet spot".
Then it DECLINES in a mirror image of the increase.
Baby bear is too little, papa bear is too mucking fuch,
You want Momma bear size dose.

I track my cancer's doubling rate with a PSA reading.
Through trial and error, I've found the optimal dosage for me, (adult male, 90 Kg.)
is about 180 mg. of MY oil. That's 2 mg. per kilo.
Or, about 1.1 mg. per pound.

Your mileage may vary, but not by much.
Ramp up to it.Then take it after dinner and you will be able to function in the morning.
Depending of how it affects you, you may wish to divide that dosage to 100 mg. at night and 80 mg. in the morning.
But taking too much oil is wasteful and counter-productive.

Just 2 cents from experience and research,

Aloha and be well,
Weeze (Prostate cancer, stage 4, going on 16 years now and the PSA is only ~16 ng. per ml.)



Thank you Weeze, your journey has been absolutely inspirational to my partner and myself. We discussed this the other day, that even if we can't get him 'cured' or into remission, if we can buy him time, it's going to be worth it. The only downside is that with Barry, we'll probably have to have scans done to track his progress. I spoke to him about maintenance dosages the other day and mentioned that I'm seeing there's a minimum of around 200mg a day that most of the people who are active on this thread seem to be on. That's about ten times the recommended 'maintenance' dosage, but I'm so glad you confirmed what I was already thinking. I wouldn't want to do too much and end up not doing him any good at finding the sweet spot seems essential. He weighs about 98kgs at the moment....he used to be 104kg, but seems to be losing weight fast now and he's losing his appetite... which is another thing that doesn't make sense given that he's already on the oil. We're starting with 100mg capsules the dose is doubling again. Hopefully we'll see increased effects as the dosages get bigger over the next three months or so. The seeds I ordered, grow bags and starter plugs should be delivered today. *fingers crossed*! I've never had green fingers, but if there's ever a reason to learn (or change that), it's this!
Wee Zard

Wee Zard

Sounds like you have a handle on this.

I have 2, black, thumbs.
Could, and did kill a rock garden.
Had to learn to grow cannabis. So, learn I did.
Lacking talent, I had to "science the shit out of it".
Biggest beginner error? Helicopter parenting.
Once I realized it was a weed and will thrive on neglect it grew itself.

Just like everything else, more than enough is too much.
So, enough light, soil, water, nutrients, and ventilation provided. Back off and watch them grow.

If/when you run into problems, you came to the right place. This site is all about helping people grow good meds.



the only thing i wonder @Wee Zard is because there are alot of different types of cancer ,how can you
say with any certainty that a smaller approach will yield better results. the rso recipes say to ramp up to a gram a day
and to be truthful with you i was taking a lower dose and my tumor size has doubled in the last 8 months.
so now i'm going whole hog at up to 1.5 grams of oil a day. still staying hopeful.not doubting you in the slightest wee zard
,just wondering if it's the same for everybody.
Wee Zard

Wee Zard

So am I my friend, so am I.
There are many flavors of Prostate cancer as well.
What works for me may not work for all.

That said, the bell curve still applies.
You would be wise to look it up, in depth.
Your life depends on it, yah.

I have the original Rick Simpson DVD "Run From The Cure".
when progress stalled. I re-watched it.
Noted two very important details.
He, and his patients attained remission without massive dosage.
They took a small glob, about 2 grains of short rice.
That was enough for remission of a few different cancers and several different patients.

That, and the original extraction was done from ratty looking weed, fan leaves, stalks, etc., using naphtha. Rick says on the video that high quality Ganja is not necessary.

Not "the highest quality buds obtainable" filtered, purified, winterized and so on.
That's what showed me that the "jam 60 grams into your gullet as fast as you can" regimen was internet lore, probably borne of fear.

Do not use butane, it appears not to be as effective.
Won't even remove skin tags.

I take no offense.
I got no "papers"
Not a doctor.
Just some guy on the internet trying to outlive cancer.

Continue with your experiment.
Please share your progress.
If a massive dosage works for you, that will be valuable information.



i guess time will tell. so much of it seems to be trial and error
unfortunately.some people don't have enough time to experiment
is the other sad reality. the fight continues. see what the cancer doc
says is the next step and go from of luck all.


My only concern is that you bought it from a local supplier. It’s really hard to know how someone grows and what they use to grow with unless you grow and make it yourself. Or you know exactly how it was grown. My oil was very strong. They definitely felt it. And actually complained of it being too strong. They also weren’t following my instructions and were taking it during the day. My mother took a dose the size of a grain of rice and felt like she was on acid back at Woodstock. Kept asking me when she was not going to feel it anymore. And that it was very intense for her. Coming from a woman who was actually at Woodstock and ate acid there. I can testify as well. I make it for myself. My tolerance is through the roof and this stuff is strong to me also. I eat about a gram at a time of it when I have it around. I’ve used many strains to make it. I have a bottle of everclear lying around right now if I need to make it. Blue power from vision seeds( I had a clone called blue euphoria but I’m fairly certain it was blue power. Any how, that stuff was like 13% cbd and 16% thc and produced a boat load of resin. I’ve also used skywalker kush, og 18, gorilla glue# 4, and my own strains as well. I’ve had people go into remission not even using it correctly. Unfortunately, I’ve had a lot of people come try on their last leg. When they may have had success had they started sooner like some of the others. The diet change is also preferred. Good luck and good on you for helping.
I agree with wolfe unless u grow it urself its hard to say what u r actually getting in terms of quality. If u never grew before heres a big tip imo. Instead of trying 100 different nutrients in a bottle like i did ive discovered the power of mykos in a quality soil like fox farms,ocean forest,happy frog or there strawberry fields anyone of those will work and all u do is water and watch its AMAZING stuff and its all organic. Grow indoors and u wont need any pesticides to keep critters away. I could b wrong but i would shoot for strains that have a slightly higher in thc than cbd. Ive heard somewhere that cbd counter acts the psychedelic effects of THC or buzz i could b wrong on that. Ps. Never give up never surrender!!
Wee Zard

Wee Zard

For what it's worth, we finally got a test lab in Kona. I ran down and tested the buds I've been using for oil.
All three of my favorite kine showed no detectable CBD. Hmmm.
Someone just gifted me a kine that is all CBD. sadly it was feminized, and in full flower so I'm crossing it with one of mine. Looking for a high CBD pheno., or an all CBD that I can turn into a mom. If so, I can blend different THC:CBD ratios for testing.

All that said, I'm thinking that the skin tag removal has more to do with enzymes that cannabinoids.
The last clue was tag removal by oil made from male plants, using ISO.
I suspect that an isopropyl alcohol extraction also extracts water soluble components that the butane extraction does not.
I'm jus' lookin' for clue with very few tools.

All information is very welcome.



I guess i was a little medicated when i replied sorry i am definitely a NEWBIE that probably shouldve said nothing because i am no expert! Just a passionate smoker but it sounds like you know whats up! Unfortunately the state i live Wv they think were all criminals! Needless to say cant wait for the day we get our shit together over here. Have u tried autos? There fast and i THINK there usually high in cbd again i THINK im no expert!


Hi Everyone, this is my first post, but I've been stalking this thread like a crazy person. The reason being that my partner has suspected malignant mesothelioma or a metastatic pleural adenocarcinoma (lung cancer in simple terms, they're just not quite sure which type, exactly). He's refusing a biopsy to determine the exact type, and also wants nothing to do with conventional treatments like surgery, chemo, or radiation. Personally, I can't blame him. I figure I would go exactly the same route. I have ordered RSO for him from a local supplier, and we have the full 60g. He started on it about six days ago and these are my concerns:

He doesn't seem to be feeling the 'high' very much if at all. He started off with four days at 25mg, and has done two days on 50mg. The protocol the supplier recommended was this:
4 days on 25mg
4 days on 50mg
4 days on 100mg
4 days on 150mg
4 days on 200mg
4 days on 300mg
4 days on 400mg
4 days on 500mg
After this he should be able to move up to 1000mg of oil per day.

He's also taking glycerine tincture via nebulizer at least twice a day, directly into the lungs. But he seems to be having a lot of pain and he's not really sleeping well. I'm hoping this will resolve as we gradually increase the oil dosages.

Apart from the oil, I also have him taking a half a teaspoon of bicarb every day, 1g of vitamin C, herbal supplements like turmeric, cayenne, cinnamon, and cancerbush. I have also started juicing for him (including things like lemon, ginger, carrots, beetroot etc) and he's having at least 1 liter of fresh vegetable and fruit juice every day. We've also started doing the mediteranean diet as a way to clean up what he's no processed foods, whole grains, and mostly fish or white meat.

I've been researching like crazy and also bought some seeds in the hope of cultivating our own cannabis so we can make the oil ourselves. The seeds I chose are Bubblegum Extra, and from what I've read it's a good strain for medical use and it's fairly high in THC also. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated, and I know this is a mammoth first post, but I have been so inspired by all I've been reading on this thread and would love to hear what everyone thinks about this 'protocol' we've worked out for him. Also, figured I could use a little support, even if it's from others who are doing something similar to myself. As they say, knowledge is power. And Im definitely here to learn!
one thing i learned about cancer and food, is cancer is a mold. it feeds on sugar and carbs. so no carbohydrates, or sugar for cancer pateints.


one thing i learned about cancer and food, is cancer is a mold. it feeds on sugar and carbs. so no carbohydrates, or sugar for cancer pateints.

I have read that also...and as hard as it's been keeping him off the sugar and carbs, he's started having difficulty eating, and right now it's easier to give him things he feels he can stomach. We're still cutting out refined sugars, but he's having some wheat etc.


Hey there I wanted to share some in for in this thread. For treatment of cancer administer cannabis extract via multiple roa. Its best to take the oil and also the pills. U want to find a strain high in terpenes. Also a variety of strains so u get different terpenes. Terpenes are medicinal.

Also look into the medicinal mushroom called turkey tail. It helps the bodies immune system to locate disease and thus helps to fight cancer.


@Wee Zard would love to hear from you.

i’ve seen another post of yours somewhere saying you are now having better results with un-decarbered oil.

i’d love to hear more about it and current dosage.

i myself have stared oil very recently. doubting of the whole 1gr a day thing and that i could ever manage to do it anyway (tiny female). currently at 2mg per kg. don’t know any result yet.


My mother (Pancreatic Cancer (Neuroendocrine & another kind) + Carcinoid Syndrome, & other issues going on.
She just started the 90 day FECO (a little better than RSO) program, 60 grams in 90 days, you work your way up from 10mg or so to a Gram a day, split up 3 times a day.

If you're going to do this, do it right, Indica plants for the oil, etc. If making yourself, be sure you know what you are doing. I trust someone else to do this for us. Best wishes to everyone on the healing journey. Diet. Exercise. Mental. All of it tied together. ONE. Be Well. Blessings
Wee Zard

Wee Zard

@Wee Zard would love to hear from you.

i’ve seen another post of yours somewhere saying you are now having better results with un-decarbered oil.

i’d love to hear more about it and current dosage.

i myself have stared oil very recently. doubting of the whole 1gr a day thing and that i could ever manage to do it anyway (tiny female). currently at 2mg per kg. don’t know any result yet.
It's good that you doubt the whole 1 gram per day nonsense.
Wish I had. Also wish I had not advised others to do so.
Fear can make people suspend critical thinking.

Wasted a lot of oil and was almost catatonic for months. A boneless chicken, a people skinned rug.
Fortunately, I was graphing my progress and could clearly see my progress slow as the dosage increased past the sweet spot.
Ideal dosage of any medication is a bell curve. Too little is not effective. So is too much.
There is no reasonable lethal dose with RSO, but I have documentation that clearly shows, MORE THAN ENOUGH IS TOO MUCH, Sorry for shouting, but that is important.

As of my last blood test I appear to be in remission with a reasonable amount, (120 mg), of un-decarbed RSO. Have dropped it again to ~85 mg. for this test period. closing in on best dosage.

Sorry for dropping out of this thread, but it was attracting a lot of misinformation.
I do not wish to be debating people who claim cancer is a mold and feeds on sugar.
Cancer is ordinary cells gone mad.
Without apoptosis and moderation of cell division it forms rapidly growing tumors. It is nourished by the same glucose that normal cells are. That glucose comes from proteins, starches, sugars, lipids,.
In short, food.
Might be time for serious discussion if we start a new thread, yah? Don't want to make people wade through this one.

Aloha Ya'll,


It's good that you doubt the whole 1 gram per day nonsense.
Wish I had. Also wish I had not advised others to do so.
Fear can make people suspend critical thinking.

Wasted a lot of oil and was almost catatonic for months. A boneless chicken, a people skinned rug.
Fortunately, I was graphing my progress and could clearly see my progress slow as the dosage increased past the sweet spot.
Ideal dosage of any medication is a bell curve. Too little is not effective. So is too much.
There is no reasonable lethal dose with RSO, but I have documentation that clearly shows, MORE THAN ENOUGH IS TOO MUCH, Sorry for shouting, but that is important.

As of my last blood test I appear to be in remission with a reasonable amount, (120 mg), of un-decarbed RSO. Have dropped it again to ~85 mg. for this test period. closing in on best dosage.

Sorry for dropping out of this thread, but it was attracting a lot of misinformation.
I do not wish to be debating people who claim cancer is a mold and feeds on sugar.
Cancer is ordinary cells gone mad.
Without apoptosis and moderation of cell division it forms rapidly growing tumors. It is nourished by the same glucose that normal cells are. That glucose comes from proteins, starches, sugars, lipids,.
In short, food.
Might be time for serious discussion if we start a new thread, yah? Don't want to make people wade through this one.

Aloha Ya'll,
beware, here is my long rant ;)

yeah a life-threatening DX really makes it hard to think clearly! but as I was stuck in Japan at my DX, I had no option to try the oil then, maybe I would have tried 1g as well. in the meantime I just read tons of studies on it as well as on life style (food, exercises, stress).

been on 2mg per kg recently and I find I have less energy than on 1mg per kg (which gave me so much energy and good mood!)

you're so right, too much of a good thing is bad for everything, even water! I take a daily Target Therapy pill (Tagrisso first but currently Afatinib) and the dosage also as to be worked on. studies actually showed a small amount is much more effective than a higher dose. this drug could be life-threatening at high dose (just like chemo or radiation), I do get worse side effects when we tried to up the dosage. so yeah, dosage is everything! and it's all personal, so yeah 1g of oil for everyone and every day? I just have a hard time believing it until I see studies to prove it.

I did a lot of life changes (exercise daily, went organic plant-based and ditched all processed food, checked for vitamins deficiencies, ditched my super stressful job and all stress in my life)
not too keen on added sugar, but I get my sugars from fruits and vegetables. healthy cells do need sugar and carbs! by "starving" the cancer, well, you take the risk of starving healthy cell as well...

at first, I tried keto for a few days (youtube influence) then read lots of studies and it turns out it's the worse diet you could do for cancer or anyone really. well, studies show it can be beneficial at short term for some stuff, but long term? it's a disaster on the body. studies show plant-based people are the ones surviving cancer the longest, that really opened my eyes on nutrition! and well, the nutrition switch did give me energy, and a healthier glow. I believe in plants :)

as for my DX it's stage 4 lung cancer with brain mets. never smoked in my life, and I come from a family of smokers which zero lung cancer history, but they all also smoked cannabis so that piqued my interest.

I'm not relying on the oil only for treatment, studies again show there is a synergic force with cannabis and conventional treatment (chemo, radiation) it just makes them more effective it seems and easier to deal with. caution though: studies also showed one should not use oil or even CBD when doing Immunotherapy, it counteracts the effect it seems.

started the oil only recently (2 months ago) and I've been a daily Target Theary drug since March 2020, also had Targeted Radiation for the Brain Mets. (again tiny radiation focus on specified areas has been shown to be best than doing whole brain radiation, again... dosage.... sure flowing the brain with radiation might work but the sequels are real)

would love to see any documentation you have to share. it's so hard to find people actually taking the time to read studies and educating themselves when doing the oil protocol, most just keep repeating the same old myth info found on FB and such... I mean, there are researchers in Spain and Israel studying Cannabis and Cancer for years now, and they have debunked all the RSO myths (THC makes estrogen cancer worse, CBD counter interacts THC, only THC kills Cancer, etc...) also, we have to address that Cannabis was much less potent when that infamous Rick came up with the dosage, so does it really translate to 1g of current oil? and what THC/CBD levels? all oils are wildly different. hence you can't think one dosage is true for all oils and for everyone.

I myself have compiled studies but focusing on the estrogen issue (as I'm female and go scared by the RSO talking heads) and lung cancer. I hope that could be useful to some people:

of course, most studies are not on humans, and mice results do not always translate to the same result in humans. still, it's hopeful stuff, no wonder why more and more human studies and trials are happening now.

I find it interesting also that veterinarians are more aware that cannabis can be useful alongside treatment, they are more aware than human doctors! and they also seem to come to the conclusion that 1mg/kg is a good dosage:
I guess we are more willing to test on our pets than on ourselves, I get it. it's all a scary journey.

I've seen that dosage on other mice studies as well. and for the few human trials using drugs that synthesize THC or CBD, I never saw a dosage at 1g per day (and not taking in consideration the person's weight).

really, the 1g is a myth in my opinion, for any drug you need to take into account the weight of a person and current physical condition. it could really be counterproductive to be too high, it's so essential for cancer patients to be active, the ones stuck in bed won't do so well, compared to the ones walking the hospital grounds while doing their chemo. and I KNOW how hard it can be to find the energy to remain active (or freaking simply cook and do groceries). or even find the energy to find and read studies, especially after you had brain radiation (took me 9 months to fully recover there).

besides weight, a person can be just more sensitive to a drug than another, so yeah, no silver bullet. maybe the oil is all Placebo and so what? Placebo is real and works for any treatment ;)
I don't care much for the RSO parrots who refuse to discuss studies, but people not going through the cancer adventure and screaming at us it's a scam and snake oil is also not helpful.
just like nutrition, activity, relaxation is helpful to any cancer treatment, why would cannabis not be helpful as well? we don't claim it's a 100% cure for all. hell, even chemo or surgery is never a 100% cure...

I just want to post here to share what info I've found and try to find people with experience and who also have interesting references to share.

@Wee Zard how is your friend doing? I remember you mention putting her on 1mg/kg?
Wee Zard

Wee Zard

Wow! That post is excellent. Should be a sticky.
I've downloaded it and when my morning dosage subsides, I will dig in.

There is one thought I'd to address now though.

You said, (with a wink).
"maybe the oil is all Placebo and so what? Placebo is real and works for any treatment ;)

My dear dog had no idea that she was being medicated with RSO.
The dosage was quite small. A 2 mm. dot on her after-meal treat, (Chicken jerky), for a 70 pound dog.
Not enough to get her "high".
We watched the visible tumors melt away in 3 weeks! Went from anorexic and near death to chow hound and healthy pup. Got another 3 years out of her.
So, placebo? I don't think so.

Mahalo for the animal dosage information. I could not find any at the time. Just a bunch of warnings about the "evil" cannabis.
It was 5 or 6 years ago.
Seems like the veterinarians are catching up. That's not surprising.

As for my dear friend with breast cancer, her last scan showed remission and she is as happy as I have ever heard her.
Getting specific information from her though is difficult
She has brain damage, was thrown by her horse about 40 years ago.
Has cognitive and memory issues. I charged her "X" with rounding up data for me.
Asked her to notify us on her next scan. Still waiting.


Wow! That post is excellent. Should be a sticky.
I've downloaded it and when my morning dosage subsides, I will dig in.

There is one thought I'd to address now though.

You said, (with a wink).
"maybe the oil is all Placebo and so what? Placebo is real and works for any treatment ;)

My dear dog had no idea that she was being medicated with RSO.
The dosage was quite small. A 2 mm. dot on her after-meal treat, (Chicken jerky), for a 70 pound dog.
Not enough to get her "high".
We watched the visible tumors melt away in 3 weeks! Went from anorexic and near death to chow hound and healthy pup. Got another 3 years out of her.
So, placebo? I don't think so.

Mahalo for the animal dosage information. I could not find any at the time. Just a bunch of warnings about the "evil" cannabis.
It was 5 or 6 years ago.
Seems like the veterinarians are catching up. That's not surprising.

As for my dear friend with breast cancer, her last scan showed remission and she is as happy as I have ever heard her.
Getting specific information from her though is difficult
She has brain damage, was thrown by her horse about 40 years ago.
Has cognitive and memory issues. I charged her "X" with rounding up data for me.
Asked her to notify us on her next scan. Still waiting.
well the Placebo wink is more about the septics slamming us with scam and snake oil labels.

given the studies i’m more inclined to think it’s is not a Placebo and they proved the effects.

but the whole Placebo effect is such a long debate with tons of studies…. even researchers are still not clear on it and it’s almost like a spiritual belief for some.

but studies show that if you have a care person loving and tending for you, you get better, with or without a Placebo. maybe it’s all about the power of the mind or love… they found that new drugs in trials are way more effective than once they are commercialized, simply because the researchers doing trials have big hopes for the drugs and are encouraging to trial patients. it’s quite interesting and i wish regular doctors where as positive for any treatment and not downers like my past oncologists. they don’t seem to grasp that caring and supporting is important for such journey, state of modern western medecine is baffling in that regard. sigh.

but it’s a tangent on the subject for sure, don’t mean to steer us away from topic. but it’s an interesting tangent none the less.

looking forward for updates and comments.

happy new year to all! may we all be NED very soon :)


My wife has Leukemia we happened to have saved a small amount of sugar leaf which I turned into Rick Simpson oil and my wife has started into the 90 day program to hopefully shut this shit down. We would like to hear from fellow farmers that had success beating cancer using Rick Simpson oil themselves or their friends and family members. There seems to be a lot of rah rah rah sis boom bah chearleading going on promoting the benefits of Rick Simpson oil but that all seems to fade away when you start looking for actual success stories, yes there are some success stories out there but not the number you would think there would be considering all the fanfare. Unfortunately it looks right now like the only possible way she will survive beyond the Dr. estimate of 2-3 years is going to be with Rick Simpson oil, with the proposed Chemo she has a 50% chance the cancer will go into remission and a 50% chance the Chemo will wipe her immune system completely out and she will die from the treatment so options are real limited. I hope the Rick Simpson oil works because the 2-3 year survival is if she lives through the Chemo and goes into remission that would give her 2-3 more years. I may need to resort to asking Canadian growers of Heavy Indica's like BCBD The Black to donate sugar leaf trim to us until I can get production up on my own but if need be I will do that later as we have about a month supply of oil right now. Thanks for any first hand reports of Rick Simpson oil successes.
check into all video's posts everywhere on fenbendzadole if interested.
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