KOS seeds five word thread

  • Thread starter FuriousStyles
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This is called Katanga Sativa ( Cindy Congo x Cherry Malawi ). I am about 2-3 weeks from finish and it has been seeded to take it to f2 and open up the gene pool on the Malawi side.

As a disclaimer, I have not sampled this strain yet. I have grown out Cindy Congo f2 (and f3'd it) and it was really nice cannabis, great effect and vigor, no complaints, none. It was more head stash than something the market wants, true connoisseurs will really appreciate the hashy taste with the sweet undertones, while others would dismiss it because it didn't taste like some kind of fruit. One thing neither group could deny is the effects would over ride whatever else you had been smoking. Definitely high not stoned, though over indulgence would take you to a nap from brain overload to reset. Cindy Congo is something you break out to impress or when you want something special to enjoy. All that to say, I got high hopes (pardon the pun) for this combination and I think it is worth taking the time and space and furthering the work by f2'ing.

Having grown the Cindy Congo before it was easy to see it in the Katanga with the wider leaves, pale appearance, and leafy structure. Not really what I was after since I have Cindy Congo already. I did however pollinate a Cindy Congo leaner. What I was after was the Cherry Malawi genes and I think this one fits the bill. I will have 3 different lines to pursue of the f2's, but this one will be the first seeds tested. It was the last to flower and the least receptive to the pollen. It does appear however that it will be first to finish, which would be a bonus, but I will have to wait to see. Sorry about the lighting and the yellow appearance.

Kos seeds five word thread

Kos seeds five word thread 2

Kos seeds five word thread 3

First time growing this strain I had some serious K issues going on that I misdiagnosed but luckily caught in time. I can not completely fix it, but I can make it to the finish. I am sure this plant at some point in its genetic history has dealt with it before so I am not that concerned. I also overwatered it, easily corrected next run. You can also see in the first picture the Cindy Congo leaner behind the plant with its wider leaves.


Well this one finally finished, and dried. This is some quality cannabis boys. The high, and I do mean high, is next level. My experience so far has been real creeper herb. Like you know you're high after smoking a doob, then 15-20 mins later, after you get caught up in whatever task you are doing, you realize, damn I am really high. No fog at all, none. Smoke a doob 3-4 hrs later, you are right back up there. This is clear focus not jumping around as something catches your eye. Like I said this is quality cannabis boys.

Its really hard for me to pin down smells and tastes. To me it's like potpourri, florally and spicy, and hints of other things as well, not quite fruity, not quite sweet, just something else. Taste is similar. This was first grow of it and now that I know what it wants I can do better next time I drop some seeds. Could change everything drastically. So I will wait before I say its this or that. I will say no one has found it to be unpleasant or something they would not want to smoke again. Did I mention how good the high is?

That's a bud from plant above. Could have trimmed better, but its my medicinal herb. I do not sell anything, so I trim enough to lose the harsh not flavor. Not TOO shabby for seeded bud with grower nutrient error. I got my notes, so next run will be better, when I get back to it. Still have some original F1 seeds and 3 lines of F2 to play with. The long flower time is only thing holding me back first pictures in thread were from Dec.4 at 10 weeks. I pulled it down Christmas Day. Everything has been deseeded and stored, with a jar of the tops and shoulders off each plant for me. This run was for seeds not bud, but I do want to cure and sample again to observe any changes. I don't mind picking out a few beans.


Reveg is a success. I really like this pheno. The other ones out the pack were hazey in smell and flavor. This one thogh smells and tastes liked cooked pineapple. Like if you put pineapple on a ham and baked it in the oven. Not alot of the fresh cut pineapple citrus, more of a muted pineapple sweetness. Its been in the jar over a month and still smells and tastes the same. Delicious.
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