Cure in a controlled garage?

  • Thread starter GusBus
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Last year I dryed my 15 lbs inside a 10x10 controlled room over the course of a month while all my plants finished off. The strain that was bucked and in a hanging rack at 55 percent and 60 degress the longest turned out the best.

This year I have twice the amount of harvested buds and I am using my friends 2 car garage. I am controlling the humidity and the temp has been around 60 as well.

I'm drying and bucking to racks, but I'm also trimming in the garage by headlamp and a low wattage bulb. After I trim the buds I leave their turkey bags open in the garage to continue to cure. Humidity is gonna stay at 55 til all my buds hanging on the stems are dried and bucked down.

I am noticing that my garage doesn't really smell like dank buds. I'm worried I messed up the cure. Does this method for a cure room work well? Will my buds begin to smell again once they dehydrate more a slow rate? Has anyone cured in a room before?

Do I need to jar the buds to burp them or is this method achieving the same end result?

Thanks ahead of time for the results. I have 25 lbs of fire this year that I grew outdoors in oregon and I want to lock them in.


If the 10 x 10 was 60 and 55, and the garage is 60 and 55, I don’t see why they would dry any differently. Maybe the smell just dissipates more in the large garage versus the small room. And you might have a little more air circulation in the garage. Just my two cents.


It will come on in the jars as it cures. Don’t stress
I was planning on not using jars but lowering the humidity in the garage over time after everything has been trimmed. I'm trimming alone so, in about 3 weeks. Can I leave trimmed buds in turkey bags open to the garage environment at 55 & 60degrees for 3 weeks, while everything hanging dries up and gets trimmed as well? And would this method of curing everything outside of jars in the garage until I vac seal even work? I've only done this once before and I vac sealed them a bit early before they were fully cured. Results were that they needed to be burped later.


I can see were jars are out of the question! Would need about 100 of them at 1 gallon apiece! And about five bucks apiece! L O L! I think you can do better than turkey bags. Go through the Grove bag website and check out there bags for large quantities. And I think curing is a long term process! Thinking months, not weeks. Kind of like aging wine! And I am not sure things will continue to cure after they are vacuum, sealed! And I think three weeks at 60 and 55. They might get a little too dry, so watch it! Grove makes five and 10 pound bags also! Relatively cheap! I think that is what you need to get a good cure. Not just a dry.
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I can see were jars are out of the question! Would need about 100 of them at 1 gallon apiece! And about five bucks apiece! L O L! I think you can do better than turkey bags. Go through the Grove bag website and check out there bags for large quantities. And I think curing is a long term process! Thinking months, not weeks. Kind of like aging wine! And I am not sure things will continue to cure after they are vacuum, sealed! And I think three weeks at 60 and 55. They might get a little too dry, so watch it! Grove makes five and 10 pound bags also! Relatively cheap! I think that is what you need to get a good cure. Not just a dry.
Thanks. I'll check out the grove bags. This might be a stupid question but.... How could the buds get too dry at 55 percent humidity? Wouldn't they just stay at that moisture level if the room atmosphere is controlled at that amount? This is my understanding of the process. Am I totally wrong? I very well might be. That's what I'm trying to understand with this post. How does the cure room method work? Do I need to put my trimmed buds in a sealed container (at all) if I controll the room? Or do the buds NEED to be sealed up? I dunno.


No I don’t think you’re totally wrong! I think you are using common sense and may be right! The best I can do is 60° and about 45% humidity so that’s the perspective I’m kind of speaking from. And this is just conjecture but I think of the fall leaves coming off the trees and drying up even if the humidity is 60 or 70%. I am thinking the cure process is more of a controlled dying process. And I think it takes longer than three weeks. But you might be able to pull it off if you keep your room at a certain humidity. I know I have to seal mine up. But I know it tastes a lot better and smells a lot better after a couple of months of cure than it did when it went in. There seem to be certain degradation processes that go on inside the bud over a long period of time that add up to a more desirable product. if you can keep your environment stable and dark maybe you can do OK. I’ve never done it that way. I’m just adding a little fodder here for you to think about! If you have a market to supply to then, maybe you can’t take that kind of time to mess around with the cure. I am no Connie sewer! I smoke for effect! but I am always willing to play around with the curing process for the hell of it! Because the stuff will be in storage at my place for quite a while! Enjoying watching you deal with this!


I agree with you! Common sense would say that if you kept your room at 55 the moisture Contant of the bud would stay at 55. But then you have to take in to account the bud is more or less a solid. And the surrounding air is a gas. So maybe moisture likes to migrate from one to the other no matter what the humidity. Evaporation maybe. So I have to contain my moisture and bud inside of a bag to keep it from drying out too much. The physics are way above my pay grade! L O L!


Last year I dryed my 15 lbs inside a 10x10 controlled room over the course of a month while all my plants finished off. The strain that was bucked and in a hanging rack at 55 percent and 60 degress the longest turned out the best.

This year I have twice the amount of harvested buds and I am using my friends 2 car garage. I am controlling the humidity and the temp has been around 60 as well.

I'm drying and bucking to racks, but I'm also trimming in the garage by headlamp and a low wattage bulb. After I trim the buds I leave their turkey bags open in the garage to continue to cure. Humidity is gonna stay at 55 til all my buds hanging on the stems are dried and bucked down.

I am noticing that my garage doesn't really smell like dank buds. I'm worried I messed up the cure. Does this method for a cure room work well? Will my buds begin to smell again once they dehydrate more a slow rate? Has anyone cured in a room before?

Do I need to jar the buds to burp them or is this method achieving the same end result?

Thanks ahead of time for the results. I have 25 lbs of fire this year that I grew outdoors in oregon and I want to lock them in.
Shouldn’t smell it a lot if the environment is right, if you start smelling anything that means you are losing thc? I’m new still but this is what I’ve learned. Wish you the best.


I hang mine in my tent 60% humidity. After two weeks it smoke ok after another two weeks in jars it smokes way better. I’m sure it will finish ok in the turkey bags. The grove bags are a better choice they will let the humidity out on there own.


After googling a bit, it looks like the general consensus is that two weeks is an adequate cure! I thought it was longer! If that’s the case, you are in business, if you just be careful! Good luck!


I bought some food grade 5 gallon buckets and lids. I'm gonna store my bucked down buds in those til they can be trimmed. I borrowed my buddies trim machine today but I need to repair it. I didn't seal up some of my trimmed buds but left them open in the bags in my garage at 55%.... Maybe that dried em up too much and quickly. 6lbs of freshies that I hope its nose comes back in these sealed buckets.


I hang mine in my tent 60% humidity. After two weeks it smoke ok after another two weeks in jars it smokes way better. I’m sure it will finish ok in the turkey bags. The grove bags are a better choice they will let the humidity out on there own.
I have too much to be able to trim them down after 2 weeks. It takes me a month to trim them by hand. Can I leave them for a long time hanging til its their turn to be hand trimmed?

Most people who do it on large scale buck down to totes. I bucked to mesh trays this year and I think that totes might keep the nose better. What do you think?


I have too much to be able to trim them down after 2 weeks. It takes me a month to trim them by hand. Can I leave them for a long time hanging til its their turn to be hand trimmed?

Most people who do it on large scale buck down to totes. I bucked to mesh trays this year and I think that totes might keep the nose better. What do you think?
Your only 1 person IMHO is you keep the environment (in my case 58-64)you will be fine. Just remember to trim in a controlled environment. 60% humidity. I learned years back trimming all day on my deck. Around 40% humidity by the time I got to the last buds they would easily turn into dust 🙄 not real dust but crumbled if you dropped it right. And that was not the best herb that's a fact 💯


Can you out GRAV The Gravmaster???
I was a skeptic but I said what the hell and now I fucking love trimming

2lbs were trimmed in total of 10 mins this way...

Few hours bucking but man I could get a 2lb fully bucked trimmed and weighed and jarred in half day... no more trim blues for this guy

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