how much are dispensaries paying for a pound?

  • Thread starter danko
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Riverside is FUCKED, but you know what San Bernardino is even Worse, Can't wait to see what SB county comes up with now that Riverside has released their bullshit agenda, I can Almost guarantee it will be far worse than Riverside... Atleast Riverside has allowed dispensary's up until now, SB still doesn't have a single Legal storefront dispensary.

We set up a dispensary "on paper" back in 2010 the county just 3 weeks later put up a moratorium banning all storefront locations, then they sent the Sheriffs dept after all the Delivery services... So now... check this shit out 5 years later we are being hit by the state for over $5,000.00 in back taxes on profits that we never made because we never set up the dispensary... funny how they want their TAX money even if you don't make any money !!!

City of adelanto in SB county has approved and is in permit process now of many giant warehouse grows,a whole section of the city has been designated for commercial grows,land is getting bought up.When other cities see the amount of money thats going to flow into that shithole bankrupt town greed will hit them too,lol.
As far as you being hit for 5 grand from BOE or FTB it is simply an assessment because you failed to file a return letting them know you did not do any business.It happens all the time to people who have some type of state business license(contractors,hairdressers etc etc)or business filing who fail to file a return. You need to send a letter stating ''I did no business/had no profit'',Not saying its right but it is the way they work.If you dont do this penalties and interest will continue to build on the ''phantom'' income and can lead to liens,account seizures etc..Dont forget,just like you need to file some paperwork to start your business,you also need to file to some to close it or let them know you never were able to begin conducting business in the first place.
PM if you need more info.


I'm still getting 2200-2500 for my pounds in SoCal. Got rid of a 10 pack 2 months ago for 2200/p. This time around I might shop a little more and try for 2400/p. Prices haven't moved much for me, but I also tend to go middle of the road so my product doesn't sit around. This is for indoor.

I'm making the move to greenhouse as soon as I can buy a house with land. I feel greenhouse I'm going to get far greater return for my investment. I'm being fucked on electrical cost at the moment. I'll mention this again, the times of being able to have a grow room in a house/garage are over. It's just not profitable, you need to be producing quantity and with quality to survive this market now. One reason I'm making the switch to greenhouse.


I'm still getting 2200-2500 for my pounds in SoCal. Got rid of a 10 pack 2 months ago for 2200/p. This time around I might shop a little more and try for 2400/p. Prices haven't moved much for me, but I also tend to go middle of the road so my product doesn't sit around. This is for indoor.

I'm making the move to greenhouse as soon as I can buy a house with land. I feel greenhouse I'm going to get far greater return for my investment. I'm being fucked on electrical cost at the moment. I'll mention this again, the times of being able to have a grow room in a house/garage are over. It's just not profitable, you need to be producing quantity and with quality to survive this market now. One reason I'm making the switch to greenhouse.
Do you think greenhouse/light depo will be comparable to indo, in your opinion?


Well-Known Farmer
I find outdoor to be just as good but bigger plants. Nothing better than God`s great sun for plants! You don`t have as much control over the environment outdoors but for just a scant less light through the plastic you can control the greenhouse environment for the most part. It costs a little though if you use some lights, fans , co2 generators, etc. AC and heat are the bigger costs with greenhouse growing. If you do a proper job with greenhouse the value is apparent when it comes to the computation. This doesn`t completely cover the costs but it helps and you have a better product and yield with greenhouse compared to indoor. Outdoor depends on so many factors and changes every season.


Do you think greenhouse/light depo will be comparable to indo, in your opinion?

Let me refraise that; do you think you'll get the same donation with greenhouse/light depo?

Mark pretty much got it right. People will always claim indoor is the best, and people buying the product are always going to pay more for indoor. Indoor has its pros and cons, you can control the environment perfectly, and you have far better security. Yet it cost a shit ton of money to do so, from electric cost to rent/mortgage.

Now getting into greenhouse, you can go as cheap or as expansive as you want. Which is going to effect your outcome greatly. You have to weigh the cost of the investment with your return. You could build yourself a high tunnel, throw some exhaust fans and pretty much call it good. But your product might only be slightly better then say outdoor.

Or you can build yourself a badass greenhouse, and essentially it's an indoor grow room that's got clear walls. There are some amazing greenhouses on the market you can build yourself with all the bells and whistles. Conleys greenhouses are one of the top companies when it comes to high end greenhouse. But these greenhouse come with a high price tag, but your end result/product in my opinion is going to be on par with indoor. I'm even going to say you might even be able to get better quality then indoor because you have mr. Sun helping things out. And we all know there is no substitute for the power of the sun.

Now you have to think about one of these greenhouses as a long term investment just like you would setting up an indoor warehouse. You use all the same equipment, just like mark said. A/C, heating, intake/exhaust fans, circulation fans, co2, supplement lighting (where gravitas got their start), environmental controllers, might even need dehumidifiers and carbon scrubbers. Pretty much all the pieces you would need for an indoor grow your gonna need with a high end greenhouse. Like I said it's pretty much a indoor building with clear walls. Electric usage will be for sure lower then indoor because your not using the lights as much, depending on the time of year, you're only supplementing a few hours a day, or on rainy/cloudy days they might be on the whole light period. One thing I'm looking forward to is the use of solar power, and storing that solar power in battery banks. Now this is getting really expansive, but you gotta think long term investment. Plus I plan on one day, if I need to, move on from growing cannabis. I can use my investment and grow fruits/veggies.

This is becoming a rant so I'll stop here lol.


Mark pretty much got it right. People will always claim indoor is the best, and people buying the product are always going to pay more for indoor. Indoor has its pros and cons, you can control the environment perfectly, and you have far better security. Yet it cost a shit ton of money to do so, from electric cost to rent/mortgage.

Now getting into greenhouse, you can go as cheap or as expansive as you want. Which is going to effect your outcome greatly. You have to weigh the cost of the investment with your return. You could build yourself a high tunnel, throw some exhaust fans and pretty much call it good. But your product might only be slightly better then say outdoor.

Or you can build yourself a badass greenhouse, and essentially it's an indoor grow room that's got clear walls. There are some amazing greenhouses on the market you can build yourself with all the bells and whistles. Conleys greenhouses are one of the top companies when it comes to high end greenhouse. But these greenhouse come with a high price tag, but your end result/product in my opinion is going to be on par with indoor. I'm even going to say you might even be able to get better quality then indoor because you have mr. Sun helping things out. And we all know there is no substitute for the power of the sun.

Now you have to think about one of these greenhouses as a long term investment just like you would setting up an indoor warehouse. You use all the same equipment, just like mark said. A/C, heating, intake/exhaust fans, circulation fans, co2, supplement lighting (where gravitas got their start), environmental controllers, might even need dehumidifiers and carbon scrubbers. Pretty much all the pieces you would need for an indoor grow your gonna need with a high end greenhouse. Like I said it's pretty much a indoor building with clear walls. Electric usage will be for sure lower then indoor because your not using the lights as much, depending on the time of year, you're only supplementing a few hours a day, or on rainy/cloudy days they might be on the whole light period. One thing I'm looking forward to is the use of solar power, and storing that solar power in battery banks. Now this is getting really expansive, but you gotta think long term investment. Plus I plan on one day, if I need to, move on from growing cannabis. I can use my investment and grow fruits/veggies.

This is becoming a rant so I'll stop here lol.
No, that was a well put together and informative post. Nothing like the rants I've seen on here, lol.

I only ask because in the past I've seen places saying "Indoor only, no greenhouse or light depo", but when I think about it; you can control the environment just like indoor, so I'm wondering why.

Another question, is there a way to automate the lights or do you basically have to be there everyday and manually adjust them?
The Terps

The Terps

I'm pretty sure there is a photo controller out now that when the sun grows more intense it auto dims the lights down or ramps them up depending on how much light is out that moment. So you get the most consistent amount of light possible. I know gavitas don't work well in the spectrum department dimmed below 80% though


I talked to a dispensary owner who would not even look at my outdoor strains and said that people are only buying the highest percentage Thc marijuana strains and indoor. I have visited several dispensaries and have found myself buying these same high THC strains to try. They are definitely strong but lack the nice smell and taste my outdoor has. I hate to see all the energy being used to grow indoors when the sun does such a nice job.


Well-Known Farmer
Funny cause I`ve had arguments that my outdoor was just that. They wouldn`t believe my outdoor was outdoor because it wiped all there indoor they carried in the butt. It was better in every way ! Walk in with some dank and they may say no but they will end up buying and paying premium compensation. I get tired of taking in some of my AK-47 and they don`t even want to look at it, but when they see it they want it. A lot of these people don`t know what they want until you show them. I`m always surprised how little some of them know at all !


for those talking about outdoor vs indoor. Your instincts are inline with what i feel, but remember that the general population grow mediocre weed. I wouldnt smoke most peoples outdoor or indoor for that matter, but i feel that outdoor is a lil stoneyier for whatever reason when you smoke it,. have a feeling it has to do with the spectrum of sun and active ingredient output from the plant but idk. I cann say in cali people are buying off of looks and names especially in LA (in general of course).. outdoor/gh never has that dense indoor look... feel like you can always kinda tell it wasn't indoor looking at it. Smoking it no way tho, i did the blind test on my self and others several times over the years.

My last indoor went like this. Indicas were gone immediately, apparently they move way faster, so sativas not worth as much or as desireable as indcias. Sok sativas 2k-2200, hybrids 2300-2400, dank indicas/ogs/cookies 2500+ these are prices i can sell multiple units at for no problem. not working anyone, everyone was happy and i can do better and people will pay. gh i can get 16-2000 depending, but its worth more if we juice it. outdoor this last year everyone i talked to had access to 1000-`1300 lbs by the hundred lol. dont know where it is now.

we should start a what are dispensaries paying for concentrate thread.... just saying


Well-Known Farmer
I think between the drought and the local regulations there is going to be a shortage of bud come maybe end of April or beginning of May. It will last until the outdoor comes out in Oct. Next years crops will be about the same so this will continue regardless of the rain we are getting now. It may ease up a little because of the parcel relief from the drought or it may not but there will be a shortage in the supplies of buds for a few years or so. We may even see Cali importing a large amount from other states at some point.

It`s been a buyer`s market for the last 4-5 years with many people jumping on growing thinking they`d get rich. the people who sell the picks and shovels also getting in on the gold rush. Those who grew got lower prices so they just grew more and more trying to keep up with cash flow. All that did was make prices drop even more. This is the first time product volume has dropped in Cali in a long time. Prices will increase until farmers can grow surplus again. It`s now a seller`s market and that will increase for a few years. I don`t see a stable pricing for product until it is legal world wide. Hard to guess what to do when planning costs vs. crop planning. But I do believe prices will be on the increase for a while then level out. I don`t see massive increases and that`s good because it wouldn`t last as everyone would start growing again in volume and the gold rush would be on again. I`m planning on growing half as much as I`ve been doing , but looking into improvements in my greenhouse to make it a 4 season operation.


That's nothing new, tho; "Croptober" has always caused fluxuation. It's to be expected.

I know people who wait for the outdoor season, find the best deals they can and make concentrates/extracts. That's literally all they do.


Theres a website out there, and i'll have to try and find it later, but they post updates every week about the average price of weed per pound, and i think right now its going about 1800..


I'm really not qualified to speak on the intricacies of the market, but I highly doubt that the weather is the main factor determining the market. From what I have seen; law, policy, politics, etc. have been a much larger factor.

City bans or limitations in large production areas that produce large volumes appear to be the largest determining factor in supply, from what I can see, anyways.

Not to say that the drought hasn't had an effect on the market, but I don't believe it to be the largest determining factor.


Well-Known Farmer
In my neck of the woods lack of water last season was responsible for at least a 30 % drop in production. Your right though the local codes added up to a much larger drop in production. Many , many people went elsewhere ,mostly out of state to grow. I think it will effect next season even more than this last one. The reason was enforcement waited until near harvest. Some paid the fines and went through the end of harvest before deciding to move on. Others chose to pull all there plants to lesson the fines. I don't know of any larger grow plans in this county for the up coming season! I'm cutting my grow in half and may still be one of the biggest grows next year.


Well-Known Farmer
Well there are going to be two markets and i'm not giving up on having cannabis legal and free of taxes , controls and regulations in the end. I won't roll over and give up and when people discover the truth i think we will win in the end. We will not be controlled !

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