Grow diary mission impossible (low to medium budget lol)

  • Thread starter BearWater
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Got the screen installed! Just a little something to make it that much harder to get in a big ass whole in the side of the shed : ) oh and a SHIT TON of water in the ducting! Damn, that dehumidifier couldnt come quick enough!
D82B9B93 9B1A 48C0 B537 23A9987B7BE4
B5F358A5 4593 4CC2 8BE5 A5ABF603AD1C
4A502841 5C77 4E33 BCDF 3D2C2A9FD31F


Got out into the shed today and transplanted the super duper special six! (Im still not 100% sure which aren’t male) 😂 just couldnt do the mess of plants and need to be able to focus. Got the six watered in with a heavy dose of the transition food (they were thirsty and looked like shit when I made it into the room) the others still look like shit and are crammed into the corner😂 they’ll get there food and water tomorrow along with a new home! Kickin those red headed step children outside!

Got the light moved over in the room also, basically im only using half the space now🤷🏼‍♂️ I just need more light hahaha!!!! It has got me thinking of a veg vs flower spaces ( my original plan for veg space fell through), just trying to keep the plants alive and figure out the room climate situation. After chatting on the forum about heaters and them killing power I ended up turning mine back on 🤷🏼‍♂️🤪 trying to rein it in to make sense of it all. Hope y’all have an awesome week!
0FCBA481 8167 4557 A865 CC686AAF183E
6C8D43DF C1F0 40ED 8938 DC625C9F7F18
7AD2146C 0725 4CBD 9948 0E937A7B3F95


The “ladies” I have so eagerly been waiting to call them perked right back up after their watering/feeding along with the use of the heater (it has been cold here). We’re getting back into the warming weather with the threat of rain dwindling. My grand plan of a green house got axed because im lazy, im going to just move them outside and throw a light on them for a few hours after dark goin full on hillbilly for this one : ).
CA9B659A DE3F 4789 B731 FE352A916B00
A4833571 229B 45F3 A3F8 A59B8D4730FB
B3CEA561 AB59 41C5 BAEE ED6C700196E7
CF4445A8 B32F 4FBF 8BA0 10C24787CC7A


Here’s the new outdoor set up! For now. I know the lights are sitting on a light shade but that’s all i could come up with at the moment. Between pushes on the swing and mediating trampoline freak outs its not getting any cooler than that for now. I have a few 25 gallon and 7 gallon fabric pots with some “worm farm soil” left over that ill mix in with some lower grade “worm farm soil” after I get that, I use the lower grade stuff in the garden for veggies and fruit trees. I was thinking about putting two plants to a 25 gallon with some sort of divider in between the two plants as I know multiple plants in the same pot doesnt work well or at all.🤷🏼‍♂️
2B182291 EDCB 4BCE A676 0C0920F7ADE9
768AC000 5010 455C B42D 7985A61AE56E


Checked on the “girls” this afternoon. I may have up potted a male, the two in question are both Raskals and up until today I couldnt tell if it was a male or not (I think its a male). Can I get y’all’s opinion? Thanks!
CEFDF4F5 B201 4D8B B958 335C1D68B695
781E3AD1 51EF 4C6F 873B 8631E65DD1B0
B81F1F5C 92F3 42EF A27B 432DBFB4B9E1


Still nothin on the “ladies” in question. I’m keeping my eye on the Raskals that are outside also to maybe swap out for females if they present sooner than the Raskals indoors🤷🏼‍♂️.


Good Friday evening everyone! Got a little work done on the indoor scene. Tied branches and bent the tops over, installed gnat stickies, and got the dehumidifier into the room, and I built a trellis for support and SOG type thing kinda maybe? IDFK! Hahaha : ) I also have some new fans Curtesy of @LoveGrowingIt !!! I’m waiting to get those installed during the trellis instal. Had to add some plastic to the “outdoor scene” this morning (thunderstorms rolled through) and it is supposed to actually do a good rain tonight and tomorrow. like I said before, its hokey but it works for now. I plan on getting some of the outdoor plants into some of the larger smart pots this next week after the rain. Have a good night everybody!
52314FF4 19F3 46E5 92BD D8B14762D758
A5B980D2 0D20 4658 A207 762089194965
2EAF3D85 421E 4B60 BBA3 B97017CB569E
7A9617B1 6812 4DE9 A844 834C913E96EB
FD1692A6 A344 4F78 BBB4 B59C3BE5307F
1D0037BB C4DA 47E6 88F0 E02ED9F798BB


Not yet! But from my perspective, it looks like the whole thing could come crashing down on top of them! Lol! But I guess if it hasn’t so far, you’re good! Has that rig been through Any rain storms yet?
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Not yet! But from my perspective, it looks like the whole thing could come crashing down on top of them! Lol! But I guess if it hasn’t so far, you’re good!
Oh I see now! Yes that shit looks way more sketchy than it is, that sun shade is pretty strong and stapled heavily to all the support posts. But yeah its always a possibility! I almost tagged you in a video I took this morning of it starting to rain as I was finishing up the plastic wrap job hahaha!


It’s raining at my place again. Possible snow/rain this evening or early tomorrow. The plants that are outside are actually looking pretty good considering, the plastic came down this morning because it formed a pool above all the plants and @Oldchucky almost got some more excitement! Hahaha!!! : ) getting ready to go turn the new dehumidifier on!!! As soon as those lights turned off this morning the RH shot up to 80% 😳 and I’m getting closer to making some of those room configuration changes (just waiting for the mental image to click with the actual facts and logic of climate control : ) I may try and vent the DH out the room and get the AC to blow directly into the room, its that or im going to open the room up more 🤷🏼‍♂️

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