Phosphoload, Gravity, Bushmaster, Topload, and Flower Dragon are TOXIC!

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Show me a study that says prganic crops are more nutritious. Please id lobe to see it cus i habe looked and havent seen anything even close. Ur wrong plain and simple


I am not trying to beef with u jus wanna get to the bottom of it. Alot of people here use synthetic and for u to go around jus making up ur own facts isnt cool. Somebody has to fact check these forums seems nobody cares but me ablut people saying dumb shit that isnt prooven. And @1diesel1 whyd u pop im to stir up some shit. Ur trash and u know it
Your special, but you just can’t spell. Bongstar really got your goat. Why can’t you just get a long with folks?
I still think your cute. I didn’t even half to spell that, I just used spell check. Haha, back to the dump for me.


ok here is your answer . for starters most synthetic fertilizers have many toxic heavy metals in them. This is common knowledge and can be found on amy agricultural web site. Second if they were reagent grade or 99 % pure they might not have toxins. But the synthetic stuff that most people buy is far from reagent grade. Its usually bottom barrel stuff sold with a fancy sticker. And these fert companys arent requierd to tell you the entire make up of the formula or the toxic metals content, they just put the NPK level and most people asume that that is all that is present in the bottle. Again its common knowled that many synthetic ferts contain toxic metals. Just do a little reaserch. The presence of heavy metals in inorganic fertilizers is well established. Analytical testing of a wide range of fertilizer products shows that many phosphate and micronutrient fertilizers, and liming materials contain elevated levels arsenic, cadmium, and lead and many more unlisted fun posions. If you like i can post some links. I do this cuz i care not because i hate. Honestly please look into this.
Are you saying organic ferts dont contain toxic metals? You also should be saying "some" synthetic ferts "may" contain heavy metals but not all but instead you say all synthetic ferts are poison. Not knocking organic as I use synthetics and organics...


@bongstar whats really good curious ifnu read the articles and wanna know why u think heavy metals are omly in synthetic nutes.
Jack og

Jack og

Stir it up, ‘lil darlin, stir it up:)

Use both, Check the reviews and if possible , lab tests only costs $29:
If one wanted to really test their weed. I do favor organic, but is has its limits and that’s when some salts can be utlilized to complement any feed regiment.
I get that some enjoy full on organic and hey, all good, and some go 50/50 and some 100%. It’s the end result that matters and without lab testing , it’s heresay , that this ,is , better , then, that. (I get all my stuff tested.) end the question as to what I’m intaking ! Cheers all, look we all got passion and with that we all have heavy opinions but remember , we all love , one thing, cannabis and all it’s wonder! So brothers and sisters, puff puff and pass
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thanks to dizzlekush from icmag for the post below

To this day many nutrient manufacturers have not disclosed the active or "secret" ingredients of their questionable products. We are told this is to keep any trade secrets from getting out but its fairly well known that any 'secrets' in this business are old news in the horticulture/agronomy department. People are buying products without any knowledge or concern of what said products contain. I know too many growers that moaned when Phosphoload was banned and when Gravity was taken off the shelves. Whether you use marijuana for recreational or medicinal use, its ridiculous to take a largely harmless plant and spray chemicals on it that are not allowed on food crops that can make your plant harmful if consumed.

Im a bit of a Blackstone libertarian in that i think if you want to hurt yourself, you can go ahead and do it as long as you harm no others. However many of the people buying these products and spraying their plants with these harmful chemicals DO NOT grow for just their own needs. Many provide to dispensaries where their chemical sprayed product is SOLD AS MEDICINE, or to an illicit market where unsuspecting buyers are consuming a product that's more harmful than they've come to know. Marijuana is by astronomical proportions the most consumed somewhat-illicit substance in the world, and that's because its comparatively a harmless substance with many [potential] health benefits. But once you start spraying your cannabis with some of these plant growth regulators/retardants (PGR's) and systemic fungicides and insecticides (but that's a whole separate discussion), you're creating a potentially harmful product and providing it to a large group of consumers/patients who are unwittingly consuming marijuana that's now more harmful to consume than in the history of its existence.

We've all heard that nobody has died from smoking weed. Well, with a new standard of harmful PGR's and systemics sweeping through the growers community, i think that might change soon. there has already been a medical marijuana/AVID related death. Its just a matter of time before peoples health starts getting compromised form the consumption of these mystery PGR products and systemics.

The following attachments were provided to me by G. Low, author of Integral Hydroponics and the co/owner of and, with the expressed permission to post said given attachments. The attachments are lab test results of PGR concentration of different "mystery" growth regulating products like Phosphoload, Gravity, Flower Dragon etc. Thank you G for all your personal endeavors in fighting the good fight against the PGR Peddlers

Lab Testing Results courtesy of
Bushmaster: 271ppm Paclobutrazol
Gravity: 516ppm Paclobutrazol
Flower Dragon: 18,400-18,650ppm Daminozide, 30-46.3ppm Paclobutrazol
Phosphoload: 17,800ppm Daminozide, 20.6ppm Paclobutrazol
TopLoad: 3,467ppm Daminozide



Probably the same reason the feds allow companies to hide banned chemicals in other food additives. MSG is in almost every packaged food in America, but some of those labels say organic because the MSG is in the yeast extract or other additives......crazy is what it is...
Food myth. Msg is bad for you. It is a protein. Msg is food. Research. This myth was started in the eighties.


Gravity does not have pgr's. They changed because of this issue. This company seems legit.


Forgive me for taking a baseball bat to such a dead horse, but aren't ingredients that are known to be harmful required to be listed on the Safety Data Sheet for the product, at least in the US? I know that is the PURPOSE of that documentation, but I guess at the end of the day I may have made a few assumptions. Is it a matter of using chemicals that are relatively less researched and then studies later suggesting that they are harmful after being released onto the market?

TBH I haven't had to worry about it. I have a family friend who has owned a nutrient company since the 80's, so the stuff that I don't make myself I get from him, and I have some strange ideas about what can and can't be used in a recirculating system ;)
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