Just a week til harvest, I think!

  • Thread starter jbo420
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Hey all. See video. It’s my first outdoor plant (Afghan Big Bud). Did all I could to take care of her. Light/position in yard, nutrients appropriate for vegetative then flowering stages. She started flowering early Aug (first pistils) and now I’m just amazed.

Looked at terpenes with jewelers loupe a couple days ago and very few are cloudy, most clear, none amber. I’m leaving for a week next Fri so hoping they go cloudy by then so I can chop her and get her hanging inside for that week. Again, see video! Thoughts? ABB strain is known to have a relatively short flowering cycle.


Can’t really see what’s going on in the video, but All I see is white pistils and buds that haven’t filled out. I’d be really surprised if they were ripe in a week, More like second week October.

A bud ready to harvest next week looks like…well, most all the pistils are red and the trichomes are all super cloudy with some ambers. Your flowers will probably not be like that in a week, but sometimes you gotta do whatcha gotta do.
Here’s an afghan that’s maybe a week or two out.

D457CACD 2784 4894 945E 79D78ABCC6EC

B60871F2 7A2D 4E39 B7B0 E21BC5AD520E

B9274F78 E136 41B4 B7FC A8B64173535C


Can’t really see what’s going on in the video, but All I see is white pistils and buds that haven’t filled out. I’d be really surprised if they were ripe in a week, More like second week October.

A bud ready to harvest next week looks like…well, most all the pistils are red and the trichomes are all super cloudy with some ambers. Your flowers will probably not be like that in a week, but sometimes you gotta do whatcha gotta do.
Here’s an afghan that’s maybe a week or two out.

View attachment 2041331
View attachment 2041332
View attachment 2041333

I agree that this plant probably needs another month to actually be ready for harvest. Those buds still have a good amount of filling out to do and the pistils will start to change from white to brown.

Invest in a jewelry loupe or magnifying camera so you can check on those trichomes once the hairs start turning from white to brown/red.

Also you should clean up that dead foliage in the back you don’t want that falling on your buds especially at this point. Even a little sliver of that dead foliage stuck to a bud can be bad.

Good luck to you come back in a month and let us know how it turned out.


In ground.

And thanks for the feedback everyone. Probably wishful thinking on my part that I could have it harvested in a week. I knew it was a stretch.
ok, in the ground thanks..
i’d research leaf septoria marijuana.. scroll images..
what’s the ground like? clay?


The ground is clay about a foot down but I put a bunch of garden soil, chicken manure and earthworm castings over it, tilled up good etc.

Yes I believe that’s septoria but from what I’ve read it won’t affect the flowers much, esp with only 2-4 weeks to go.


The ground is clay about a foot down but I put a bunch of garden soil, chicken manure and earthworm castings over it, tilled up good etc.

Yes I believe that’s septoria but from what I’ve read it won’t affect the flowers much, esp with only 2-4 weeks to go.

When I first watched the video I thought it was a bug but septoria tracks too.

I would start removing those leafs it’s better to push energy to the buds and healthy leafs than it sending nutrients and energy to those damaged/infected parts. Imo


The ground is clay about a foot down but I put a bunch of garden soil, chicken manure and earthworm castings over it, tilled up good etc.

Yes I believe that’s septoria but from what I’ve read it won’t affect the flowers much, esp with only 2-4 weeks to go.
Leaf Septoria will spread through the leaves of your plant, each Spot becomes a spore launch location. The damaged leaves diminish photosynthesis and turn into soggy mold breeding sites if not removed. This includes the sugar leaves on your buds.

While it “doesn’t affect flowers”, flowers are in part made of, and dependent on leaves.

It’s true I can’t defeat Septoria, but by managing and delaying it’s onset, I give my plants the best chance they can, so that the buds are ripe before all the leaves have been infected and removed.

It’s a war of attrition, infection vs defoliation.

I spray with organic neem weekly up until T minus three weeks to keep Septoria manageable.


Also, the spores overwinter in the soil and dead plant matter in the immediate area and can be activated by moisture. To decrease spore dispersal I cover all exposed soil with straw mulch a couple inches deep. Then when it rains, dirty water and soil and spores don’t get splashed on my leaves.

Septoria is a big problem for me so I have a lot of focus on it.

Photos of mulch because photos.
33D81FC4 D418 4147 9880 7D7203BEA0C1

68C81E65 91F4 49B3 97F5 4FE5B275BBB7

Photos taken early summer maybe June.


Invest in a jewelry loupe or magnifying camera so you can check on those trichomes once the hairs start turning from white to brown/red.

Also you should clean up that dead foliage in the back you don’t want that falling on your buds especially at this point. Even a little sliver of that dead foliage stuck to a bud can be bad.

Yup I have a loupe. Checking trichomes.

The foliage growing all around provides great cover and privacy from potential peeping neighbors and is a combination of honeysuckle, tall weeds, and vines. It’s close to the plant but not exactly invading it either. I’ve made sure that there is at least 2 to 3 feet of space between that stuff and the plant. What specifically are you saying when you say it would be bad if it touched a bud? Potential for fungus? Pathway for bugs? Anyway as said the foliage isn’t touching the plant. 👍🏼


Yup I have a loupe. Checking trichomes.

The foliage growing all around provides great cover and privacy from potential peeping neighbors and is a combination of honeysuckle, tall weeds, and vines. It’s close to the plant but not exactly invading it either. I’ve made sure that there is at least 2 to 3 feet of space between that stuff and the plant. What specifically are you saying when you say it would be bad if it touched a bud? Potential for fungus? Pathway for bugs? Anyway as said the foliage isn’t touching the plant. 👍🏼
no he was saying about the septoria spores..
re read his replies


Damned spores. I guess indoor grow rooms/setups DO have certain advantages but glad my amateur outdoor effort has done this well. Neem treatment starts today.
not sure if neem is a good choice?
did a grower here recommend it?


So do you guys think I should remove ALL currently spotted leaves (and treat those healthy ones left with Neem until harvest)?


So do you guys think I should remove ALL currently spotted leaves (and treat those healthy ones left with Neem until harvest)?
I would remove all the spotted leaves and take them far away from the plants.

I use neem, and have good results, but I don’t spray the buds much, mostly the tops of the leaves. It’s more effective as a preventative earlier. Make sure to read the directions. Good “real” neem requires emulsification and dilution.

What works for my garden might be a disaster in yours, I cannot say.

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