Back in the saddle 🤠 for now......

  • Thread starter iX_Lazy_Xi
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Topped TK X GCC and AF X WC

Put tops in dome over @SpiderFarmerLED heating pad to help with root growth, no additional controller as the 10 degree bump it provides over ambient should be right where it needs to be with setup in tent

🤞 I'm not to out of practice and they take
20240121 082234
20240121 081814
20240121 082020


Moved the AF X WC and TK X GCC over to the 3x3 to start getting acclimated. everyone seems happy so far

2x3 still rocking with AF X SSSDH and BB X Madmartigan

Clones still cooking over the @SpiderFarmerLED heating pad not perking up quite yet but still a few more days before I expect to see anything

Keep going back and forth with ones in 3x3, keep in 2 gal and get em quicker or switch to 7 gal fabrics and let them go crazy 🤔🤔🤔

Checking in on the science experiment today almost time for part 2 🧫🧪👨‍🔬
20240125 155703
20240125 155821


AF X WC and TK X GCC adjusting well in new space

AF X WC #2 has been showing slight excess N will keep that in mind in next feed, but she's pulling through just fine petioles starting to show nice pink/purple hue

AF X SSSDH looking like they're all going to be small bushes

BB X Madmartigan looking healthy and moving right along #1 definitely superior to #2

Clones are still baking away in the dome over the @SpiderFarmerLED heating pad

LABS pt.2 began today another week before that's done which should up perfectly with watering/feed schedule. 🤙🤙
20240128 102200
20240128 102219
20240128 102342


Lactobacillus serum, kind of like a secret sauce

Pt.1 is the rice wash, what was pictured

Just started Pt.2 of the process combining that with raw milk to focus on specific growth of the lacto bacteria, that will sit for about another week before I get the finished product

When it's done, I incorporate that in my water regiment to feed the microbes in the soil. Also has a lot of other uses around the house but my main goal for it is the plants.


Week 5 veg for Tenguseedco TK X GCC and AF X WC getting bushy, checking runoff #1's (front) will get fed 🌈 next watering all will get LABS.

AF X SSSDH #1 & #2 moved into 1 gal #3 and BB X Madmartigan #1 will be next. Going to train these for awhile

Finally got some legs on AF X WC #1 clone thanks to the @SpiderFarmerLED heating pad. Moved that into solo, going to keep the rest baking splitting time with dome on and off

LABS should be ready for last step on Saturday 👨‍🔬🤓
20240131 180323
20240131 180243
20240131 180226


You got it goin on in here can’t wait to c the flower show man kick ass grower with kick ass genetics 👍
Appreciate it! Lurked on here for a long time and learned a ton from some really great growers and try to make it work for the conditions I have. Hopefully be able to put out some high caliber flowers like the rest of you. These genetics make it really easy, they tolerate screwups very well and still shine


Appreciate it! Lurked on here for a long time and learned a ton from some really great growers and try to make it work for the conditions I have. Hopefully be able to put out some high caliber flowers like the rest of you. These genetics make it really easy, they tolerate screwups very well and still shine
To humble man I’ve seen a few grows from you mate you know exactly wtf ya doin👍
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