I would like to try growing mushrooms.

  • Thread starter juggernaut
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If in the woods mycelium helps sick trees and plants get nutrients, would growing magic fungi help the nutrient uptake better than the mycos I use now? I have had a few outside grows go very well deep in tehachipe mountains a few moons ago though March- May with already spawned g2g and a super soaker full of spores, best run of my life! Mucks the size of 12oz cans plus, I think it was being in their natural habitat that made them flourish.

I still have 5 genes to play with at a later date, but that's another story. Been on a dmt kick lately


So could a basic herb grower newbie create a nice perpetual shroom grow as well or would it take a ton of trial and error to get it right?

Side questions, anyone grow morrell food shrooms w any luck? They are wild and very popular here..
Trial and error plus patients and persistence = anything is possible!

Run one strain tubs, be careful not to cross spawn while harvesting, different strains can be compatible or incompatible and will fight for food and create a great environment for green mold to pop in and say high


By the by, I had one tub in a room full of closed tubs shoot out so many spores the surrounding tubs cross colonized and I had b+ and golden teachers taking turns fruiting, those tubs lasted 6 months! But I lost 3 tubs of lipa yai to cross colonization, all those ones produced was large marshmallow masses and quickly almost fuck up my grow but they produced some gnarly jazz


Any tips or suggestions on strains/ growing/buying spores as well.
It's been a while so you've probably grown some shrooms by now. I was gonna say, the way you grow them is DON'T TELL ANYONE.
Psychedelics are still felony territory, no fucking way is a jury going to side with the psychonaut trying to defend their right to trip balls.
And also, customers are rare. People don't trip every day or every weekend. Finding someone to take pounds or even ounces of shrooms consistently is a fucking miracle you should hold onto and never let go.


Those don't grow on trees like buds, I will attest to that!
It's been a while so you've probably grown some shrooms by now. I was gonna say, the way you grow them is DON'T TELL ANYONE.
Psychedelics are still felony territory, no fucking way is a jury going to side with the psychonaut trying to defend their right to trip balls.
And also, customers are rare. People don't trip every day or every weekend. Finding someone to take pounds or even ounces of shrooms consistently is a fucking miracle you should hold onto and never let go.


Anyone have tips on what substrate to use to germinate Pan. Tropocalis? And what type of trip do they produce. I like my Cubies strains ( easy to grow and a great trip) but I ventured off and got some Pan spores. From what I know and have read it appears that the typical brown rice flour and vermiculite wont work for this strain. Maybe a mix of cow or horseshit? and if so what ratio?


Anyone have tips on what substrate to use to germinate Pan. Tropocalis? And what type of trip do they produce. I like my Cubies strains ( easy to grow and a great trip) but I ventured off and got some Pan spores. From what I know and have read it appears that the typical brown rice flour and vermiculite wont work for this strain. Maybe a mix of cow or horseshit? and if so what ratio?
Research it's natural habitat and reproduce as best you can, some love wood and hay substrate, some love horse shit(cow shit is too HOT) for some strains. With that said, I use a mix of coco coir, used coffee grounds, vermiculite, worm castings, with sterile blues poo( Blue Appalachian horse) my mucks taste like peaches when eaten fresh. It's been a while since my last running of a muck...

I always ran bird seed and rye spawn before putting in tubs, nearly forgot to mention this..


I would encourage someone to try rabbit poop mixed with straw as a substrate. It's supposed to be pure fertilizer as soon as it hits the floor. Neutral pH and lots of nutes for mushies.


I have a rabbit if any one needs free poo! My myco days are done with until A it's legal or B my kids are out of the house, but the seed is always waiting to be waterd ;)


I'll keep that in mind for future reference, logs is how I did my last out door run some years back. so weed tree shreds or what? @LittleDabbie

Yeah the stalks/branches everything but the leaves them selfs were used, anything fiber-us, Soaked the stalks in water to loosen the fiber/broke up by hand to strands.. Pasturize then spawn your shit to the tub full of hemp fibe and watch it go to town in 1/2 the time it would take to colonize the same tub had you used hay instead. :D

Perhaps not the exact tek used but.. If you search either mycotopia or shroomtalk (i'd avoid shroomery ) they have the tek.. I think Paul Stamets also did a chapter in one of his grow books as well if your really interested in the topic :D


Learn something new several times a day, thanks. I'll run the fuck out that in 12 or so more years


Unknown farmer
Yeah the stalks/branches everything but the leaves them selfs were used, anything fiber-us, Soaked the stalks in water to loosen the fiber/broke up by hand to strands.. Pasturize then spawn your shit to the tub full of hemp fibe and watch it go to town in 1/2 the time it would take to colonize the same tub had you used hay instead. :D Perhaps not the exact tek used but.. If you search either mycotopia or shroomtalk (i'd avoid shroomery ) they have the tek.. I think Paul Stamets also did a chapter in one of his grow books as well if your really interested in the topic :D


Premium Member
Mushrooms and fly fishing is totally awesome.
Coordination, vision, casting all are improved if just the right amount dosed.
To many and it's hide in bushes till it's right..lol...


Hey chickenman! Mushrooms and anything are are a blast...i cant believe im just now teying these yummy bastards. Its like ive been reintroduced to life. I get up early every day and go plant and mushroom hunting at a small river by my house. i cant describe the joy.
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