Old Seed Stock René/ Renee, Looking For Strain Info

  • Thread starter Redneckg33k
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Recently aquired 300 seeds from a local grower dead almost 3 years, RIP, the seeds all sorted and labeled Renee, I have done a bit of searching and supposedly it is a skunk#1 x Himalayan indica female, 80 to 85% sativa, I knew the man but never got to see or try his product, looking to see if anyone has some first hand info, I like to try to know what I grow, had a 9/10 germination rate, surprisingly vigorous for 3 to 5 year old seed


From what i remember that strain was named after Rene Boje a very cool woman who had to leave the us and seek refuge in British Colombia. I have heard from multiple sources that it's a top notch indica strain, you should definitely pop a few to see what's inside!


Have eight going atm, I have a favorite already by the hair on the sprout leaves #2 then #3 seem to be the ones so far, very low stretch on both compared to #1 and #4, slightly slower growth on #2, 3 tho, I have 4 others going that are going to a buddy, I have not labeled his in any way, that's his job lol


Well here is the thing I live about 40 min from Canada, the seeds are seeds that the guy made here, other then that I know nothing about them other then what they where labeled


Hard to say anything for sure about them unless you have something to compare them to like the original Renee. I would grow them out take careful notes regarding phyllotaxy, terpene profile, vigor, colour, stem characteristics etc... Then you will want to incross, open pollinate them. Take the seeds from the second generation which you could call F2's assuming only the seeds were F1's if the Characteristics from the original plants your growing now do not differ in there Phenotypical expression.

If your first incross or your assumed "F2's" grow out to express themselves like your original "assumed" F1's this is good, this is where your attention to detail while note taking comes into play. If the F2's grow homogenously you may have a stable strain / an IBL / or a Landrace. If you have obvious glaring in congruencies it will be obvious that it was a hybrid and could still have great value but will need working. The nutes, environmental factors should all remain identical every grow.

Good luck with your potential Bean Treasure :)


Thanks for the awesome info canalchemist, my one question is should I not let my first crop run and only selectivity seed branches on each plant so I can more or less see how the plant expresses itself as a sensimilia harvest? Using only the strongest plants instead of open pollination? I have two other strains currently going that will be flowered with my 4 René, one is my strain Uno, normally my outdoor strain three years in the making, but wanted to try it inside this winter, the other is a bag seed that was from grape stomper, I guess I'm just asking for more of your wisdom canalchemist :)

And thanks to you guys that have helped me out with this so far


Yes indeed, you can do that, if the genes have been "stabilized" some people don't like that term, the result should be the same, you should have relative uniformity. The caveat being I am not sure how age effects the seeds vigor. There are many ways you could go about this.

If we are only looking for the signs of a Homozygous gene pool you will want to run a couple generations at the very least.

If you just want to have some really good bud, You could take clones, let the originals grow out see which ones are the most desirable, choose your candidates reverse the females and pollinate each candidate with it's own pollen.

The issue with my original statement is if they are not homozygous you will have gone down the genetic rabbit hole another generation, which means you are getting further away from where Renee originally was. It all depends on how you want to go about it, if you are more concerned with good bud, do what you mentioned, if you are concerned with preservation it will take patients and perseverance and a bit more research to find out the lineage etc.

Either way it is a very worthy journey and one that will teach you a lot.

Hope all works out for you Brother :)


You need to right a book brother
For right this moment in time I think I want to focus more on awesome bud, outdoor I'm very secluded as far as stray pollen so I think out door will be the test round for open pollination, depending on how homogeneous the indoor turns out, great info man, I appreciate you taking the time out of your day to lend a hand


Hey there Redneck :) I would like to think I have earned the merit to write a book, but the truth is I owe most of my technical knowledge on the subject to Robert Connell Clarke and his book:

Marijuana Botany: An Advanced Study: The Propagation and Breeding of Distinctive Cannabis


This is an inexpensive book that will be essential for the amateur breeder. I have read it a few times. If you want to consume a few years of your life breeding properly this would be a good start.

For the feminizing of your best female progeny you will need a solution to reverse the plant. This can be done with pure silver electrodes in a process refereed to electrolysis. Where by the silver is stripped by electrical current into water at a specific PPM.

You can also use silver Nitrate in Water, there is something called Sodium thiosulfate that can also be made and used to perform the same function.

I am always willing to help a worthy cause, I am not on THCF a lot but I will help where I can.

Enjoy the journey Brother
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