MPB Outline, are all my I's dotted and T's crossed?

  • Thread starter Inuit
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Hey all,

Planning on doing a 5 plant, 4 1k MPB, with supplemental 600's in each corner, so total 6400w. Could do 4 plants 5 lights and be at 7400w.

The room is 12x12. Will be DD with slight mods like cheaper fittings that the $20 per fittings, and possibly some of those net bottom, solid sidewall pots so I don't have to drill lol.

I have a 18k btu AC, I figure this will suffice for the 6400w, but not the 7400w, whats your opinion?

Plan on using 27g casa de pot tubs.

Also, I can get a 1/4hp chiller used for cheap. Is that enough for 4/5 plants?

I saw Mr. Dizzle said he thought his yield would have went way up if he had used corner sixers.....

Will use of other type of airstones mess the system up?

I know DD advocates large cubes, the 6" for better yields. The plants I am considering using are in 16oz cups of coco, but have a nice readily developed structure and have been cut back a couple times. DD if you read this, will this smaller rootzone in coco limit my yield like the 4" cubes will??

I am plan on using CO2, as I have all the equipment as well.

Will a 70g res be enough? How about a 50g res?

Also, what kinda bulbs does DD run? I've read the thread s but I am just so ungodly busy right now I don't have time to comb them for all the info.

OK, I think thats it for now.




So far sounds good.
What's your planned layout?
I think your chiller might be ok, though might be cutting it a little close. Might want to wrap your tubs & rez with foil barrier.

Any a/c?

As far as your coco, will probably just need to veg a little longer than DD does & keep the lights up high. How much light are they under now?

Good luck!



Thanks for the input. They are under t-5 fl now, but are happy and will get moved up to sixers and replanted in hydroton to grow for the next week or so.

There will be an 18k btu AC dedicated.



how many t5 watts? If it's a big jump from the t5's to the hps, definitely make sure you hang those hps high and maybe only run a couple of them for the first day or two, slowing adding a light every couple of days. Continue vegging a week or two after all the lights are on, making sure you have some nice roots hitting the water, then it's off to the races!!!


There are 4, 4ft t-5 bulbs. The plants are pretty large for the 16oz cup they are in.

They will be lit from above 1-2 weeks until the system is built.




Hey Inuit, good to see ya back.

Are you air cooling your lights? If not, you might run into cooling issues with the 18k a/c and bare bulbs. If they're aircooled, you might be fine if you've got nice cold air going through the tubes. Alaska, right? I think cold when I think Alaska lol.

It will also be really tight trying to squeeze four extra 600s in the corners. Guess it all depends on how big you want your girls to end up. I'm setting my room up for 5 girls/4k in a 9.5'x12' room. I only have space to cram in two more 600s in the corners but i'm gonna wait on that. Besides, i'm not sure if my 18k minisplit can handle the extra light, especially during the Summer.

I'm pretty sure DD uses Hortilux HPS bulbs. He doesn't even bother with MH bulbs in flower. Doesn't believe they are worth the additional heat.

1/4 hp chiller may work but only one way to find out! Get a bigger one if you can, bro. Bigger the better in this case.

I use a 70 gallon res for my girls but i'm gonna end up having about 100 gallons in the whole system including the tubs. You'll probably end up with more than that since the Depot tubs are bigger than the ones I use. Go with the 70 for more flexibility, but i'm sure you can make the 50 work for you.

Nothing special with the airstones as long as they work and don't clog up on you. I've read smaller bubbles are more effective than the larger ones.

I use coco pots to start my girls. Dizzle also uses coco pots (liners) You could maybe transplant into a bigger coco pot before the final transplant into the mpbs. I'm going on DD's theory of bigger being better and adapting it to the coco pots. I'm currently using 6" coco pots (really small) and gonna try 8" ones next time.

Hope that helps!


Hey Easy,

Thanks for addressing my contention points of the chiller and AC.

I think the only way to find out for sure will be to hand all the lights and turn them on for a day, and see if the AC can handle it.

Although the handle is Alaska, I'm far from it, and it gets pretty hot here in later summer.....if all goes well, AC's would be replaced after the first cycle...



Don't forget to harden your plants before putting them in to the system. The final 2 weeks before putting into it, bring those t5's down low (maybe drop a little everyday until about 6-12 inches away). That should help get them ready & hopefully avoid lumen shock. Just be careful and don't get too close & cook them!


Lolipop Genetics
hey inuit, i am def in for this one..with what tykaycha is saying about lumen shock is def something u want to watch..esp with the t5s..i use em and they always sit almost touching the plant..but i you will def have to go super easy with the hps on the switch..even with the plants touching the t5 i don't think that alone will prepare them..but like ty said, run only a couple lights high slowly adding the others and lowering the lights...good luck bro,look forward to some pics of the system..Burn


I must've got distracted earlier, as I meant to say, I plant to let them sit under 600 for a week or two until the space is finished, and possibly bump up to 1k for the second week.

Be safe



Hi inuit

I beleive your a/c is to small and so is the chiller. A minimum of 1/2 hp is recomended and i would double the a/c. 12000 btu/1 ton of a/c is good for 3 x 1000 watt lights all the time except for the hot summer heat, esp if your garden is above ground.


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