Bongs vs Vaporizers

  • Thread starter ReelBusy1
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Bongs vs Vaporizers

  • Bongs Rule, Vapes Drool!

    Votes: 86 60.1%
  • Vaporizers for Victory!

    Votes: 57 39.9%

  • Total voters


Grow for life🌱
Since we’re onto an old thread. Due for an update. Dope setup @One drop
for a smoother bong pull. The vaporizer/bong combo is decent.
9BF285C2 F749 4CF1 A8B6 8BD529513DD6


vape all the way. the key is a good brand and dialing in the temp properly and not over packing it. once dialed in proper the best great taste no lung damage or hacking. healthier in general and quite effective i was previously only a bong user. as an athlete i can say that my lungs are 100% clear no more flem. i can tell each of my strains by taste blindfolded. after using my vape even some bomb larry og or other strains taste like crap when smoked. i also love vaping hashes and bho mixed with herb good times.

As a matter of fact, I've been shopping around for a mini glass bong, but we also use the bowl and/or vape too...
When vaping, we like to stay in the THCV range (428 degrees F) on the chart below, everyone experiences the affects of vaping flower differently, and we notice the differences in temps and affects too...🤔😎



big DBV user here. always been my favorite. turn it on full blast and hook it to a bong and you can achieve milk for days. key is in the grind (much like espresso) and not packing too much in the bowl.

it seems a lot of people on here say they go back to bongs after the vape doesn't quite do it anymore but I felt the opposite back in college. DBV was always on 24/7 and hitting a bong was like breathing in air, a good social way to smoke that barely did anything. now huge globs through a bong was a different story..


...back in college.

It turns out i don't miss "college", not that type of college anyway as that's where i was initially told about all things thermostatic, the steady/slow fashion way while what i eventually adopted proved best suited somehow, though it didn't appear on that radar no matter how much i insisted with photographs and illustrations by the dozen. Nonetheless "Pulse Heating" was turned into a top-notch industry as soon as 1969 via JAi's "Curie Pyrolizer"... Sorry if the news hit kind of late in that collegial realm! Better that than never, and yes i noticed the quality of grinding would affect vaporization performance but not only. Doing more with less requires that all wasteful processes get fine tuned and it starts with heat exposure lasting up to 2 ~ 3 minutes at least if using a bag, even more with a wand. All this time the addition of actual inhalation periods is quite far from equating the amount of time "baking" a precious load, before and after e.g. between each toke. The benefit of this is to amplify "potency" via decarboxylation i guess, but the price to pay for such convenience appears excessive in my own universe. Not to mention the substitute should ideally remove toxic combustion and its by-products but yet remain acceptatable in terms of habits, starting with ritual gestures which otherwise simply don't compare anymore. M'well that's fine with me if the temperatures scale helps with "Hot Dry Air Ovenizers", as i used to call those; nonetheless an to attempt to apply similar time-frozen static models to every single consumption method would result in exclusion of a part of reality...

Good day, have fun!! ☮️
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Nah, not for me anyway: it's still based on some mix of conductive + radiative heat which ain't converted to create an energy burst in pulse-heating convective mode. But i keep hoping someday cinderellas of the world may think of adapters, provided the machine was made sturdy and reliable enough to manage with DiY experiments. I need to see exactly what's inside anyway.

Others i dunno. Go wonder...



Im rocking a Plenty from S&B hooked to a water dab rig......Fantastic experience! What a Flavor!
But you need to get a hold on yourself and dont get too much tolerance!
Ive been smoke free since 3 months now.....Everyone should ditch the smoking thing and say......FUCK COMBUSTION!!! 😁 😁 ☮️


Salutations GrapeFruitRoop,

Well, combustion smoke was exactly why i've quit hashish, euh... so long ago i can't tell for sure anymore. The last years of cannabis consumption depended on dry flowers although it caused throat irritation leading to caughing bad enough to ruin it, so i eventually quit that too in mid-2007. The year after moving to Limoilou (Québec) i had become a non-smoker but this was at the cost of THC intake; i stayed "clean" (...) until i wanted to offer a person dear to me some of those "e-Cigs" i noticed on the internet somehow, only then vaporizers showed up on my radar. Kind of late in life, almost too late and that's a regret which shall remain.

Google indexed my progress related in pictures in plenty of details already, so i'll spare myself going through most of that again. Good for you if there's something to match present expectations, that can't be a bad thing basically. As far as i'm concerned it was all too clear a noisy balloon and its associated ritual had nothing in common with "joint" smoking except THC, so the pipe seemed a bit closer but it just didn't work as sold because of the caughs once more... In retrospective i realized it wasn't satisfying enough for me to FC, and yes i know all too well what you're refering to.

It turns out the cigarette/"joint" ritual went with more "VILIFICATION" than just chronic self-poisoning combustion alone - and being an ex-smoker yourself i think you understood the consumption method ain't only revolving around some "buzz" experience anymore. Once combustion-free other features emerge like "monster clouds", which may be fun when still a young man but i feel most concerned that this still fails to provide some fair amount of opportunities to undo old nuisance habits, including via "neuro-plasticity" which i'm one to think it's NOT uni-directional, because i've finally managed to find a much better trade-off not too remote from the ritual of my 20 years.

Lets consider a cigarette burns in bursts and it ain't designed to switch-off nor change to an hypothetic "stand-by" mode between 2 inhalations. This means precious noble molecules are sacrificed even when passing the "joint", and so does a typical "Hot Dry Air Vaporizer" including the brand/model that is quick to get mentioned in FC discussions. The HerbalAire seemed like a fair solution initially, because it had a roomy convective heat converter powered by a 50 Watts heater element, so it worked fine for 3 different configurations that i tried - BUT something was still missing and that was H2O essentially.

Clean burning (blue flame) butane does provide just a tiny bit of moisturization but it also comes with CO2; that's no worse than a soft drink but i'm uncertain about its benefits except power. So i placed multiple fresh air inlets along the lungs path to help put back some balance relative to oxygen and i never looked back afterwards. In order to get a closer "joint" emulation the bowl needs to be changed frequently since the containment (formerly rolling paper) wall won't get depleted on-demand and fall off conveniently. One solution would be to go synthetic all the way by spraying an extract on heat-resistant tape, possibly from a disposable roll as in toy "cap guns". ... In such scenario 1 heat "burst" has to be visualized as if it were a "bubble" passing through that inert substrate so the cannabis load gets "Released" because of ENERGY - NOT TEMPERATURE - while "Transport" is next to take place almost instantly, e.g. as soon as the goodies are volatized for all practicall purposes. Euh... M'well, at least it's not a matter of 2~3 minutes, or 15 if sucking on it like from a straw; anyway that's unlike the cigarette fashion that i knew so there's no 1-to-1 substitution with a slow-steady consumption method. By chance the pipe breaks this time-domain barrier by keeping the bowl relatively cold BEFORE & AFTER the "Release" + "Transfer" phases which happen nearly simultaneously. That's what pleased me in the VaporGenie Classic, though at the cost of patient and costly customization that started in 2013...

What's nice with "Pulse Mode" is that all substances ready to leave (trichome glands suspended above the contact surfaces of a vegetal substrate...) only endure minimal heating as a result of getting transported away by the airflow, which in my Induction Heat concept translates as the KISS implementation of a "Solid State" thermal valve similar to simple semiconductor junctions. No airflow = OFF, otherwise it's ON but there's a strict limit on its depletion period set by design, by virtue of fixed physical variables pre-determined in my Bi-Energy Hybrid Core.

It turns out Induction Heat adds the "Curie Effect" to our tool box by offering a most convenient feature: Temperature Self-Regulation. Which ain't really new at all knowing JAi's "Curie Pyrolyzer" got pattented in 1969. So it's already been done before, just not yet! ... And there's more!!


One consequence from strict limitation of TEMPERATURE in such core implies its level of ENERGY is fixed too. Starting from there it's now possible to match that amount of energy to its workload, whatever that is as each hybrid core can have it's own preset limit, determined by the "Specific Heat Capacity" (etc.) of a perforated (heat-exchanging) metal disc enclosed by a pair of SiC Foam pellets. Ah and now it's really interresting because SiC is a much better heat conductor than metal and yet also a better heat isolator in foamy form, which may seem paradoxal and yet this is quite similar to a "valve" or a switch. Then, having the heat bubble wirelessly injected right between these SiC layers the sandwich structure actually captures its energy long enough to perform much the same operation as when a cigarette's tip starts glowing prior to combustive extraction. So it's not only combustion-free to consume cannabis that way, as a bonus one gets Self-Moisturization conditioning + "Micro-Dosing" compatibility without a risk to deny potential for dosing abuse - the choice is ours - the main difference residing in a multiplication of self-awareness hints related to neuro-plastic learning combined to "conservation" in the meantime (it co$ts less!), because no heat-driven waste occurs in between tokes, while the pipe is cool once more (and that's its normal state), the pulse-heating being essentially a transitional process and that's exactly why the temperature charts are of no use in this particular context: energy doesn't move instantly and much less in matter.

The pipe costs only a hundred buck in Canada, too bad the manufacturer still fails/refuses to gather the enormous potential of his own forgotten fig. #11/#12 item of the inital patent. Not to mention i believe FC done nothing to help with that, quite on the contrary and not even for a noble cause. But, euh... YMMV.

In any case i can't regress after all this: briefly put, their shadows belong to the light i follow...

Good day, have fun!! ☮️
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Salutations VapedOut,

Vaporizers are clearly better than any bong. Especially a good quality induction vaporizer

Why not link directly to the manufacturer instead of a reseller?


At the moment i often see videos of the Dr. Dabber Switch, the Ispire Wand, the UFO and also multiple similar devices intended for DynaVap users. My objections are the same for all of them: #1) heating mode; #2) what's inside.

Besides a preference for mainly-convective "Pulse Heating", being electromagnetic induction i'd wish at least those were taking advantage of the Curie effect via selected alloys possibly allowing precision "Micro-Dosing". Other desirable features would be self-cleaning and reclaim + a screen that won't clog, for example, etc. So i keep hoping such simple guide-lines won't be avoided/ignored forever, including the energy budget and ultimately its associated Joules-to-Puff performance combined to some optimized cannabis format.

Thinking of that... Just a couple days ago i experimented with SQdC's "Kief":
SQdC   CannaFarms BC Kief 320x240

My 1st question was: where's all the trichome glands?! I can only recognize 4 clear and 1 light-amber, the rest is vegetal debris like calix fragments, pistils and a lot of trichome stems which are capilary tubules filled with what i expect to be precursors of noble molecules for the most part, assuming the trichome gland's function is to collect precious substances. In other words it's a convenient microscopic filtration process and my only urge for it would be to valorize this fine opportunity, but quite unfortunately the "legal" kief illustrated above plain denies this definition to say the least!

The thing is i was still surprized by my own evaluation after a 1-week period of total abstainance, as i also intended to test edible powder and softgel products. In conclusion the last 2 formats are a waste of money, i figured perhaps because "bio-availability" of ingested cannabis simply can't compete with fast-acting/efficient inhalation: e.g. SQdC's limits don't account for 5 mg THC not being equivalent in the stomach...

Anyway after hours of patiently waiting in vain i could observe that only 2 tokes of vaporized kief sufficed to get a fair start. My assumption is that the load inside many trichome glands splashed into the substrate and it might explain my impression these have disapeared, or maybe precursor molecules play a significant role in the "entourage effect" and this somehow compensated.

In any case i came to put numbers on a paper, based on a 100 mg bowl of kief generating at least 4 tokes per bowl, more like 5 but rarely 6 unless very disciplined - which IH Driving should provide easy access to IMHO. So, if each 2-tokes session offers pleasant/desirable effects lasting for about 4 hours then that's 6 sessions per day if we forget to sleep (or redistribute more evenly over the day)... For someone who tokes every day that's 12 tokes x 365.25 days = 4386 tokes per year, or if i divide a 100 mg bowl into 5 tokes then 4383 x 20 mg = 87.66 g of kief each year. SQdC's cheapest kief was sold 14.90 $/g last time i checked, hence i guess a full year toking twice every 4 hours non-stop should cost around 87.66 x 14.90 = 1306.13 $, or 3.58$ per day. As for my energy budget, preliminary evaluation was 100 Joules per toke (many years ago), or 1200 Joules each day.

With no trade-offs over aroma/taste being involved this may sound like a fair deal, not to mention the cost of a DiY tool as mine capable of lasting many years - and it ain't got it's core alloy adapted for IH Driving just yet! Imagine precision micro-dosing on it.

At the very least i saved money on edibles as i'm never going to submit myself to such "legal" stealing again... The rest like substance & energy costs remain to be verified via my "Plan-A", a scenario where conduction and even self-conditioning (by distilled inlet water) have not been excluded at priori, plus a physical impossibility to risk skin burns. Some fair deal i think, too bad it's not found in stores so far, though my bet is that the market will move to something similar eventually. Because for starters it's efficient and yet never denies a deliberate desire to "abuse" as i'm no prohibitionist... While pulse heating implies the bowl is cold most of the time and there's only marginal loss by "baking" between 2 tokes, so as a young man i'd have found these features useful considering i wasted hashish and more recently dry flowers as a self-poisoning chronic combustion smoker.

If any of these arguments failed to illustrate the net gains over traditional "joint" smoking than i don't know what would, but if we're willing to change our environment(s) In The Name Of Children (e.g. despite an impossibility to intervein direcly) then the offer of a substitute must spare no efforts to satisfy the customer's own adult needs. Which takes me back to poor conversion of Induction Heat into a mix of conduction/radiative modes i figure.

Well, it's all great dealing with potent extracts but all i see posted on YouTube is more black boxes inside, day after day, the media getting flooded as if there's no tomorrow and yet never answering these most basic questions. Too little to convince our natural common ennemies i believe...

But the IH engines have been around for years now, hopefully it's just a matter of time before full potential is developped, to win the old war. Because when *ALL* cannabis consumers are satisfied we can finally live better while rolling paper inventories will eventually disapear for a lack of customer demand. Not tomorrow but someday and certainly not via "tools" built to generate monster tokes though without also multiplying opportunities to forget a cold bowl where it is - the opposite of my smoker "tokeu", in days when i used to loose noble molecules between each toke and consequently wasted a lot of money too.

Considering MONEY is the main source of "HARM" in cannabis, expecially for young persons seriously influenced by economic stress, it seems to me future concepts need to focuss on inclusive scenarios also making plenty of room for IH power applied to vaporism with no shortcuts. The goal is to use rational persuasion combined to subjective seduction, this raises the bar high but the prize would be environments where no rolling paper even exists anymore... And since children depend on adults it should translate as a net (slow yet) DURABLE gain in terms of Public Health for our entire societies - but the deal is required to prove honest or we'll chase clouds forever while kids continue to roll.

So far i ain't seen 1 single ready-made 3rd-party/commercially-available product promising to meet a goal as ambitious as that, hence hope will have to do.


Good day, have fun!! ☮️
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Salutations TomTom420,

We own a Dr dabber switch for 3+ years now and I absolutely love it...but you gotta get the bubbler attachment.

I can only imagine but my potential for imagination is immense. 😌

By the way, i'd like to see more microscope snapshots of "kief", ideally that as found in SQdC stores. Can you help with that? Or better yet: kief getting vaporized...

Good day, have fun!! ☮️


I'm in the vapor bong camp. I can run the Airizer at 420°, attach it to a little locally made ripper, and pull deceptively smooth hits. It's highly effective


I'm old school and you get a good feeling putting a nice fat nug you grew into a bong with ice for a nice cool hit, however I do have a vaporizer and delta 8 & o carts but use rarely mostly indoors at concerts were lighting up is a no no, will not buy delta 9 carts at dispensary bc a gram is $100+ but delta 8 and o are much cheaper and get job done.


Vapes are more casual. Bongs are like an event. Gotta get prepared, sit up straight, fasten your seat belt and have a drink on stand by. Vapes are just click of a button.



Attrition will do just fine, zero bigot prohibitionism wanted nor suitable.

Lets simply remind ourselves that Public Health transcends individual human time-scales, that nobody lives forever, that none of us even has to keep standing around for significant changes to eventually take place in a technically-driven society anyway!


All it takes is the right dynamics, starting with po£iti¢ian$ & friend$...

So the smokers would be safe if it only depended on me. But the blood-sucking brain-eating zombies on synthetics (with a DIN#), euh... M'well, all those nightmarish creatures of darkness have invaded our public institutions including mass-media & TV, long ago - and it turns out they're all too satisfied to still confuse nicotine vs tobacco, for example. Not to mention subtilities about the Consumption Method and associated Ritual(s).

In short, their predatory attitude has been like a virus so far but it's bound to dispear like any other virus nonetheless, by attrition or otherwise i might add! Besides, i think i've got some fair idea what type of vaccine will fix that bug. Binary thinking won't help face a common ennemy while this not only concerns smokers: e.g. *ALL* smoke or vapour entering or exiting any of our personal orifices is now their favourite target, plus it's a full-time job with some holier-than-you aura as a bonus... Name politicians able to resist such appeal! The virtuous against sick/deseased or even criminallly-minded addicts, junkies, sex-slave traders. Know what i mean?

M'well, all because they want their "cut"...

We've reached the bottom line; one solution i've previously proposed aims right at its root.

It doesn't matter if any of us can't pretend to witness realisation or failure of a potential which no negationnist can be expected to at least begin to envision, possibly under "influence", yet it seems to me statu-quo is no option unless there's a way to stop the clock!!



Bongs vs Vaporizers?

I'm a bong guy myself....
Has anyone tried a flower vaporizer? I have a Utillian 722. Works great! The argument making them less of an insult to the respiratory tree is sound. THC vaporizes at around 450°F. Temperatures when combusting pot with flame can reach > 2000°. It feels healthier...much less coughing!


Has anyone tried a flower vaporizer? I have a Utillian 722. Works great! The argument making them less of an insult to the respiratory tree is sound. THC vaporizes at around 450°F. Temperatures when combusting pot with flame can reach > 2000°. It feels healthier...much less coughing!
Got a fury edge I love mine. Portables much better nowadays


We all love bongs, but when it comes down to health, we use the dry herb vapes.

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