Help me please? What wrong?

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They have cal mag deficiency!!
Fuck me does anyone on this forum know anything about growing??

Little tip to the OP. Before taking advice off anyone click on there profile pic and have a look at what they have in there pics!! If they have no pics of healthy finished plants I wouldn't bother with their information!!
Seems a lot of piss poor information from idiots who have no idea!! 🤪
This guy can’t be serious right? Sure add some cal mag. That’ll help with the fact that you water every single day and feed every single day in soil. That’s for sure what’s missin here……..


I agree, people shouldn't "GUESS" to help people. People have time and money invested or even worse like me they have crohns disease, or any other of the way more awful conditions, then they want to grow their own meds and people fucking guess? 😡 sorry just fucking pisses me off. This isn't just haha I want to get stoned for some of us, it's quality of life for us and more importantly our families. Sorry to flip out on you red just think before you do shit.
You should look into a peptide called BPC157 for your Crohns disease!
Can cure it!


This guy can’t be serious right? Sure add some cal mag. That’ll help with the fact that you water every single day and feed every single day in soil. That’s for sure what’s missin here……..
His plants are not over watered are they?? So lockout is not happening!
They have cal mag deficiency clearly showing! Meaning they are not getting enough cal mag!!


Auto immune brothers stand strong 😂 I'm glad I'm not alone. I thought I was the only guy here with that crap. Reading that kina made me feel less sad and understood as most people do not know how complicated this shit is. Some days it's mild other days it's a 24 hour battle 😡
I have crohns, microscopic colitis and liver disease and I've recently been put on disability. 🫠 It's been about 22/23 years of IBD . I'm so sorry to hear that any of you suffer from this awful, isolating life changing disease. 😩 But things have changed so much, the information is getting out there. Like even though the information is wildly incorrect about microscopic colitis, at least it's there. I remember never finding a doctor who knew what it was. They would say I am so sorry I have to research it first or look at me like I had 3 heads. Now we have biologics and all kinds of things. (Just good luck getting them covered with bad insurance) anywho sorry to ramble but just know you're not alone!!!!


They have cal mag deficiency!!
Fuck me does anyone on this forum know anything about growing??

Little tip to the OP. Before taking advice off anyone click on there profile pic and have a look at what they have in there pics!! If they have no pics of healthy finished plants I wouldn't bother with their information!!
Seems a lot of piss poor information from idiots who have no idea!! 🤪
Thanks I thought I might be that.


I have crohns, microscopic colitis and liver disease and I've recently been put on disability. 🫠 It's been about 22/23 years of IBD . I'm so sorry to hear that any of you suffer from this awful, isolating life changing disease. 😩 But things have changed so much, the information is getting out there. Like even though the information is wildly incorrect about microscopic colitis, at least it's there. I remember never finding a doctor who knew what it was. They would say I am so sorry I have to research it first or look at me like I had 3 heads. Now we have biologics and all kinds of things. (Just good luck getting them covered with bad insurance) anywho sorry to ramble but just know you're not alone!!!!
Have you heard of BPC157?


sorry to be this guy, but i don't see not even a hint of magnesium deficiency tho.
Calcium seems a little bit locked, probably because too much watering and not enough dryback... also if he has that 1000w leds at 100% since the start of flowering that could be magnifying the problems all together too.


They have cal mag deficiency!!
Fuck me does anyone on this forum know anything about growing??

Little tip to the OP. Before taking advice off anyone click on there profile pic and have a look at what they have in there pics!! If they have no pics of healthy finished plants I wouldn't bother with their information!!
Seems a lot of piss poor information from idiots who have no idea!! 🤪
sooo your saying i have no idea???
you are sooo very wrong diagnoses, calmag hahahahahahaha


His plants are not over watered are they?? So lockout is not happening!
They have cal mag deficiency clearly showing! Meaning they are not getting enough cal mag!!
i’ve told you what’s wrong.,
good luck..
i’m done here.,
Yeah we tried to explain. Doesn’t help when you got porky spilling all kinds of bad info.
Thanks I thought I might be that.
give your plants that cal mag and keep doing what your doing to them and watch them all die if you want.


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Wow man, you know porky, everywhere you go, it turns to shit. You need to find a new hobby? Can I suggest needlepoint? Your way of trying to be helpful is to act like a wrecking ball with a giant dick drawn on it in sharpy.
Again, besides that fact that your profile is an ass face, you are just a stupid troll, that does this dumb shit all the time. Being an asshole gets you nowhere. I’m gonna keep letting people know, that you have no damned clue what you are doing. Go ahead and plant your face on one of these. 🚽


Wow man, you know porky, everywhere you go, it turns to shit. You need to find a new hobby? Can I suggest needlepoint? Your way of trying to be helpful is to act like a wrecking ball with a giant dick drawn on it in sharpy.
Again, besides that fact that your profile is an ass face, you are just a stupid troll, that does this dumb shit all the time. Being an asshole gets you nowhere. I’m gonna keep letting people know, that you have no damned clue what you are doing. Go ahead and plant your face on one of these. 🚽
Dude so man assholes on here and the community isn’t like that. So many helpful people here capspaulding helped me so many times on my new grows.
Screw the haters. We’re all here to help and learn


His plants are not over watered are they?? So lockout is not happening!
They have cal mag deficiency clearly showing! Meaning they are not getting enough cal mag!!
Everyone always thinks it's a calmag issue maybe it's one or the other, and depending on if he's organic Or not u shouldn't let soil dry out all the way using organic. I think he just needs to check runoff ppms and ec and go from there. Even if he dnt have lockout he might still need to flush cuz salt buildup. And just cuz he's watering alot doesn't mean he's gna b flushing the nutes out Maybe he doesn't do it til runoff everytime.


Everyone always thinks it's a calmag issue maybe it's one or the other, and depending on if he's organic Or not u shouldn't let soil dry out all the way using organic. I think he just needs to check runoff ppms and ec and go from there. Even if he dnt have lockout he might still need to flush cuz salt buildup. And just cuz he's watering alot doesn't mean he's gna b flushing the nutes out Maybe he doesn't do it til runoff everytime.
should read the thread..
we’ve answered this issue already..


Wow man, you know porky, everywhere you go, it turns to shit. You need to find a new hobby? Can I suggest needlepoint? Your way of trying to be helpful is to act like a wrecking ball with a giant dick drawn on it in sharpy.
Again, besides that fact that your profile is an ass face, you are just a stupid troll, that does this dumb shit all the time. Being an asshole gets you nowhere. I’m gonna keep letting people know, that you have no damned clue what you are doing. Go ahead and plant your face on one of these. 🚽
Yeah we tried to explain. Doesn’t help when you got porky spilling all kinds of bad info.

give your plants that cal mag and keep doing what your doing to them and watch them all die if you want.
Ohh sorry did I offend your little circle of try hards again did I!! 🤣
You lot are in every thread trying to look like hero's handing out you advice you think you have!!
Fuck I've even seen Eclipted admitting he's a new grower but still gives advice!!
Fucking light burn is usually your answers! 🤣
Like i said to the OP have a look through the profile of the person offering the advice before you take it!!
You 3 are a joke! 🤣
should read the thread..
we’ve answered this issue already..


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Bro the
Ohh sorry did I offend your little circle of try hards again did I!! 🤣
You lot are in every thread trying to look like hero's handing out you advice you think you have!!
Fuck I've even seen Eclipted admitting he's a new grower but still gives advice!!
Fucking light burn is usually your answers! 🤣
Like i said to the OP have a look through the profile of the person offering the advice before you take it!!
You 3 are a joke! 🤣
only joke around here is the fella with an ass for a face. You don’t even take yourself seriously. If you did, you might have a profile pic that isn’t ripped from a 14year old’s Reddit page. When it really comes down to it, your just an idiot with diarrhea of the fingers, that grows schwag basically. You only post on the let’s see your frostiest flowers page because that isn’t a comment heavy thread. Bro, no one likes you. And furthermore your stupid too. Talk all the dumb shit you want, you ain’t a real one, always stirring shit, you get called out, then you go back to shit town to gather your retard strength to come back and do it all again. You are so damned simple in the head it hurts. also, I take shits harder than you.
Despite the fact that anything you represent is just straight up, raw unfiltered dog shit. Again, just like last time tough nuts, go fuck yourself, you’ll get all the pussy that way.


Bro the

only joke around here is the fella with an ass for a face. You don’t even take yourself seriously. If you did, you might have a profile pic that isn’t ripped from a 14year old’s Reddit page. When it really comes down to it, your just an idiot with diarrhea of the fingers, that grows schwag basically. You only post on the let’s see your frostiest flowers page because that isn’t a comment heavy thread. Bro, no one likes you. And furthermore your stupid too. Talk all the dumb shit you want, you ain’t a real one, always stirring shit, you get called out, then you go back to shit town to gather your retard strength to come back and do it all again. You are so damned simple in the head it hurts. also, I take shits harder than you.
Despite the fact that anything you represent is just straight up, raw unfiltered dog shit. Again, just like last time tough nuts, go fuck yourself, you’ll get all the pussy that way.
Good to know how much of a hero you consider yourself to be! 🤣

If your attempting to insult me your going to need to do far better than the childish shit you spew all over the forum! 🤣
I only put pics in because it isn't a comment heavy thread. That's the idea of that thread you fool it's just pics!
I must say i haven’t seen shit of any quality from you in that thread have I hero?
Put some pics of decent plants up to back up you want to be hero status!!
I'll pay a visit to your endless thread and put some pic into that for ya chump!! 😉
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