First grow, i Need some help!

  • Thread starter Maxsimus94
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Last month i decide to start growing, but being a First timer and not having much money i figured out i could grow in pots on my balcony given that i live within a mediterrean climate.
I bought 4 autoflowering seeds, successfully germinated them all and planted them in pots with store bought soil for all kinds of herbs and vegetables (looking back i may have sowed the seeds a bit to deep).
They where pretty slow to come up and all of them got the seed stuck, two of them didn't even break through soil (only the seed popping out was visibile) so i got worried and i looked up on internet, founding out that seedling need a pretty high humidity so i put a plastic dome over them. I managed to gently remove the seed cap from the two remaining seedling, and after one day or two one seedling just fell of on the soil and died.
So i removed the plastic dome from the last seedling thinking it was causing more harm than good.
I sowed them on 22 March but i suppose there Is a stunded grow (even because One of the two cotyeledons yellowed and fell of) here Is a picture:
First grow i need some help

She Is like 5cm tall and i suppose It should be triple this size by this time.
I would like some help because i don't know what Is the yellowing on the leaves end caused by. Some guy on reddit told me it's probably nutrient burn.
Before sowing i mixed the soil with 1/4 packet of this Fertilizer
First grow i need some help 2

I did that cause i saw some guy on YouTube growing autoflowers doing the same thing (his plants didn't have trouble at all).
I would really like to save at least one plant so if there Is something that i can do to help her i would be really grateful.

I later bought 3 autoflowering seeds and sowed them on 13th april, i suppose i killed one by pulling the seed cap to early thinking it was stuck (i know i am a scared idiot)

One seedling didn't grow straight, It was like the stem was growing "laying" on the soil, i keep trying straightening the stem but to no avail, now i thinks it's dead but i would like to know the possibile cause to prevent It next time, here's a Pic:
First grow i need some help 3

And lastly there is this 17 days old
First grow i need some help 4

Again, i think It should be way bigger than that. Every morning i find her laying on the soil, my balcony is sometimes pretty windy but It didn't happen to the other seedling so It may have a fragile stem (or that's because my balconies somedays are pretty windy), don't know but as long i keep her straight i think it should be fine.

I wanted to include also that i've got two balconies, one the East-side and one on the West-side, and i move them continuosly to make sure they get as much sun as possible (my Building blocks the sun so when is like 2 pm i move them)

When i get the chance i look to setting up a indoor grow tent, because i feel like outdoor growing (especially not having a garden) can be a bit tricky.

Sorry for my bad english and really hope you can help me😇


Also should i buy some nutrients? There Is something good on Amazon?
Can't edit the post above but i'm growing in 15L pots, the smaller seedling Is in a fabric pot.
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Welcome to the forum.
Depending where you, are it may not be the correct season for out door growing. Days getting longer. Up top 16 hours of daylight a day.
If you want to grow out doors you will have to plan it to coincide with your local summer growing season.

With a name like Monster Bud Mix it sounds like your fertilizer is a flowering specific mix rather than a high nitrogen veg mix
for growing the plant. 2 reasons why you did not have much success. A small indoor grow space is pretty handy. A 24" x 24" space 48" tall is a perfect space for 1 nice plant and a 300w light. Even if you keep the grow box on the balcony.


Welcome to the forum.
Depending where you, are it may not be the correct season for out door growing. Days getting longer. Up top 16 hours of daylight a day.
If you want to grow out doors you will have to plan it to coincide with your local summer growing season.

With a name like Monster Bud Mix it sounds like your fertilizer is a flowering specific mix rather than a high nitrogen veg mix
for growing the plant. 2 reasons why you did not have much success. A small indoor grow space is pretty handy. A 24" x 24" space 48" tall is a perfect space for 1 nice plant and a 300w light. Even if you keep the grow box on the balcony.
I'm growing in southern Italy so around april should be right.

Will the smell during flowering be a big deal?


It does look like nute burn. If your soil is precharged with nutes, definitely do not add any more.

Also watering in a big container can be difficult with seedlings. Next time plant in a small plastic cup (solo cups) you'll have much more control watering. Make sure the cup has drainage holes. Water every 3 days (give or take) or when the cups begin to feel light again. More seedlings meet their early demise by over or under watering.

Smell can possibly be an issue, depending on how much you're growing, what strain and which way the wind is blowing 🙂

Do some research, reading and ask questions here. Plenty of knowlegable folks willing to help. Good luck 👍


It does look like nute burn. If your soil is precharged with nutes, definitely do not add any more.

Also watering in a big container can be difficult with seedlings. Next time plant in a small plastic cup (solo cups) you'll have much more control watering. Make sure the cup has drainage holes. Water every 3 days (give or take) or when the cups begin to feel light again. More seedlings meet their early demise by over or under watering.

Smell can possibly be an issue, depending on how much you're growing, what strain and which way the wind is blowing 🙂

Do some research, reading and ask questions here. Plenty of knowlegable folks willing to help. Good luck 👍
Thank you really much, i searched the internet up and down before starting, and even so the info can be overwhelming, some saying that Is better to plant autos on the final pot (to avoid stress), some saying to star in cups...i was really confused but now i'm happy because i found a kind and helpful community😊
I have soooo much to learn!


So repotting autos Is not slowing/stunting the plant as advised? Next time can i simply use a smaller pot (that i've already got at home) and then repot It on my 15L pots? Or does It need and intermediate pot?

Also, as shown previously my 6 weeks old plants Is really small, will the whole process slow up (meaning that It Will grow slowly and then flower) or will It soon enter in flower? If it's the last case i don't think It Will produce anything worth, given it's just like 5cm tall.

Sorry if i'm asking many questions but i truly find nature and cannabis fascinating🍃


They look stunted, just ride it out and plan a better run next time, its a worth while journey. But yes a healthy seedling (auto) will be just fine transplanted.

Autos are less forgiving then photos and will flower when they flower, no stopping it. So you have less time to correct an issue. I suggest photos for beginners


They look stunted, just ride it out and plan a better run next time, its a worth while journey. But yes a healthy seedling (auto) will be just fine transplanted.

Autos are less forgiving then photos and will flower when they flower, no stopping it. So you have less time to correct an issue. I suggest photos for beginners
I've got a spare feminized seed "special Queen" if i recall correctly. Is It worth a shot trying growing It on my balcony? When they are not too big i can move them to provide them full sun, but when they'll get big (this also applies to autos) i just plan to keep them on my west pointing balcony, providing them about 6 hours of direct sunlight and i don't even know if that's enough to grow "worthy" buds. I really look forward to buying a led grow light (First thing i'm gonna buy for a indoor grow), so i would like some advice...i still live with my parents and they are ok with me growing, however i would be mortified with high electrical bills.
So can i grow 3 - 6 big and strong plants (maybe in a 2x4?) without spending way to much on bills?


Get the seedling started inside before putting anything on the balcony, all's you need is a little t5 bulb or better yet something like this..
20240501 200705

Point is try to get some roots established and off to a healthy start. You can do this on a desk or anywhere in the house.


How does It work with artificial lighting? This bulb has got a specific wavelenght or something like a full spectrum right? Not like usual bulbs we use in out houses?
Also are there led equivalents that i can plug straight on the socket? (I wouldn't know where to put the bulb but i guess Just screwing It inside a lamp should do it)

Now, i don't think i'm gonna sow the feminized seed because with outdoor growing i don't really have any control.
Best thing i can do Is save money to buy a grow tent with all the equipment.
Spider farmer looks really cool and i would love It, but i appreciate every advice!
Just to start getting an idea of what i need and how much should i save.


Help! What Is happening to my seedling?
Don't know if It is even right to call It a seedling, looks like One but Is 1 month old..
IMG 20240510 121956

Two weeks ago, It looked like this:
First grow i need some help 4


waaay too much light
its doomed..
what do you got for light? and distance from plants?


I'm growing on my balcony, this seedling kept being pushed down by the wind, so i brought It inside and i put It by the Windows, Is this really a light burn? I had some pretty cloudy and rainy days + light from the Windows Is at least a bit filtrated


I'm growing on my balcony, this seedling kept being pushed down by the wind, so i brought It inside and i put It by the Windows, Is this really a light burn? I had some pretty cloudy and rainy days + light from the Windows Is at least a bit filtrated
doesn’t take much sun through a window to cook a seedling


not all soil are good for cannabis, pH could vary as well as amount of nutrients in it ...


not all soil are good for cannabis, pH could vary as well as amount of nutrients in it ...
I ready everywhere that they need as much sun as possible..i was even worrying It wasn't getting enough She Is dead or can i at least try to save It by moving somewhere else? Some advice?

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