MPB scrog multi strain madness

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I've been watching these threads and learning much. Thanks for the great info DD, Lost, Mr Dizzle, etc.

I typically use an aeroflo setup, so I've been a fan of the vigor of aero plants. I wanted to try my hand at the MPB's, they look like a great idea.

What I've assembled is a 24 plant setup that i plan on creating scrog multi strain madness with running 4000 watts of light in cool sun and yield master hoods. (I know, its not vertical lighting or quite 10K watts, but I'm not that cool yet ;) )

I use the same tubs that most others use, the ones you can get at Home Depot. The grommets that I use are from General Hydroponics. The air pump I am using is a HiBlow HP200 which will be powering 48 airstones in this room and some more in another. The 12 way splitters are from General Hydroponics as well.

I'll be lifting the setup off the ground and putting the buckets on top of tubs. I'll get pics of the reservoir and pump setup once I do that, as well as some other pics of the lights, bucket lids etc.
Mpb scrog multi strain madness
Mpb scrog multi strain madness 2
Mpb scrog multi strain madness 3
Mpb scrog multi strain madness 4


Also, note that the buckets in the pics are in the process of being filled and will have more water when they're full. I was just testing the air pump for the first time with a bit of water.


Hey, this looks great! Im pulling up a chair for this one :)

Love your setup! That the 1 1/4 grommets with the 1 1/4 od 1 in id spa tubing right? Very nice setup !!!

We need like a MPB badge or sig image for the MPB club...



nice setup my dude! im sure your gonna have a great run :)


Yep, those are the 1 1/4" grommets indeed.
That spa tubing is nice since it flexes quite well.

Thanks for the interest guys. I hope to get things transplanted tomorrow.



Here are some updated pics.
We got it lifted off of the floor on top of the same tub, flipped over. We used the 4 inch PVC pipe to drain into another reservoir tub where it is pumped back into the plant tubs with a TNC General Hydroponics water pump which pumps at 1250 gph.

For the water inputs, we used 1" ID rubber grommets - also used on an Aeroflo from Gen Hydro. 1" OD black vinyl hose fits very snugly into the grommets and I have yet to see any issue with leakage. These things have stood full for over a week with no leakage, so I'm thinking they should hold up alright.

One major difference in the tubs that I made and the ones that I have seen commonly is that I used 5 inch net pots versus the 3 gallon buckets or larger pots. Keep in mind that I'll be installing a grid that will be supporting the plants, so I won't be relying on the roots for support. I'm thinking that exposing a larger amount of the root mass to the frothness rather than being tied up in hydroton should be a good thing. We'll see what happens ;)

Each set of 6 tubs is separate for now. In the near future, I hope to get a larger reservoir and to add a water chiller - which I'm sure I'll need. The air pump is running a bit warm from the friction of air flow, I'm using a Hiblow HP200 so I can't be surprised if it becomes an issue. So far it is only adding about 3 deg C to the water temp and I will be running it to 48 more stones within a few days so that may help alleviate some back pressure.

I think that the light is having a larger effect on the tub temps than the air could be though.

- water temp with the air pump and without A/C, under full light is 29 deg C.
- water temp with the air pump on the non lit half of the room is 22 deg C.
- water temp at standing room temp is 19.2 deg C.

I'm thinking that once I cover the tubs with panda tomorrow that the tubs should cool off a bit. Also, the A/C will definitely lower the temp and that in turn should help.

Over night after transplant, there was some nice new root growth as shown in the pics. Pretty happy to see.

Tomorrow, I'll get the other side transplanted.
I'm also putting in the Sentinel CHHC-1 so that I can start the CO2 going.

In the next few days I'm gonna also finish the ventilation setup. I'm running an isolated duct system for cooling the lights. The room is going to be a sealed room with a window unit A/C with it's hot little rear end in an adjacent room that the hoods are also vented to. I'm hoping to seal up this adjacent room as well and add some sort of cool air intake. What I'm thinking is that if I put at least a 400 Cfm fan with a carbon filter as the output that I can dispose of the warm air accumulated from the A/C and the lights while filtering out any smell that might have leaked in. Hopefully the air in this room shouldn't be too stinky, that is if I sealed the flowering room well enough....

The battle against the stank is always a fun one. We caulked every damn crack in the room and panda'ed the room from ceiling to floor and double taped the seams so I don't know what more I could do.

The strains that will be going into this:
Blue Cheese
White Widow
Whitey Almighty (God x White Widow)
Rock Lock
OG 18
Lemon Haze

Should be a total f@ckin awesome mess!
I'm sure when they start finishing at different times it'll be a pain in the ass, but I'll work it out. This is my first grow with almost all of these strains, some were generously gifted by a wonderful man who loves ugly sweaters. So - I'm getting acquainted with the tendencies of each strain and having a little fun sowing chaos. I'll be putting up a strong grid real soon, gonna tie these ladies this way and that as I veg them out for a bit. I'm hoping that it gets real real tough to move around in there.

For nutes, I'm using Botanicare Grow/Bloom, Liquid Karma, Cal Mag, Bcuzz Grow/Bloom. Nothing too fancy. Currently running at a fairly modest TDS of 775 ppm and pH is pretty stable at 5.9 - I'll see how they act in the next few days before I consider bumping it up.


lookin dam good bro nice and neat! youll have trees in there in no time!


Noticed the 4" has been reduced at the end...Your not worried about overflow of the 4"....i assume you have run the system without the plants...



Yeah, it won't overflow. Thanks for the input though. The ends of the down tubes into the 4 inch are also grommeted. We ran it without the rez, directly recirculating from the 4 inch pipe. This required that the 4 inch pipe stay totally full of water. No leaks, although the flow wasn't good or consistent for the pump, as well as some other circulation issues ;)


Looking good only thing I can suggest is get a chiller asap.....there expensive but way cheaper than losing your whole crop. I saw youu ran aeroflos (me too) you never had to run a chiller? I lost my whole crop because I tried the whole no chiller technique....expensive lesson for me IMO.


Yeah, never used a chiller on an aeroflo and never had any problems that I know of due to the heat. But, I never really ran more than 2 x 1000's over it.
Thanks for the heads up though, I'm keeping a strong watch on the temps. I'm planning on getting one this week, not sure exactly how I'll incorporate it though. Def don't want to lose my plants!

What was the actual cause of the crop death? Was it some kind of root rot?


Chillin' in the Shade...
Awesome spin on the MPB setup nucleotide! :icon_spin:


Thanks Shady :joint:

I finally got the other side planted tonight.
I added Grape Ape, Sour Diesel and Matanuska Mist to the madness.

So this brings the total strain count to 13, haha! :party0042:


Cool setup, bro. Can't wait to see it in full swing.

Looking forward to seeing the Matanuska Mist...i'm running the Matanuska Tundra. How's the smoke on the Mist?


Thanks for dropping by EasyPleasie.

I've never tried the matanuska mist myself. This is my first run with it.
I smoked Matanuska Tundra years ago and loved it and I was looking to get something off of the beaten path, so I grabbed some beans.

I started it from seeds from Sagarmatha and I got a few females out of the lot of seeds. Interested to see what they produce, gonna flower these through to see what they're made of.


Really liking the multi strain run. Seems like an ideal way to flower out a bunch of different strains to find keepers. Will be extremely challenging, though. I might follow your lead and do something similar so I can find moms. It's gonna take me forever to go through all my beans flowering just 5 girls at a time. Man, i'm seriously thinking about doing this now while I still have the opportunity.

Glad you started the thread!


Haven't had much time to update this but I finally got things going well with this system.

Unfortunately I had to pull the whole last crop due to root rot. I was able to get a good batch of clones off of what was there, so it wasn't a complete loss.

We got the chiller onto the system but the res temp had already jumped up too high and the rot set in so we pulled everything. Lesson learned, much time wasted!

To clean the system we:
> filled it and ran the system through with Physan 20 at 2mL per gallon for 24 hours.
> Drained it, scrubbed the crap out of it with oxy clean. > Rinsed it, refilled it, replaced all the airlines and air stones with 4" cylinder air stones.

When replanting we added Humboldt Roots to the nutes which we also used on the cuttings this time. The root growth is explosive with this stuff! I'm not sure if anyone has done a side by side with Roots and H&G Roots Excelurator? I was told they are roughly equivalent and my local store doesn't stock H&G. Either way I think this potion has shown me enough in my clones to be a believer.

Got the chiller set to 66, which ends up giving me temps that stay between 68 and 70 degrees. Getting some nice root growth at 2 weeks.

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