g/w the oldest lie in the book

  • Thread starter Desertboy
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My car has a chevy 350 (Bare in mind I'm a UK citizen) so I'm a hypocrite but a hypocrite with a cool car!

w/sqft is utter bullshit yes!! I totally agree.

lol I like this guy!


I always like this way of doing math.


How much juice you burn to grow a gram..

Standard methods of reporting garden yields are imprecise and don't take the factor of time into account. This is a summary after discussion on a new standard formula for reporting yields and efficiency.

The GE Rating is based on the amount of kilowatt hours used to produce one gram. This factors in how long your strains flower and the resulting number makes it simple to compare 4000 watt gardens with 400 watt gardens. The calculations are easy, here is an example:

2000 watt flowering area
60 days of flowering
12 hours on light cycle
total yield: 49.5 ounces

1) Divide the total wattage of your lamps by 1000 to determine the kilowatts per hour:

2000 / 1000 = 2 kw/h

2) Multiply the previous result by the hours of the light cycle (usually 12):

2 x 12 = 24

3) Multiply the previous result by total days in flowering to determine how many kilowatt hours you used:

24 x 60 = 1440

4) Make sure your yield is in grams, so:

28.4 x 49.5 ounces = 1405.8 grams

5) Now simply divide grams by kilowatts:

1405.8 / 1440 =

0.97 grams per kilowatt hour, or a GE Rating of 0.97! Good job to the hypothetical grower, approaching a GE of 1 is the first plateau to be reached and is a sign of an experienced grower.

The secondary additions to the GE formula would be for the "Whole Garden GE Rating" which must include time spent in cloning and in veg. Figure it out the same way, with days spent under cloning lights, hours per day, and add those totals to the watt usage before dividing. This will give you a much lower rating than the standard Bloom GE Rating, but is more accurate for SCROG gardens, and anyone who is involved with extra vegetation time.



lol I like this guy!

I had to sell my Corvette and my '75 Camaro but I do have a '74 Transam with a 455 waiting for resto in my garage. It's my G20 that has the 350.

Why couldn't I like UK vehicles.

You know and I know a '67 Camaro SS is on the cards before I die.


i guess if you have to have a figure to brag about then you can calculate it however you want . people with legal plant counts usually could give a flying fuck how much juice they use

Does having a legal plant count mean that you have infinite money?

Or is it because the "legal" growers are selling it to pay for their grows.

The more things change the more they stay the same.


I feel the same way as mrd

not because i have lots of cash or because I make lots of cash

but because I care about what Im going to smoke and not just pumping my crop with hormones on top of high ppm chems

even when I wasnt legal I never worried about what "the other guy was doing" since

A) I been doing this before the advent of home pc's and the internet - so I wasnt exposed to a lot of bs and bragging about yields

B) all that mattered to me was I got better results each time and if I failed or took steps back then I would know why and fix it


I stick with Mico funghi, Bcuzzz coco nutes, Bcuzz root stims, Liquid silicon and some pk13/14 by ata.

That's it for my GR, if I needed to treat for Spidermite I would use an Abamectin based product.

I'd rather try and get my gains from increased co2 ppm and high lighting levels.

TBH it's more a game with myself than anything else can I beat my last yield and by how much. I like working out my efficiencies, it's fun.


Premium Member
Hi Desert boy, Can i ask a quick electrical question?

Do you know how much 2 x 600w, 1 x 6inch vortex extraction fan, 2 small 6 inch oscillating fans, 3 small aquarium pumps cost to run. lights are 12/12 but extraction runs 24 on lowest speed setting, would cost to run a week???

Thank you



Now you're asking

2 600w, assume 660w each ballast unles digital in which case 630w.

6" vortex looks like 100w, if you use a variac to control fan speed it will use 100w regardless of fan speed.

3 pumps I'll assume maxijets ~20w each.

Oscillating fans I'm unsure so I guess 80w's for both.

Let's guess high.

2*660w= 1320w's/hour for the lights or 15.86 units/day

12*100w = 1.2 units for the 6" fan in the lights on period.

12*50w =0.6 units a day for the 6" fan in lower power mode, lights off.

24*80w = 1.92 units a day for oscillating fans

24*60w = 1.44 units for the maxijets.

Do you not use any heating?

Quick guess

21-22 units a day.

I think my unit cost is ~10p a unit so over £2 and under £3 a day in leccy.

If you have access to your meter you should be able to check this quite easily, turn everything off except the grow room for 24 hours and count the units (Not practical I know)


Living dead girl
I like the angle Desertboy is taking on this. It costs a great deal to grow indoors and I want to know that I'm not wasting either my money or the electricity required. Irrespective of whether or not you're interested in knowing accurately your ROI.

And what's up with hating on the people who used to supply you with your weed before you started growing, people? I used to buy solely black market weed, and I am still glad I was able to do so. Those people broke ground for the rest of us.


Does having a legal plant count mean that you have infinite money?

Or is it because the "legal" growers are selling it to pay for their grows.

The more things change the more they stay the same.

no it means i dont have to worry if my intake fan cost $13bucks a month to run so long as I have the number of plants im allowed, but yes, compared to you, I do have infinite money.

Do you hear that?I think your phones ringing, some bollocks wants a 5 pence worth of skunk, typical self loathing closet pusher


Living dead girl
no it means i dont have to worry if my intake fan cost $13bucks a month to run so long as I have the number of plants im allowed, but yes, compared to you, I do have infinite money.

Do you hear that?I think your phones ringing, some bollocks wants a 5 pence worth of skunk, typical self loathing closet pusher
WTF is up with that shit? Seriously. I figure you're painting anyone who either agrees with him or is interested in how he proposes some numbers be worked with the same brush.


I think I worked it out you're too stupid to understand the calculations so you can't rationally debate any longer and resort to petty insults.

I've seen it in the playground.

You smell of dog poo, is that more on your level for debate.

Waste is a sin if you can't understand that then please go back to your medi user stoned world and don't give a fuck about anyone else but yourself.

By the way weed sells for £10 for 0.8g's I could be very fucking rich if I really wanted to be, I choose not to sell my weed as I want to still grow in tomorrow and next year and the year after.

Retards sell their weed and retards get caught.


some people are so rich they dont have anything better to do than insult ppl tryn to save money on the web


I get your point about all factors of the grow that use electricity, let me explain this to you then, when people use gpw they are referring to gpw of light, reason being because its the bulbs produce buds, its the bulbs that shoot out the light that produce the buds. my outtake is 4amps, running 24/7, its the same as running a 750W for 12/12 which could easily produce a 1lb-1.5lbs, but I dont calculate the fact that I have to clean my air into my lbs per light ratio.

I could get a 1lb off a 400w in a big room without another watt of electricity being used besides, but I wouldnt be anyones hero


Waste is a sin if you can't understand that then please go back to your medi user stoned world and don't give a fuck about anyone else but yourself.

By the way weed sells for £10 for 0.8g's I could be very fucking rich if I really wanted to be, I choose not to sell my weed as I want to still grow in tomorrow and next year and the year after.

Retards sell their weed and retards get caught.

explain to me the waste part? are fans waste? are A/C waste? Have you ever tried to cool a 20k room with in and out vents? most people I know dont enjoy their electric bills but it doesnt mean they could do anything to save any money on them.

I also do no believe your dont sell some of your own shit, or you wouldnt be using 2400ws, because no one smoked a lb a month, and if you do then you should scale it back a bit

this thread isnt about saving money its about semantics

Bobby Smith

Another issue with that metric would be that growers in hot areas would unfairly be biased against, as growers in Canada would obviously be running their ACs a lot less than growers in Florida, making the Canadians "more efficient", even though the better growers may be in Florida.

As an analyst who's dealt with countless ratios like P/E, EPS, ROI, Sharpe, Sortino, etc., the one thing I've learned is that numbers certainly don't tell the whole picture.

To try to come up with one metric that is THEE metric to measure efficiency is ridiculous.


That's how Americans see it.

Us Europeans have CO2 emissions rammed down our throats daily we try to plan things differently.

That's why next year I'm going to use a swimming pool and heat exchangers from boilers (Essentially icebox's but 20 times cheaper) to capture my heat, remove my heat sig (Well distribute it) and get very cheap cooling per w.

I only grow 1-4 plants at a time and I light 2.4kw max sometimes only 600w.

I do 2-3 crops a year and this full fills my needs which means my dehui (32 US pints) should be more than up to the job (What I have)

I won't grow in summer so the pool will provide all my cooling needs.

At the moment I use temp differential to co2 I let the room go from 25C-35C adding co2 then vent to 25C. The lights are in cool tubes sucking air from outside to outside.

No one CO2's in the UK I know less than 3 people out of thousands of growers I've spoken to.


Another issue with that metric would be that growers in hot areas would unfairly be biased against, as growers in Canada would obviously be running their ACs a lot less than growers in Florida, making the Canadians "more efficient", even though the better growers may be in Florida.

As an analyst who's dealt with countless ratios like P/E, EPS, ROI, Sharpe, Sortino, etc., the one thing I've learned is that numbers certainly don't tell the whole picture.

To try to come up with one metric that is THEE metric to measure efficiency is ridiculous.

That is too true I think of these numbers though more as a guideline.

This is not a competition to say I can get the most g/w but more this is how I did it, this is how much leccy it cost, this is the breakdown of leccy usage/gram so we can all learn from this. If I replicate your grow in Florida and you were growing in Canada then yes obviously I need shit loads more cooling but if I report that and the next guy lives in Florida guess what he knows how much it's going to cost him roughly.

MJ growing for me is about learning and helping others to learn I don't need to justify myself here I know this to be true and you guys can think whatever you want.
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