Do I Need To Be Worried?

  • Thread starter DrNorCal
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Living dead girl
@Seamaiden little cruel language coming from a moderator that is suppose to make this sight more friendly.........Didn't you just give me a warning because I simply said bullshit in another thread? However you can talk down to people saying "give me a fucking break?" It must be good to be king.
No, I didn't give you a warning. But really? Saying "give me a fucking break" is cruel? You didn't "just simply" say bullshit, you were saying someone was a liar. I'm telling someone to give me a break because I actually have experience with this sort of thing.

You can call NORML and get poor, out of date information, I'll do things my way. NORML doesn't give a shit about people like you and me, if they did they'd be taking a lot more pro bono cases and last time I checked, they're a little bereft in that regard. Hell, AMA is better and that organization certainly has their issues.
BTW - a simple phone call to the right people would not be a clerk in a county office. They have no idea what the rules are, and are not bound to tell you anything truthful. I would contact a lawyer. Why would anybody trust their freedom to a county clerk?
They are bound to be honest and forthright with citizens and provide information when requested. They are the ones who are assigned to be the record keepers and as such it is their job to be able to put their hands on any requested documents, such as any cannabis cultivation codes or laws on the books. Contacting an attorney is always very good advice, but advising against working with your own government if the goal is to be legal and in compliance isn't exactly helpful.
Try it for yourself if you don't believe me, it is akin to hanging a kick me sign on your neck. I personally know a county clerk at my local county office, I will ask her what she thinks and report back.
Ooo! So do I! And guess what. I've already been there and done that and way, way, WAY more. Guess who's not getting harassed by the police. I have more examples.


I think there might be a difference with you calling your county and somebody this isn't known in their country as a pot grower calling. Your already known, so why would you care? The police have already deemed you as a non-threat, and all this was brought on you, not by choice like your potentially advising.

I love cops, and really respect the work they do. Always have, always will. However, these days they will raid your house, invade your privacy, then ask about your permits and plant numbers and let the court settle things. I would advice people that don't want cops in their house and on their property to not call any government employees and ask about anything incriminating. Does anybody remember the first rule in growing?

However Seamaiden is correct. The county office would be a good place to find out more about the local laws.


Living dead girl
I think there might be a difference with you calling your county and somebody this isn't known in their country as a pot grower calling. Your already known, so why would you care? The police have already deemed you as a non-threat, and all this was brought on you, not by choice like your potentially advising.
I wasn't already known in my county when I began work on the codes. And the fact that I am known (and greatly disliked) by people in power here after getting involved actually puts me at greater risk of being further targeted by them, especially since these people are personal friends with our sheriff. My husband's job was directly threatened by these people. I understand that it is absolutely not fun, especially since I'm the kind of person who values my anonymity. But we have continued to work, in our own way at least, towards fulfilling a better government and thus future by helping to get at least one new county supervisor voted into place, someone who is not interested in spending what little money is available to the county on code enforcement.

These southern counties and cities, of course, may be different in that regard, but they cannot be different in the regard of providing information to their citizens.

As for all the other, I honestly believe that if we continue to behave as though we're criminals, we're going to continue to be treated that way. I now openly discuss my use of cannabis and make it as matter of fact as, say, drinking wine or taking aspirin. It was quite a hoot all the reactions of family in Puerto Rico, but I also had more than a few family members asking me genuine, honest questions, especially about the medicinal aspects. They also had questions about the recreational aspects, which I was more than happy to answer.

Given my other experiences I really want to see full legalization, so that I don't have to worry about being a target of anyone. I also think that if we did a better job of regulating ourselves then others wouldn't feel so strongly the need to regulate us (take tattooing for a great example of how this can work), but that's another discussion for another day. :)


Well-Known Farmer
I wouldn`t call Normal because they don`t keep up on the county codes very well. Police do record ever call they receive, but with a little searching you can find a lot of info on county web sights and many post up policy and codes informing people . They don`t record anything on these sights except how many hits they receive. But just to be safe you can find programs that allow for anonymous searches.


My wife called her friend in the building department. They are absolutely trained to record any information regarding any possible illegal activities. That includes phone numbers that come up on the caller id, and any other information people are dumb enough to turn over. Maybe ask your friend the same question @Seamaiden.


Living dead girl
My wife called her friend in the building department. They are absolutely trained to record any information regarding any possible illegal activities. That includes phone numbers that come up on the caller id, and any other information people are dumb enough to turn over. Maybe ask your friend the same question @Seamaiden.
So her friend in the building department is saying that if someone calls and asks about current county or city ordinances or codes, they're committing an illegal act and will be recorded? Do I understand that correctly? If that is correct, then it's a pretty idiotic thing to do on their part. My county, despite not being so friendly to cultivators, has done the opposite and protected those who have identified themselves (and are operating within the confines of the codes, ordinances and state laws).

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