Fellow Ri Growers! Hostile Take Over

  • Thread starter Oppenheimer
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This bill is a hostile takeover of the cannabis industry that will block patients from getting the variety of cannabis needed for all illnesses while pushing many back to the black market.

This bill allows 2 companies to create a monopoly controlling all production of cannabis in RI for 5 year terms. Patients will lose access to specific cannabis meds, and there will be much unneeded suffering. Please help come together and mobilize and effort to spread the word and gain support for the Protest in RI April 8th.

When: Wednesday, April 8,, 2015: 11:00 a.m.- Protest Rally • 11:30 a.m.- Press Conference (Community Leaders, Physicians, Patients and Families to speak out)

Where: Rhode Island State house • 82 Smith St, Providence, RI 02903




This bill is a hostile takeover of the cannabis industry that will block patients from getting the variety of cannabis needed for all illnesses while pushing many back to the black market.

This bill allows 2 companies to create a monopoly controlling all production of cannabis in RI for 5 year terms. Patients will lose access to specific cannabis meds, and there will be much unneeded suffering. Please help come together and mobilize and effort to spread the word and gain support for the Protest in RI April 8th.

When: Wednesday, April 8,, 2015: 11:00 a.m.- Protest Rally • 11:30 a.m.- Press Conference (Community Leaders, Physicians, Patients and Families to speak out)

Where: Rhode Island State house • 82 Smith St, Providence, RI 02903




It's all about the mother fucking money!
Compassion my ass centers are scared of the caretakers who r supplying them. There paying big money to politicians I'm sure , with a 5 year dream off being the only legit supplier to themselves .. Pretty sweeeeet deal!
Been a patient never a customer of any compassion center. I'm fortunate enough to be able to provide myself with medicine. Fuck them compassion I mean business men behind closed doors it's just like you in the streets!! And they will fuck you in the long run for the ole mighty dollar. Compassion that!


I accidentally posted a thread a couple places and it got deleted here. @Oppenheimer THANK YOU so much for posting about this. We need to stop this bill, and we need to keep the momentum to fix the system here in RI.


Please read over that post, it has good information, I'll reiterate a bit about it here.

Please call your local representative and state senator and inform them on how caregivers are now helping the RI MMP.

Please make a phone call to the right senator, and properly inform them of why this is a bad bill. Please do not be angry at the person you are calling, they did not write this bill. Please know that most of this is due to ignorance and not to malice. INFORM your senator, do not attack them.

@odirt please be professional and respectful about this. The MMP in RI can't have any more bad light on it, and cursing and attacking compassion centers does not help. It is not the centers that are inherently bad, it is the laws that are inherently bad. We need an open market here, and we need to let the dust settle itself that way. The dust will never settle with laws that only allow a very limited number of people make all the decisions for everybody.

So RI call your local senator and inform them of why the bill is bad. Do not call your local senator and attack them, and bash the existing compassion centers. The existing laws are MUCH better than this bill, and the focus right now should be on stopping it.


Who do you think is trying to get this law passed? The compassion centers. This is where I vent my frustrations . They are not on your side . Do not be fooled


Compassion centers have dirt tree around here. Caregivers sell their lower kief rolled buds to them. If this goes through. The only buds available will be bunk from the dispensary! Illegal prices for home breeders who wrongfully sell meds also will skyrocket instead of them being cheaper!!! Good on ya RI let's screw it all up again lol Slater already has the mobs hands up their skirts this is atrocious. I for one feel like this is because the scumbags at the these compassion centers cry about no one using their services....well they suck! They haven't helped anyone. Can't see any positive from this. This state blows. I am caring less and less about card status every day. Good luck on regulation when you push everyone back into the illegal market.


They shot down the recreational cannabis bill. which failed because of the state police saying we need to pour money into a comitte to study it. If this gets pushed through I'd be very skeptical on what the state polices priorities are next. May forefeit my card depending on how this turns out.


Unfortunately we live in a world were there is no right and wrong, we are only governed by money. Everybody including politicians are persuaded by it. The real thought is just cause some entity can grow a weed doesn't mean people will buy it.


Fortunately this bill has been withdrawn! Great job to anybody who contributed to changing the minds of the people who introduced this bill.

Do not attribute to malice, to what could also be attributed to ignorance.

Sometimes people just don't know.

Justin Silva

hey everybody im not a grower but im very involved in the industry i have been servicing growers as their energy consultant. i will work with any good sized grow ops to save them money as far as what they pay in rates with their electric and gas so if anyone knows any grower looking to reduce what they pay have them contact me at 1-888-402-5590 ext 105 and i will go over more about what i can do for them im trying to become THE energy broker for the medical industry seeing as it has helped me tremendously throughout the years and this is one best way i see to give back to the community so please if you know any grower who wants to save some cash contact me at any time.

thanks everyone!!


This bill is a hostile takeover of the cannabis industry that will block patients from getting the variety of cannabis needed for all illnesses while pushing many back to the black market.

This bill allows 2 companies to create a monopoly controlling all production of cannabis in RI for 5 year terms. Patients will lose access to specific cannabis meds, and there will be much unneeded suffering. Please help come together and mobilize and effort to spread the word and gain support for the Protest in RI April 8th.

When: Wednesday, April 8,, 2015: 11:00 a.m.- Protest Rally • 11:30 a.m.- Press Conference (Community Leaders, Physicians, Patients and Families to speak out)

Where: Rhode Island State house • 82 Smith St, Providence, RI 02903


How can I help? I will do whatever it needs to stop that greedy! The thing is that the government is probably getting some lobbyist to approve that in exchange to "donation" ! Politics; but even if we need to collect signatures door to door; and camp in front of the city hall; or whatever takes! Count on me! I should be in Ri by the last week of July; contact me; you get a friend on that fight!


Rhode Island looks like Colorado compared to Massachusetts.
Massachusetts doesn't want anyone to grow their own. They craft carefully worded legislation to suppress caregiving and are STILL busting growers and splashing their face all over the news like they're sell heroin for fuck sake. Good luck getting the word out RI!


Damn sorry to hear...hope u folks can hold it down. From the day these laws were passed, These "people "have started to plot and scheme towards their greedy ends. We must be vigilant and diligent in our efforts to surpress them.
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