My new Fallponic system, 4x4, 4 plant scrog

  • Thread starter ninjadip
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Hey Everyone!!!! I'm finally ready after two months of down time. Here it all it is though!!
4'x4' setup

Water system-
We have 13 gal buckets connected with 2" flex PVC back to a res that might hold 40-50 gallons atm, but it's a bit high atm as we have baby plants going in that require high water levels until the roots come down.
The res has DCP-6500 DC Sine wave Jebao pump hooked up to a venturi manifold. The venturis are greatly silenced with some air compressor intake silencer/filters i put on the ends. There are no air pumps atm, no air stones, will see how it goes, but currently the water looks plenty oxygenated everywhere.

At the end of the venturi oxygenated output is the intake for the return pump, Danner MagPro 700 gph. This oxygenated water is returned to drop on the top of each bucket. The loss in water from the system will cause the water to return to the res via the 2" pvc to keep itself equal. This is the fallponics.

There is a pH controller connected to some phDown to keep it all in check.

I have four strains running, they will all go in a scrog to be quartered out in their own 2'x2' square. Each quarter of the tent has the equivalent of 100watts at full power(before bloom boosters). There will be two 100 watt generic lights vs. @SpiderFarmerLED free contest light, the SF-2000

I'm hoping this grow will convince me at the end to upgrade the other half with another SF-2000. Thank you @SpiderFarmerLED for the light!!!!

There are 2 4" intake 190CFM fans, one 8" exhaust fan on a controller that ports outside. Inside the tent there are two pole fans but no strippers.

Keepeing it real simple this time. I switched to the 3 part General Hydroponic lineup. Only using that, some TPS Gold Silica, and hydrogen peroxide. The H202 is very mild, and setup on a very small autodoser, therefore never having a high concentration all at once. I am sure live is better, but please debate calmly if you chose to do so. I really just want to try it and see what happens this way, for my own learning, living experience. It's interesting, because my other two systems are live(used Orca) and they are doing awesome right now.


Peanut Butter Cookies from Taste Budz
Acapulco Gold from 13th Axis via @PerfecTrader *(can't find a link atm)
Alien Dragon bx1 from 7eastgenetics(refs) via @PerfecTrader
(these are two reg that running in one bucket in hopes that one will be female and i'll chop the other one) It's beautiful looking, so i figured i'd see what happens.
Bruce Banner from Northatlanticseed's white label collection

These will perk up soon, it's their first day out and about
My new fallponic system 4x4 4 plant scrog

My new fallponic system 4x4 4 plant scrog 6

@SpiderFarmerLED free contest light on the left!! Thanks again! This will be the first full run using this. On the right are two cheap Amazon lights I coupled together to offer a similar coverage. The bars hanging are bloom boosters that will remain off for the time being.
My new fallponic system 4x4 4 plant scrog 5

water temp is a little high, but will see where it settles in another day or two.
My new fallponic system 4x4 4 plant scrog 2

you remember bubbles? he's back
My new fallponic system 4x4 4 plant scrog 3

I've been making some infused lollipops in the meantime, that has been going really well. below we have from left to right, banna cream, mystery punch, apple, strawberry kiwi. def getting better every batch. will post some of my process on some candy makings of this and vegan gummy nerd ropes soon.
My new fallponic system 4x4 4 plant scrog 4


Current DLI for 18 hours is 15. it's their first day so i know they like to start off slow. is that a good DLI to start? they are coming from around 8 DLI out of the cloner.

what should i raise this to over the next week? feel like it's been so long since the last run i've forgot everything lol
I know i must be patient, but want to be prepared as well.


Hot damn Ninja nice work man. Those suckers look legit af and I sure would like the recipe down the line once have something to work with.

Grows off to a great start. Which one is the AG in the pics? Small breeder named 13th Axis out of Havasu City in AZ. This pic HERE is exactly where/who she came from and what I think you can expect. Will be nice to see what you do with her.
Aww man if you get a female AD that is going to be the nutz. I will wish the best juju for you that they both are and you can cherry pick.
Followin along from here my man. Keep it up and keep easy


Hot damn Ninja nice work man. Those suckers look legit af and I sure would like the recipe down the line once have something to work with.

Grows off to a great start. Which one is the AG in the pics? Small breeder named 13th Axis out of Havasu City in AZ. This pic HERE is exactly where/who she came from and what I think you can expect. Will be nice to see what you do with her.
Aww man if you get a female AD that is going to be the nutz. I will wish the best juju for you that they both are and you can cherry pick.
Followin along from here my man. Keep it up and keep easy
Thanks bro! Been kinda down lately with all this new setup stuff. Then I had a leak in the cloner on top of it all. I was super stressed, ready to sell it all and start another hobby lol. I may be stubborn, but I'm also persistent.

Cloner turned out to be an easy $5 fix. I had drips from the lid and some of window insulation stuff fixed it right up. Easier to show than explain. But that's been going well now.

Acp gold is in red. That would be awesome if both dragons were females, but I'm really hoping that big one is female, as I lost the mom to the other one and would have to clone one off the grow if she turns out to be a girl.

Yeah those pops are good, you know I should send you some!! The last batch of banana cream turned out amazing.
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Getting the next set of moms ready.
Cloning business is doing as good as can be I imagine, once I get a bunch of viable clones they are gone, the cloner can hold 36 cuts I think. Really pays for the cost of seeds and then some.

Got rid of all the old moms except for one alien dragon that I'm hoping is female. I have a clone of this going in the tent and will find out soon enough. Put seeds in water and a splash of h202.
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3 issues, 2 are major

One day, I'll have everything I need for this growing, or maybe it's some kind of list that never ends... Lol

This might be my first time in veg during this season of the year, because I got some serious RH issues..
RH has been in the 30s...šŸ˜¬
New humidifier should be here any day... Going to hook that up to the controller in the tent.

Second issue, water temp. The res is at 78f... I have a 1/10 hp chiller coming, and worried it won't be enough. A 1/4hp chiller is just super expensive. Praying the one coming will be enough. I didn't do the btu calculations to make sure.

Third issue, dumb oversight on my end... I am going to change the supply line to the inline recirculating pump from 1/2" to 1". This should increase the pump flow rate significantly as I hear it slurping more water than the 1/2" tube can provide.

These three issues should be resolved in under a week, the plants aren't super happy with the vpd, but no big signs of stress yet. New root growth coming through net pots, so all is well atm. No funny smells from res despite being so warm.


Issues resolved, almost.

Upgraded the supply line to the recirculating pump from 1/2" to 1". No more audible gurgling for water from the inline pump. I was able to do this install without draining because I installed a ball valve on the bulkhead.

Chiller now set to 69-71 , really impressed with it. Sometimes off for up to an hour before needing to come back on. With air temp of 80, I'm really happy with the efficiency of the chiller. It was a generic one on eBay for $200 but looks like an exact copy of a name brand one for $400.

The humidifier is a piece of junk, I'm trying to fix the design flaw myself, other wise I'm going to return it. If anyone has any recommendations on a manual humidifier let me know. Needs to have a mechanical knob so I can use it on a controller.

Here is a really cool video of the natural eddies occurring in the res. Really bad ass and worth a watch till the end of 7 seconds šŸ˜† really shows the water movement
PXL 20230312 161848396
PXL 20230312 161919237


Apparently the struggle to find a reliable humidifier is real..
Finally found one that is still going strong after one day.
Levoit classic 300 I think it's called
Finally got the RH up... Will get the vpd more dialed in over the next week, but it's a huge improvement over 21 rh in early veg/transfer stage. The top numbers are from the sensor in the tent.
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20230317 164425 COLLAGE


@PerfecTrader I think I have an alien dragon female!!! Or it looks like it to me at least, showing signs early.

Anyone correct me if I'm wrong
PXL 20230319 1350318082

Just did my first Neem application as well. My strategy is a preemptive one, spray before signs in veg to offer a layer of protection throughout flower.
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@PerfecTrader I think I have an alien dragon female!!! Or it looks like it to me at least, showing signs early.

Anyone correct me if I'm wrong

Just did my first Neem application as well. My strategy is a preemptive one, spray before signs in veg to offer a layer of protection throughout flower.
Duuuuuuuuude šŸ˜® that is fkin awesome. That is great juju man and I'm not surprised šŸ¤—
I think that girl is going to be a show stopper. You HAVE to clone her if can. She is an Alien Zour Apple šŸŽ x Panama DragonšŸ‰and if that doesn't sound sick af I don't know what does. I am so stoked for you brotha


Alright ... So I've jumped ship in the most meaningful way in the hydro world.
I'm back on to live, been colonizing the past few days with some heavy doses of Orca and southern AG GFF.

I have a sponge filter and various porous rocks to offer a bed for the bacteria.

This is the variety of rocks I got, the carbon is separate and easy to omit.
Screenshot 20230321 195914


Issues resolved, almost.

Upgraded the supply line to the recirculating pump from 1/2" to 1". No more audible gurgling for water from the inline pump. I was able to do this install without draining because I installed a ball valve on the bulkhead.

Chiller now set to 69-71 , really impressed with it. Sometimes off for up to an hour before needing to come back on. With air temp of 80, I'm really happy with the efficiency of the chiller. It was a generic one on eBay for $200 but looks like an exact copy of a name brand one for $400.

The humidifier is a piece of junk, I'm trying to fix the design flaw myself, other wise I'm going to return it. If anyone has any recommendations on a manual humidifier let me know. Needs to have a mechanical knob so I can use it on a controller.

Here is a really cool video of the natural eddies occurring in the res. Really bad ass and worth a watch till the end of 7 seconds šŸ˜† really shows the water movement
View attachment 1339746
+1 point for installing a valve šŸ˜šŸ«”šŸ«”


Visual update, pulled the second alien as it looked it was a male and i already have a great female there. Wanted to get it out now while it's small and easy to work roots out.

Clockwise starting From top left
Bruce banner,
Acapulco Gold, top right
Allen dragon bx1, bottom right
Peanut butter cookies, bottom left
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The reason I'm so excited about the alien dragon everyone is because her breeder pictures show her as a real looker
I'd be more excited of the breeder themselves. That AG you are running was bred by 13th Axis who swears by @7eastgenetics and turned me on to them.
Really stoked to see what becomes of her and the rest of your crew there.
Hah in other news, I was unfortunately right and the Coast of Maine Seed Starter soil getting delayed twice through Amazon, has cost me a bit. The only seedling that got planted in that soil was your Black Domina. 9 other beans got 50/50 SoHum living soil/ soil from past grows. The Black Domina was planted like 3+ days after the others yet is doing better than the rest. The only reason I couldn't wait for the seedlings Starter soil for all beans was I sprouted them and the tap roots were getting to be 1"ish and the soil wasn't here yet. Panicked, said yolo, and tried to get SoHum soil "hotness" down by using half that half old soil šŸ˜ 
Oh well, live and learn. They all seem fine except the GG4 has nute burn on 1st leaf after city's. Lights on shortly so will snap pic for reference. Tomorrow they will be 14d old
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