Boiling Roots??

  • Thread starter the Rock
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Lol. RM3 invited me to join his website last year. I spent some time reading all his “books” as he calls them. They are just more threads of his opinion and misunderstanding.

I left that site when my good friend and patient in Colorado went to him for medical reasons.

Well he was given a few different strains of “the best weed in the world” as Rm3 and other fanboys call it.

He reported it all had a light short lasting heady high with absolutely no medical benefits but it tasted pretty good.

I met a Riddler here who shared his version. We couldn’t give it away to our people.

The patient is a regular smoker. We are heavy smokers. Maybe some lightweight noobs thought it was good?

Everything he teaches hurts results. And he edits parts of scientific articles that support his fantasy while ignoring parts that completely disprove them. On the case of the boiling tje artical he quotes as proof says the plants have to be completely submerged for days or weeks before the flood response causes fermenting in the vine. We have disproved all his silly crap at riu.

And all the special seeds I got from those Growers have been problematic. Not special.

Good luck listening to misguided stoner/ grower experience. None of the good Growers there use or agree with his methods. They stay because it is a nice friendly supportive community.

It’s much like here where you have to agree with the people in charge or at least keep your opinion to yourself.


I know some might not agree with this... but
Instead of boiling your roots so that your plant gets rid of the nutrients? I think that's what was said
Well why wouldn't you just quit using those nutrients?
You're providing the cause and the solution!?
So if you change the cause, you'd eliminate the solution!

Two birds one stone

Just my thoughts



It may sound like torture, but proper method is about 5 days 3-5 prior to harvest water your plants with BOILING water. This doesn't increase thc nor necessarily speed cur BUT IT DOES make for much smoother smoke.

The miss conception is that cutting down ur girls kills them instantly, however this is FALSE. Adding boiling water will kill the ROOTS but only the roots. After adding water, continue 12/12 for 3-5 day, I prefer 5 but don't water anymore. By killing the roots but allow the plant to live it FORCES the plant to use the nutrients in its leaves for survival.

On day 3 of 5 start to trim fan leaves, about 50% on day 3, then 50% of remaining leaves on day for, and finally harvest on 5th day.

There are GREAT threads on this on other sites, but you can find those in your own. The best growers I know use this technique but are far too busy to waste time here.

I challenge anyone to dare test this concept and prove me wrong. If I'm wrong, i will provide free beans to anyone with evidence of there trial.

Tip: goggle boil roots RM3 for more info.
Not to post too much but I'm really confused.

Why would you want the plant to use the nutrients in leaves!?

My guess Would be nevermind I don't even have a guess.

Anyone help me understand this?


Not to post too much but I'm really confused.

Why would you want the plant to use the nutrients in leaves!?

My guess Would be nevermind I don't even have a guess.

Anyone help me understand this?

The boiling is not a “flush” which also does nothing inside the plant to clear out anything.

It is meant to mimic a flood response that shits the plant down from uptake and causes an emergency response that actually causes the buds to ferment on the plant.

But it doesn’t do that at all. And when new people try it on Rm3 dot com there are wildly varied pretty ugly results.

And no reason to “fade” the leaves except it proves the plant is starving when it needs some nutrients to reach its potential.

And I like to keep the plant healthy til harvest. More potency and flavor that way. Just have to be sure not to overfeed. The closer we get to their needs the better the result in my experience.


The miss conception is that cutting down ur girls kills them instantly, however this is FALSE. Adding boiling water will kill the ROOTS but only the roots
so basically you're saying cutting them down doesn't kill them instantly and boiling water only kills the roots!?
So both plants live for a bit??

I feel like that was a brain teaser

Obviously there are many tips and tricks as well as myths out there. I was told when I first started growing about this technique, but my mentor wouldn't tell me his reason. His only reply was "if you try it you will know.

Your mentor wouldn't tell you the reason?
Geez I wish I could think of a reason there's a bunch of myths!

I better leave this thread before I get in trouble... You know cause the water has been boiling and I don't want the misses to be mad!



Lol. RM3 invited me to join his website last year. I spent some time reading all his “books” as he calls them. They are just more threads of his opinion and misunderstanding.

I left that site when my good friend and patient in Colorado went to him for medical reasons.

Well he was given a few different strains of “the best weed in the world” as Rm3 and other fanboys call it.

He reported it all had a light short lasting heady high with absolutely no medical benefits but it tasted pretty good.

I met a Riddler here who shared his version. We couldn’t give it away to our people.

The patient is a regular smoker. We are heavy smokers. Maybe some lightweight noobs thought it was good?

Everything he teaches hurts results. And he edits parts of scientific articles that support his fantasy while ignoring parts that completely disprove them. On the case of the boiling tje artical he quotes as proof says the plants have to be completely submerged for days or weeks before the flood response causes fermenting in the vine. We have disproved all his silly crap at riu.

And all the special seeds I got from those Growers have been problematic. Not special.

Good luck listening to misguided stoner/ grower experience. None of the good Growers there use or agree with his methods. They stay because it is a nice friendly supportive community.

It’s much like here where you have to agree with the people in charge or at least keep your opinion to yourself.
yea, but at least his plants don't smell……lolololol


@stellarjay I know You said no scientific data but do you have any thoughts on why that is?

Hey brazel. There was one thing I noticed about the original plants that took on all the water. The plants seemed to be in some kind of weird stasis when I harvested them. They weren't thriving and they weren't malnourished. They weren't happy and they weren't sad. Zombie plants I guess? And i've never thought of it like this before. If I were reading this and you wrote it I'd probably be having a bit of a laugh about now. So, at the risk of being laughed at, this is the best example I can give presently.

The four plants of the same variety that were harvested before did not have this same energy about them. They were thriving and happy. What I would call "normal" at harvest.

So knowing when this stasis state appears following a swim, if growing in a bucket, I now harvest when I sense this energetic pattern present. I've noticed hybrids take less time to reach this stasis state than pure sativa's. I don't know about pure indica's because I don't grow them.

The last pure sativa's I had in the same 4 gallon containers took 8 days to reach this stasis. Could be the weather? My best guess would be that I took the pure sativa's down early when they could have easily gone a few more weeks in a more conducive climate. The original hybrids were ready to come down before their swim.


Lol. RM3 invited me to join his website last year. I spent some time reading all his “books” as he calls them. They are just more threads of his opinion and misunderstanding.

I left that site when my good friend and patient in Colorado went to him for medical reasons.

Well he was given a few different strains of “the best weed in the world” as Rm3 and other fanboys call it.

He reported it all had a light short lasting heady high with absolutely no medical benefits but it tasted pretty good.

I met a Riddler here who shared his version. We couldn’t give it away to our people.

The patient is a regular smoker. We are heavy smokers. Maybe some lightweight noobs thought it was good?

Everything he teaches hurts results. And he edits parts of scientific articles that support his fantasy while ignoring parts that completely disprove them. On the case of the boiling tje artical he quotes as proof says the plants have to be completely submerged for days or weeks before the flood response causes fermenting in the vine. We have disproved all his silly crap at riu.

And all the special seeds I got from those Growers have been problematic. Not special.

Good luck listening to misguided stoner/ grower experience. None of the good Growers there use or agree with his methods. They stay because it is a nice friendly supportive community.

It’s much like here where you have to agree with the people in charge or at least keep your opinion to yourself.

I don't know rm3 personally. I have been to his site and read a bit. He was gracious and friendly towards me. Never tried his genetics. While I do not promote or demote rm3 and/or his methods, I was grateful to be able to take away some valuable information and ideas from the time I spent reading his website. He plainly states that he does things differently than most folks and since it works for him, then I think that is great. And for those it doesn't work for, well good on them too. I ain't got a dog in either hunt.

To me being on rm3's website was no different than being on this or any other website in that i've got to wade through the pig shit to find the diamonds. And diamonds there were as I was able to find information providing insight into a few experiences I've had over the years that wouldn't be found on public sights more than likely. ie... accidentally drowning some plants which turned out to be quite a beneficial experience. At any rate, it's all good. Now it's off to clean my boots... yet again.


Hey brazel. There was one thing I noticed about the original plants that took on all the water. The plants seemed to be in some kind of weird stasis when I harvested them. They weren't thriving and they weren't malnourished. They weren't happy and they weren't sad. Zombie plants I guess? And i've never thought of it like this before. If I were reading this and you wrote it I'd probably be having a bit of a laugh about now. So, at the risk of being laughed at, this is the best example I can give presently.

The four plants of the same variety that were harvested before did not have this same energy about them. They were thriving and happy. What I would call "normal" at harvest.

So knowing when this stasis state appears following a swim, if growing in a bucket, I now harvest when I sense this energetic pattern present. I've noticed hybrids take less time to reach this stasis state than pure sativa's. I don't know about pure indica's because I don't grow them.

The last pure sativa's I had in the same 4 gallon containers took 8 days to reach this stasis. Could be the weather? My best guess would be that I took the pure sativa's down early when they could have easily gone a few more weeks in a more conducive climate. The original hybrids were ready to come down before their swim.
The ones that got rained on for three days were the smooth ones? Probably the rain, like a rain cure! Rain wash! Haha I'm high
Rain flush rain wash at the sane time!
Mine always got rained on mid flower and morning dew, I'd shake em


@stellarjay I know You said no scientific data but do you have any thoughts on why that is?

And if you enjoi do it!

I couldn't try that cause I run no till but at the same I can't see anything beneficial. Couldn't you just cut the plant and get the same effect? I'm my thoughts if you boil the roots or drown them the you're basically shutting them off just like chopping would do.

And also if I was to boil I'd go your route over pulling the plant out then boiling the roots, that makes absolutely no since!

I had a guy wanna fight me at a bar cause he was telling people you hang a plant upside down so the THC can drain into the buds!
I just said what... but then I couldn't quit laughing!

I mean I've thought some dumb shit, don't get me wrong but to grow and not know where the THC comes from is a whole nother level of dumb
root and plant washing - feel it's over kill


The boiling is not a “flush” which also does nothing inside the plant to clear out anything.

It is meant to mimic a flood response that shits the plant down from uptake and causes an emergency response that actually causes the buds to ferment on the plant.

But it doesn’t do that at all. And when new people try it on Rm3 dot com there are wildly varied pretty ugly results.

And no reason to “fade” the leaves except it proves the plant is starving when it needs some nutrients to reach its potential.

And I like to keep the plant healthy til harvest. More potency and flavor that way. Just have to be sure not to overfeed. The closer we get to their needs the better the result in my experience.
Can people just do horticulture scientific research and not use forum subjective opinion as a formation of knowledge. Belief is not knowledge.

Boiling does have effects and is used in other plants. It doesn't do anything to the fermentation process. It causes a quick root death and can force nuts into the plant and also carbohydrates the roots cannot take up. Should be done upon cutting as well with added carbohydrates. It has been shown the carbohydrates can be absorbed through the stem and promote bloom in flowers. If you want to find the scientific studies on this subject look to florist studies. Sadly little to no real science is done even in that community and it is just accepted.

Yet nothing should be denounced or accepted without testing and we need it not done vs done with the same harvest and strain multiple times over by multiple testers. That is real science. Enough of this bro science of subjectivity.

We want tested results not opionated nonsense of anecdotal situations or dudes saying "if true, then everyone would do it. " Because if it ain't broke no one fixes it and no one does tests and just follows bro science so that is a really arrogant reply.

Hence why when someone does the test in science things keep getting improved in every aspect of life and all of human prosperity and advancement is attributed to science.

Let's get down to the real answers and do some real testing. With non biased tester. Because this is just one of many tests I need to run. Because numerous scientific studies have been done on whether flushing does anything and even testing every single miserable chemical and substance on the plant and it has been proven numerous times over and cross-verified that flushing does nothing and yet everyone still thinks it does so can we stop the pseudo science and actually do some real science because this pseudoscience nonsense has gotten old and everyone does it so let's stop just listening to everyone and do some tests.

We need people who can set up controlled runs and do proper side by sides all at once with only one variable change per test if not multiple controls and multiple test all running the same test in multiple rooms under the same conditions and then repeat them a few times over.

It slows death while stressing the plant and forcing it to utilize nutrients within it. It has been shown that you can force nutrients in it as well. Mind you at too high of carbohydrate and nutrient levels, you will cause reverse osmosis and pull everything out. All we can talk about is bro science and opinions. Subjectivity is not science.

Boiling cannabis roots during harvesting improves your buds’ potency and overall quality because it slows down the drying process. When you boil cannabis roots, it shocks the plant, also cause higher pressure at the bottom, both of which act towards closing the stomata on the leaves. This prevents massive moisture loss through the leaves, leaving only the floral clusters actively losing moisture at a slow pace.

But boiling the roots takes the step further because the whole plant depends on the floral clusters to lose water and not the leaves— the water is only lost through the buds— that’s painfully slow but the perfect recipe for high-quality, tasting buds. By both slowing drying and spreading up nutrient useage and breaking down chlorophyll. Or so all the logic and science would suggest that so can we test it definitively.

Almost every side by side comparison shows an improvement and it's just a matter of understanding why and if there is bias. Now let's do some real science!
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